Chapter 143 Diamond Grade Ten Consecutive Draws!!

“If we use the pretext of helping to eliminate the Wokou, and if the dove occupies the magpie’s nest by the way, do you think this method is feasible?”

When the Sui Emperor said these words, all the ministers present were shocked, and no one expected that Yang Guang would actually have such an idea.

Everyone stood where they were, you look at me, I look at you, and after half a day, Yang Lin finally stood up and said.

“Your Majesty, if this is a very clever plan, the power of my Great Sui will surely expand again.”


Hearing Yang Lin’s words, Yang Guang suddenly burst out laughing.

Then he stood up violently from the dragon chair and waved his right hand.

“Pass on the edict, march the army to the Southern Song Dynasty.”

“Long live our Emperor, long live our Emperor!”

As Yang Guang’s voice fell, everyone shouted long live.

At the same time, there was also a hint of excitement on their faces, because they knew that the opportunity to make meritorious contributions and expand the territory had come.

If you can take this opportunity to annex the Southern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop, it will certainly be able to leave a name in history.

As a courtier, which one does not want to open up the territory and become famous for thousands of years?

At this time, the golden opportunity is in front of them, how can they not be excited? Suddenly, the war machine of the entire Kyushu continent was in full swing.

A war destined to sweep across the entire Kyushu continent is gradually unfolding.

Inside the Heavenly Hall, Qin Yu did not react to these things.

At this moment, he studied for half a moment, and finally became familiar with the system’s rewards and upgraded permissions.

“Yes, this time the functions are very good, next, let’s try our luck.”

“Diamond level ten consecutive pumping up!”

Qin Yu slightly gathered his mood and looked at the infinite lottery function.

“Ding! Spend 10 million value points and start ten Diamond Draw Combos! ”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Five Poisons Scatter, the Great Evil Jade of the Spirit Weapon, the Secret of No Request, the Blood God Dan, the Book of Forgetting Love, the Great Law of Changing Heaven and Earth, the Book of Forgetting Love, the Third Order World, the Star Destroyer, and the Sword Art Divine Sword Chop.”

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up.

“Not bad, diamond level ten consecutive draws are really good! Finally, there is no such waste thing as weed and branch instant noodles, and one of the drawn-out is a very good resource! ”

“If nothing else, this third-order world is worth more than 10 million points, and if you take it out for auction, you can casually auction a transaction price of over 100 million!”

That being said, Qin Yu naturally wouldn’t be stupid enough to auction off the third-order world now, after all, his sixth-order world also needed a subsidiary world, and the third-order world could just be a subsidiary world.

“No easy way to get it?”

“Is it the practice of practicing after stepping on the clouds?”

The appearance of this exercise made Qin Yu feel a little surprised.

Logically, the No Seeking Easy Technique should be considered the top practice in the Kyushu world, but what Qin Yu did not expect was that this practice would actually be drawn.

“There are also the Book of Forgetting Love, the Dafa of Changing Heaven and Earth, the Book of Forgetting Love, and so on, which can all be integrated into the Martial Classic.”

“Star destroyer? This system is really good, even this thing can be obtained. ”

But think about it, if the system can’t even get this thing, then what system is there?

Therefore, Qin Yu was soon relieved.

“Not bad, it seems that the European Emperor is possessed today!” The draw must continue! ”

“Ding! Spend 10 million value points and start ten Diamond Level Ten Draws. ”

Qin Yu did not hesitate to click the start button.

Then I saw the pointer spinning on the turntable, quickly turning past each precious item.

Qin Yu’s heart couldn’t help but mention it at this time, although he didn’t care much about these things on the surface.

But still instinctively want to get good things, if things are too bad, it is too wasteful of such lottery opportunities.

After all, this is a diamond draw once a million! Finally, the pointer slowly stopped and landed on top of a treasure.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for receiving the gold-level reward, Heavenly Magic Strategy.”

“Day! Garbage exercises, is this to make me directly African? ”

Looking at the reward of the system, Qin Yu almost died of anger.

If the others knew that Qin Yu had such an attitude, it was estimated that he would directly faint.

