Chapter 142 This has to be added to the money!!

The Phoenix Heaven Patriarch was already a Dou Saint, and if he wanted to impact the next realm, he would have to reach the peak of the Nine Star Dou Saint.

And Huang Tian had always been a Five-Star Dou Saint before, had he now reached the Nine Star Dou Sheng? How?

And looking at the patriarch’s current appearance, it seems that he is impacting the Doudi Realm?

When this thought came to mind, everyone felt a little incredulous.

Since the head of the family had only gone out once, he had actually begun to impact the Doudi Realm, which was almost like a dream.

What was even more terrifying was that without everyone knowing, Huang Tian’s strength was moving from the peak of the Nine Stars of Dou Saint to the Dou Emperor Realm.

The benefits brought to him by the Feng Dan of the Fifth Order Xuan Immortal Realm were simply too great.

Previously, his strength was the late stage of the Five-Star Dou Saint, but after taking Feng Dan, her strength soared all the way from the Five Star Dou Saint to the Nine Star Dou Sheng.

Even if this is the case, the more important thing is that although it has soared so much, his strength does not have a vacuous appearance, but it seems that the foundation is extremely solid.

It can be seen from this that Feng Dan has a strong fit for the Heavenly Demon Phoenix.

If that’s all there is to it, then this Fengdan can only be regarded as a very good natural treasure.

But the terrifying thing was that although this Feng Dan had already raised his strength to the peak of the Nine Star Dou Saint, the effect of Feng Dan was still not weakened.

Doesn’t this mean that he even has a chance to reach the realm of the Dou Emperor? So what are you waiting for? It must be a drumbeat!

This is his best chance!


Huang Tian slammed into the Dou Emperor Realm over and over again in the retreat room.

The solid bottleneck gradually became loose under the impact of the impact over and over again, and he could even feel the source qi looming in a vast world.

Although there was no connection with the outside world here, Candle Kun still felt a little uneasy under the tug of the Blood Vein Qi Machine.

Coupled with the breath that had erupted after Huang Tian had taken Feng Dan before.

Almost instantaneously, he thought that Huang Tian must be attacking the Dou Emperor.

This made him anxious, the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan and the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan were already natural enemies, and the enmity between the two sides was too deep, and it could almost be described as not sharing the heavens.

If Huang Tian was allowed to break through to the Dou Emperor, it would definitely be a disaster for the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan.

But although he was anxious in his heart, he couldn’t do anything about it.

At this moment, he only hated why he had coveted the treasures of the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion in the past, and had trapped himself for thousands of years.

On the Fighting Spirit Continent, a fierce battle seems to happen at any time.

On the Kyushu mainland, it is also very unstable.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

As soon as Yin Zheng returned from the Heavenly Palace, he immediately summoned his ministers to discuss the matter of armament and war.

“Great King, now that I have Chen Bing and Meng Yuan’s border between Chen Bing and Meng Yuan, Liu Heng, the King of Han, also has half a million Han troops coming to help in the battle.”

“In addition, General Meng Tian has led half a million golden fire cavalry, has already broken through the court of the Xiongnu king, and is now sweeping the northern steppe, and can attack the Xiongnu from the east at any time to attack Mengyuan!”

Yin Zheng nodded, his eyes were deep and lofty, and said lightly: “Since you are ready, then, tomorrow, you will send Mengyuan!” The urge to sweep away this sight! ”

Daming, inside the Forbidden City, Zhu Houzhao looked playfully at Wei Xiaobao in front of him.

“Little Wei Xiaobao has seen the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty underground, and he doesn’t know what it is really like for His Majesty the Emperor to find a small minister?”

Inside the side hall, Wei Xiaobao respectfully prayed to Zhu Houzhao.

As soon as the auction was over, he was still strolling around the Heavens Shop, and was summoned by the Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao to teleport to the Ming Capital City with the help of the teleportation function of the Heavenly Order.

Then he entered the side hall to meet Zhu Houzhao.

“There is something I would like to ask you to do me a favor and help me open the border pass of the Qing Dynasty, and the conditions are good.”

Zhu Houzhao looked at Wei Xiaobao and said in a casual tone.

He knew that for a real villain like Wei Xiaobao, there was no need for any twists and turns, just to talk to him directly about the interests.

When Wei Xiaobao heard Zhu Houzhao’s words, his face was shocked, and then he shook his head repeatedly.

“Does Your Majesty not know that I am a minister of the Qing Dynasty?” If you say this, you are too dismissive of my Qingguo, and besides, I love Qingguo immensely, and in my mind, Qingguo is like a mother, are you not afraid that I will report it to my Emperor of the Qing Dynasty immediately? ”

Hearing Wei Xiaobao say this, everyone present showed disdain.

Who is Wei Xiaobao? They had done a lot of research before, and they knew very well that this real villain did not have any so-called sense of national belonging.

