Chapter 136 The Way of the World’s Advancement!!

“I also ask the Lord of the Hall to teach me.”

After Qin Shi Huang heard Qin Yu’s words, a trace of joy suddenly appeared on their faces, and they once again bowed deeply to Qin Yu.

The attitude is respectful as if you are facing your own parents.

The other people in the shop also gathered around at this time, wanting to hear what happened to Qin Yu

Even Xiao Shi stood up at this time, raising his head and quietly looking at Qin Yu.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Qin Yu looked around and then continued.

“If the low-level world wants to ascend to the high-level world, as long as the aura is abundant, it is enough to sacrifice the Heavenly Dao with spiritual items.”

“The Heavenly Dao of the Little Thousand Worlds can also be called the World Will, and the Xiaogan World’s ascension to the Great Thousand Worlds requires the infusion of a hundred lower planes in addition to the infusion of the Immortal Spirit Qi of a higher level.”

“These planes can be first-order, second-order, or even third-order, and then a dynasty that rules Kyushu will make sacrifices on behalf of Kyushu.”

“But there is a condition, the person who makes the sacrifice must be the strongest in the current world, must reach the limits of what the current world can allow, and must be the emperor of this dynasty.”

“Then sacrifice the Five Elements of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, as long as you can get a response from the Heavenly Dao, then the Kyushu World can be upgraded to the Fourth Order World.”

Qin Yu’s words made everyone fall into contemplation, and even Xiao Shi looked at Qin Yu with big eyes and a confused look.

After all, the method given by Qin Yu had not been heard by anyone present.

Even the little stone from the perfect world is limited by its young age and has no idea of the mystery of it.

The reason why he made such an expression was entirely because he felt that Qin Yu’s method seemed to be very interesting.

Noticing Xiao Shi’s expression, Qin Yu couldn’t help but reach out and wipe it on his head.

This made Xiao Shi immediately can’t help but laugh.

“When Xiao Shi was a child, he was really worthy of being a happy and innocent lord, but unfortunately, his fate in the future was too tragic.”

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but reach out and squeeze his face.

Although Zhang Xiaofan next to him also listened to Qin Yu’s words in his ears.

But he could understand Qin Yu’s every word, but if they were combined, he wouldn’t understand.

It was a complete ignorance of the appearance of an ignorant teenager.

However, after hearing Qin Yu’s words, Tony’s face involuntarily showed a somewhat thoughtful expression.

However, Qin Shi Huang fell silent one by one after hearing Qin Yu’s words.

It is undeniable that the method given by Qin Yu is indeed very simple.

But the problem is that this hundred subordinate planes are not a small amount.

Even if it is a first-order plane, it is an astronomical number of tens of millions.

Just thinking of this, Qin Shi Huang suddenly raised his head to look at Qin Yu.

“Dare to ask the Lord of the Palace, what is the difference between the world and the plane?”

“In comparison, the world is more perfect than the plane.

In the world, there are not only mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and stars, but also other aspects are very sound. ”

“But if it’s a plane, it won’t work, and although it can also be lived in the plane, there will be a lot of things missing compared to the world.”

For example, there are no sun, moon, and stars in some planes, and the so-called sun, moon, and stars are just shadows projected from the upper world. ”

“In simple terms, the plane is equivalent to a village, and the world is equivalent to a country.

You get the idea, right? ”

Before doing so, everyone didn’t understand the gap between the world and the plane at all, but listening to Qin Yu’s words, they understood.

“That’s the way it is.”

After hearing Qin Yu’s words, Qin Shi Huang finally nodded his head clearly.

He said how a hundred bits of surface material are worth tens of thousands of points.

It turns out that the key factor is here.

But if it’s just a matter of value points, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a matter of giving some money.

What really troubled Qin Shi Huang and several of them was that if they wanted to sacrifice, they must have a unified dynasty.

The three of them have now formed an alliance.

But it does not represent all the dynasties of the entire Kyushu continent.

If you want to completely unify the entire Kyushu continent, it will take a long process.

If that’s all there is to it, then it doesn’t matter, what’s even more troublesome is that they have three people here, and the king of the unified dynasty can only have one.

Everyone is the emperor, how can you do what he does not do.

Moreover, everyone has been emperor for so many years, and who is willing to be subordinated to others.

Who can guarantee that the other party will not kill himself after ascending to the throne?

Since ancient times, there have been many things about unloading and killing donkeys to cross rivers and tear down bridges.

Therefore, no one dares to take this risk.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will not be my own that will die, but the entire clan.

People’s hearts are unpredictable.

Almost at the first moment, all three of them thought of these four words, and then they brushed their heads up and looked at each other.

All three of them were emperors, and the city government, the heart, and the wrist were undoubtedly not the top.

Otherwise, how can we balance the deceitful party strife in the court, and how can we step on countless corpses and sit on that supreme position?

So when the three of them looked up at each other, they guessed each other’s thoughts almost instantaneously.

The eyes of the three people lightly touched in mid-air, and then quickly moved away.

Qin Yu just looked at the three of them quietly and didn’t say a word.

Because Qin Yu knew very well that the three emperors in front of him were all playing their own small calculations in their hearts.

It’s almost impossible to get them to make self-sacrifice.

Since this is the case, it is better to let them negotiate on their own.

“What do you two think?”

There were too many people on the scene, and it was impossible for them to speak directly, so they passed on to each other

“The emperor of the unified dynasty, who will do it?”

Emperor Ming directly said what was in his heart.

“I do have an idea, since everyone disobeys each other, why don’t we use other methods to solve the problem of who is the Lord of Kyushu?”

Yang Guang opened his mouth at this time.

“Did the Sui Emperor have any good methods?” Let’s hear it. ”

“If only we were the biggest in the next place.”

Whoever fights down the largest territory will be the lord of Kyushu, and the other two will help unconditionally. ”

This is definitely a very good method, Zhu Houzhao and Yingzheng heard Yang Guang’s words, and after a little thought, they understood the benefits.

Although this method is very advantageous for winning politics.

But the other two are not without opportunities.

Besides, in the face of such common interests, it is also appropriate to make a small sacrifice.

So after discussing for a while, the three finally nodded their heads and agreed to Yang Guang’s proposal


After determining who would be the Lord of Kyushu, Qin Shi Huang then raised his head to look at Qin Yu.

“Dare to ask the Lord of the Palace, where are the Five Elements Spirit Beads?”

“This thing is in our shop.”

During the conversation, Qin Yu pointed to the counter not far away.

At that counter was a small wooden box neatly arranged in which five pearls of different colors were neatly arranged.

Seeing Qin Yu’s movements, the three of them looked at the counter in unison.

Then he confessed his sins and hurried to the counter.

They were eager to see what the Five Elements Spirit Orb really was.

To the surprise of the three of them, these Five Elements Spirit Beads looked like ordinary beads, and there was nothing special about them.

But if you feel it carefully, you can sense the powerful power contained in it.

Needless to say, I also know that this thing is definitely the Five Elements Spirit Orb.

Looking at the price again, the three people’s scalps suddenly tingled.

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