Heavenly Magic Strategy, if this had been known to the people of the Yin Kui Sect, it would have jumped up unhappily.

But in Qin Yu’s eyes, this thing was like a chicken rib.

It looks like a good look, but in fact it doesn’t work for him at all.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for receiving the Diamond Level, World Seed.”


Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Qin Yu immediately inhaled a cool breath in his heart.

I couldn’t imagine that this system would actually reward itself with a world seed.

It’s just so cool.

Because Qin Yu knew very well that if he cultivated the world seed well, he could completely make the world seed grow into a real big world.

More critically, the world opened up by the World Seed is a blank world.

As the master of this world, he can add and modify anything he wants in this world.

This is tantamount to giving him a blank world in which he can be DIY at will.

“Shuang, with such a thing, what can’t Lao Tzu do?”

Qin Yu laughed happily.

If the system could not take it out, he would probably take out the system in his mind and kiss it twice.

After having this thing, what else was gained, Qin Yu didn’t care anymore.

Because it is the seed of the world, the value of this thing is enough to be worth all the things obtained in this lottery.

However, the surprise given by the system is not over.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for receiving the legendary reward, a martial arts book.”

“Huh? Martial arts? ”

Qin Yu looked at this reward and couldn’t help but be a little surprised, this martial code was actually a legendary reward.

What kind of world did this thing come from? There would be such a high level.

Just when Qin Yu was wondering, the reward had already been sent to his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Yu immediately opened the martial arts and looked at it.

“Dragon Catcher, Heavenly Demon Eight Steps, Anti-Heaven Seven Demon Sword, Sleepy God Finger….”

There are many martial arts recorded in the martial arts, which is worthy of the name of the martial arts.

When Qin Yu saw the five words of the Seven Demon Swords Against the Heavens, he immediately reacted.

“Tomb of the gods, Tatsuya! I couldn’t imagine that this martial code was actually from the Divine Tomb World, no wonder it was so familiar. ”

Qin Yu looked at the martial arts in amazement, and a shocked expression appeared on his face, this time it was developed!

“Developed! With this martial arts code alone, this lottery will return to the original! ”

Qin Yu was full of smiles.

Then the other things seemed to be somewhat irrelevant, and after looking at them again, Qin Yu quickly put them away.

Then without hesitation, look at another feature.

According to the prompts of the system, he can search for a fifth-order world again and summon a group of friends at random.

Without much thought, Qin Yu directly used this opportunity.

Xianjian World, Nanzhao Kingdom.

The Moon Worship Sect Leader was cultivating at this time, but he didn’t expect a flower in front of his eyes, and the whole person’s consciousness suddenly heard a voice.

“The Heavenly Temple Zhu invited you to join the Heavens chat group, would you like to join?”

“What is this?”

Bai Yue had some doubts.


Bai Yue was dumbfounded.

Immediately, a chat page appeared in his consciousness, and in an instant, he was confused.

“You answered the question and joined the Heavens chat group by default.”

“Where is this place?”

The Lunatic Worshipper was very cautious.

“Oh, here comes a new friend.”

Tony’s voice rang out in the group.

After living for so many years, although the Moon Worship Sect Leader could be regarded as well-informed, he had never encountered such a thing, and he was shocked for a while.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but look at him when he appeared, and then lost interest.

A fourth-order loveless paranoid is just not worth his attention at all.

“Uncle, are you new here?” I’m counting your seniors. ”

Little Stone said in the chat group with a milky voice.

“Ignorant little devil!”

The Moon Worship Sect Leader glanced at the name of the small stone and actually called it the favorite to drink animal milk.

This look shows that it is an unweaned milk doll.

“Brother, you better change your nickname, you don’t even have a name now.”

“How do I change my nickname?”

Although the Moon Worship Sect Leader had just entered this chat group, through the introduction of the system, he still understood the role and use of this chat group.

For a while, I was actually interested.

After all, he was also very fond of this kind of strange tricks.

Just as the Moon Worship Sect Master was about to start changing his nickname, another new person suddenly appeared.

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