In his mind, he cared more about himself.

If it weren’t for all kinds of yin and yang mistakes, coupled with his own very good at flattery, I am afraid he would not be able to go today.

I am afraid that only the young Kangxi will regard the person in front of him as a treasure, or maybe not a treasure, just a pet.

“Okay, people like you, do you still care about this?” Just ask, what do you want? Is there enough land in a house? ”

Zhu Houzhao looked at him disdainfully and said directly.

Wei Xiaobao obviously did not expect that Zhu Houzhao would be so direct.

He would have liked to twist and push.

But after hearing Zhu Houzhao’s words, he said hurriedly.

“Your Majesty has misunderstood, but Grandpa Kangxi is my beloved friend and brother!” Gotta add money! ”

The people in the hall were speechless, this man was really, really despicable.

Wei Xiaobao didn’t care about the eyes of others, only to see him stretch out a finger and say solemnly.

“I want a province!”

As soon as he finished speaking, before Zhu Houzhao could speak, a minister next to him couldn’t jump out and pointed at Wei Xiaobao and shouted angrily.

“Wishful thinking, and don’t want to think about how big the land of a province is, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue when you say this.”

Wei Xiaobao didn’t care what the man shouted, his eyes burned at Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao was not half surprised, his eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Wei Xiaobao and then nodded.

“It doesn’t matter if you give you a province after it is done.”

“A gentleman’s word.”

“Horses are hard to chase.”


Zhu Houzhao’s words made Wei Xiaobao smile suddenly.

“Since Your Majesty is so happy, what do you say you want Wei Chen to do?”

“Quite simply, when my army is in the Ming Dynasty, when the soldiers are at the border pass, you can open the border pass, or find a way to transfer the troops guarding the border pass…”

Wei Xiaobao grew up in the Qinglou since childhood, and all kinds of people have seen and don’t know how much.

In the past two years, he has been mixed in the Qing Dynasty.

Political strife, partisanship, and the flies and dogs have seen countless more.

Just by hearing Zhu Houzhao say this, Wei Xiaobao realized that Zhu Houzhao was preparing to attack Daqing with all his might.

It seems that the Great Qing cannot be saved.

Wei Xiaobao’s eyes were dripping and turning, but there was no sorrow in his heart.

Zhu Houzhao looked at his expression and said lightly.

“How, can it be done?”

“This is no problem, as long as His Majesty can do what he says, then Wei Chen naturally spares no effort.”

“Junwu jokes, are you still afraid of breaking your word and getting fat?”

“With Your Majesty’s words, Wei Chen will be much more relieved.”

When he said these words, Wei Xiaobao’s face was even more smiling.

It was impossible to see that this person would actually have Kangxi’s favor and trust.

Not to mention Zhu Houzhao, even the other ministers felt extremely strange about Wei Xiaobao.

This is a minister, the way it should be, is clearly a street slipper.

Kangxi also had great trust in this person.

Regardless of the doubts in everyone’s hearts, Wei Xiaobao and Zhu Houzhao discussed a few more words and then left here.

He had come sneakily this time, and he had to hurry back as soon as possible, otherwise if he aroused Kangxi’s suspicions, he would probably not be able to eat and walk.

“Your Majesty is a man who is like a ghost, and must not be gullible.”

After Wei Xiaobao left, Zhu ignored it and immediately stood up and said to Zhu Houzhao.

“I know, but he’s still useful now.”

Moreover, it is only a province of land, just give it to him, and if there is time in the future, then take back the place given to him. ”

I have to say that none of the people who can be emperors are simple goods.

The next step was to discuss how to attack the Qing Dynasty.

As long as Wei Xiaobao can do what he says? Then their army of great wisdom can immediately drive straight in.

When Daming’s side was discussing how to conquer the Qing Dynasty, some problems arose on the Sui side.

Because when Yang Guang went to the court, he received a message that made him feel a headache at the first time.

The Southern Song Dynasty was attacked by the Wokou, and many cities along the coast suffered a catastrophe.

So the Southern Song Dynasty began to ask the Sui for support.

Nowadays, in the Central Plains Dynasty, Great Qin and Southern Song do not border, Daming and Northern Song gangs have annexed the Northern Song Dynasty, and now there are many Northern Song celebrities fleeing to the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty naturally will not be stupid to go to Daming for help.

The only thing left was Dasui.

When he heard this news, Yang Guang wanted to refuse for the first time, but he definitely thought that this was not an opportunity.

He summoned Yang Lin and others to come and discuss.

“Your Majesty thinks twice, this matter is of no benefit to us at all, and it also hurts the people and money, which can be described as a hundred harms and no benefits.”

Yu Wenhua said directly to Yang Guang, and the rest of the ministers also objected, after all, what does the Southern Song Dynasty have to do with my Great Sui?

It wasn’t until after the ministers had finished speaking that Yang Guang finally spoke.

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