Chapter 135 The First Emperor is ecstatic!!

Shrinking quietly followed Qin Yu’s side, some doubts appeared on his face.

“Lord of the Palace, is the gap between the worlds really so big?”

Halfway through, Shrink suddenly asked Qin Yu like this.

“Big, very big! The gap between the worlds is far beyond your imagination.

The higher the world level, the more heavenly treasures and treasures in that world, the better the quality, and the stronger the world. ”

After a pause, Qin Yu continued.

“What do you think of the strength of those people who came from the Fighting Spirit Continent this time?”

“Strong, very strong! The strength of those top power bidders far exceeds that of the so-called land gods, and if I am not mistaken, it is very easy to destroy a country with their strength. ”

“Yes, that’s the strength of those who are strong.

Qin Yu said as he walked. ”

“The land gods and immortals of the Kyushu world are just a title, far from touching the law.”

“But on the Douqi Continent, as long as you reach the Dou Sect level, you can contact the Space Law, the Dou Zun level, and you can use the power of space!”

Although the land immortals could also mobilize the power of heaven and earth through the stage of reaching the stage of the unity of heaven and man, it was still one level worse than Dou Zun.

In Qin Yu’s view, the strength of the Land Immortals was estimated to be similar to that of the Dou Sect-level strongman.

If you want to fight against Dou Zun, you are still a little bit worse.

And above Douzun, there are also Dou Sheng, Dou Di.

Such a strength, the land gods and immortals could not match at all.

Qin Yu and Shrink walked as they spoke, and soon came to the store.

At this moment, Qin Shi Huang and the three of them were still standing quietly in the same place, not saying a word.

When they saw Qin Yu coming, the three of them quickly greeted him, and then bowed to Qin Yu.

In unison, he said, “Win Zheng (Yang Guang, Zhu Houzhao), I have seen Lord of the Palace.”

For the attitude of the three people, Qin Yu did not feel strange. ”

But in the eyes of the other Kyushu people, they were very shocked.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who could have imagined that the emperor who dominated the side would have been so respectful to Qin Yu.


Looking at the three people with a respectful face, Qin Yu nodded and calmly accepted.

“I have basically guessed the purpose of your coming this time, because of what happened at this auction.”

Qin Yu had just finished speaking when he heard Qin Shi Huang say impatiently

“Lord of the Temple! This auction was so shocking to us! ”

The forces of the Fourth Order World are too strong for even if we sit on one side and cannot resist it.

“So I waited for the Lord of the Hall to ask the Lord of the Palace, but I wonder if the Lord of the Hall can point out a clear path?”

“I also hope that the lord of the temple will show mercy and point to a clear path.”

When Win Zheng’s voice fell, Zhu Houzhao and Yang Guang also hurriedly worshipped.

Qin Yu did not answer their questions directly, but asked casually.

“What do you mean by yourselves?”

The three of them looked at each other, the three of them had already discussed it preliminarily before coming, and at this moment, hearing the question from the lord of the palace, Win Zheng carefully replied.

“May I ask the Lord of the Palace, can we join forces to participate in the auction when we attend the auction?”

“United, of course, there is no problem, but I think even if you are this”

Combined with the form, it will not play any role at all.

Qin Yu’s words were very impolite, causing the three of them to fall silent for a while.

At this moment, Qin Shi Huang suddenly thought of something.

Because Qin Shi Huang remembered very clearly, he still had a first-order apocalyptic world in his hands.

And he had already begun to send troops to that apocalyptic world.

If this apocalyptic world can be put to use, it will undoubtedly be a great asset.

Moreover, as far as he knew, many of the top jade dynasties and forces in the Kyushu Continent had also purchased the first-order world from the Heavenly Shop for development this month.

Thinking of this, Qin Shi Huang immediately opened his mouth.

“Dare to ask the Lord, if you unify the entire Kyushu world and then develop multiple first-order worlds, will it be possible?”

If that’s the case, then naturally it’s no problem, but Qin Yu doesn’t care who in this world will be the emperor.

So I didn’t even think about it, and I just nodded my head and agreed.

After a pause, Qin Yu continued.

“But I have a better way to do it, I don’t know if you’d like to hear it.”

Qin Yu’s words made the three people shudder, and their faces involuntarily showed a little madness, if Qin Yu could help them find a way, it would naturally be perfect.

Immediately busy said.

“Your Honor, please speak, and I will listen to them later.”

“In fact, the method is also very simple, that is, to upgrade the Kyushu Continent from a third-order world to a fourth-order world.”

“As long as the Kyushu Continent can become a fourth-order world, it will naturally have the opportunity to compete with the Douqi Continent.”

As soon as Qin Yu said this, the eyes of Qin Shi Huang’s three people immediately widened, and a flush of excitement appeared on their faces.

Raising the level of the Kyushu Continent was something they had never thought of in their minds.

Not even the slightest awareness of this.

It’s not that they can’t think of it, but the limitations of their horizons make it impossible for them to think about these things at all.

They are just natives of the Kyushu mainland, where could they think that the world could actually be upgraded?

But when Qin Yu said it, the faces of the three of them gradually changed from shock to ecstasy.

Upgrade! The world can actually be upgraded!

This is really a mountain and a river with no way back, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village.

Originally, I just wanted to get a way out of Qin Yu how to fight against the strong bidding of the Douqi Continent.

But he didn’t expect Qin Yu to actually tell them that the world could be upgraded.

It was a bonus for them.

As long as the Kyushu world can be upgraded to a fourth-order world, then in this world, if they want to break through, it will undoubtedly become much easier.

Not only that, but the products of Kyushu that have been upgraded to a fourth-order world will also become extremely rich.

At that time, if they want to collect the Heavenly Treasures in the Kyushu World, it will become very simple, as long as there are more Heavenly Treasures and Treasures, it will be very easy to exchange value points and discomfort at that time.

And that’s just the superficial benefits.

If you count the benefits that are hidden and unseen, it is even more numerous and cannot be described in words.

At the thought of this, the faces of the three people involuntarily showed some excitement

But Qin Shi Huang wanted to be more stable after all, so after the excitement, he quickly thought of a way to raise the world level.

“Dare to ask the Lord of the Palace, what should I do if I want to upgrade the world?”

As soon as Qin Shi Huang said this, it immediately made both Emperor Ming and Emperor Sui react.

Yes, the world has not yet ascended.

They were happy too soon.

After Qin Yu saw Qin Shi Huang’s reaction, he couldn’t help but nod his head secretly.

“Worthy of being the first emperor of Qin, who is known as the Emperor of the Ages, this calm and sober reality!”

is rare.

Looking at Qin Shi Huang in front of him, Qin Yu said in a relaxed tone.

“The world wants to upgrade to the next level for others is naturally difficult to do, even dare not think.”

But for me, it is not difficult, just need to meet a few conditions to do


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