Chapter 144 Ye Tiandi also came?!!

“What is this place?”

Ye Fan was a little confused in his heart, he was originally attending a party with his classmates, but he didn’t expect that his consciousness would suddenly appear in this place.

If it weren’t for the fact that after graduation, he would have become calm, I’m afraid he would have cried out directly.

“Oh, here comes a new man.”

Tony’s voice rang out as promised.

When Ye Fan saw Tony’s nickname, he was shocked.

Iron Man?

Didn’t this guy go out in the morning without taking medicine? How to take such a middle two name?

Obviously, Ye Fan did not realize that this Iron Man was the Iron Man he remembered.

“What is this place?” Can you tell me? ”

“People come from all over the world, and you can think of it as a place where the elite of the various worlds communicate.”

The appearance of the Moon Worship Sect Leader made Qin Yu have no intention of looking at it, but Ye Fan’s appearance made him feel very interested.

Ye Fan!

If I’m not mistaken, it’s that world.

“You’ve graduated from college, haven’t you?”

Qin Yu suddenly said such a sentence in the chat group.

And obviously this sentence was said to Ye Fan.

So much so that Ye Fan was obviously stunned after hearing these words.

He had never imagined that this group leader would actually say such a thing directly, and he seemed to know himself very well.

This made Ye Fan can’t help but think about whether he knew similar people in his mind, but after thinking about it for half a day, he found that he had no such memory at all.

After a while, Ye Fan finally spoke.

“Yes, I’ve been graduating from college for several years.”

“What have you been doing lately?”

Qin Yu’s words seemed to be saying to an old friend, which made Ye Fan even more confused in his heart.

“These days in the class reunion, did we know this group leader before?”

“I don’t know!”

“Then you…”

“How could I know you, right?”

“Yes, I’m curious, how did you know me?”

“There is nothing in the heavens and all worlds that I don’t know, although you have just come, but I am very familiar with you.”

If other people heard Qin Yu say this, it was estimated that they would feel that Qin Yu was very mysterious.

But Ye Fan felt that this person was pretending to be a ghost.

Qin Yu saw that Ye Fan did not continue to speak, nor was he angry, but smiled at him.

“If I’m not mistaken, you should go to Tarzan, right?”

Qin Yu’s words directly made Ye Fan tremble.

How can it be? How did this group leader know about this?

At this time, Ye Fan was more certain of Qin Yu, definitely someone he knew, and the relationship was very close, otherwise how could Qin Yu understand these things.

For Ye Fan’s thoughts, Qin Yu did not know or have any interest in knowing.

Not even reminding Ye Fan of his thoughts.

In his opinion, he had no such obligation at all.

Anyway, Ye Fan’s current road had basically been arranged by the Cruel Emperor, and it was useless for him to mention it or not, so it was better to go with the flow.

“If you encounter something on Mount Tai, you can go to the group and tell us about it.”


Ye Fan didn’t speak, just laughed twice.

However, when the Moon Worship Sect Leader heard Qin Yu say this to Ye Fan, he only felt that Qin Yu seemed to be very mysterious.

“The Lord of the group seems to know everyone in the group very well, so do you know who I am?”

The Moon Worship Sect Leader wanted to test Qin Yu’s ability through this incident.

Who knew that Qin Yu didn’t want to take care of this guy at all.

In Qin Yu’s opinion, this guy of the Moon Worship Sect Master would sooner or later be killed by Qin Shi Huang.

If that was the case, why would he waste his time on a dead man?

“It’s just a mental illness.”

Qin Yu dropped a sentence and quit the chat group.

In the Immortal Sword World, the Moon Worship Sect Leader was in his own retreat room, and he was already very curious about suddenly entering this chat group.

When he suddenly heard Qin Yu’s words, his whole person was confused.

The old man is obviously fine, how did he become mentally ill?

The Moon Worship Sect Leader himself wanted to find Qin Yu’s theory, but he sent several messages in a row, and Qin Yu ignored him.

At this time, Qin Yu had already returned to his room.

Only to see Qin Yu sit cross-legged in the room, flip his right hand over, and take out a jade dew dome qidan.

The golden Dan Yao surface shimmered with brilliant light, and a series of strange lines appeared faintly on the surface of the Dan Yao.

This is the Great World of Immortality, the Golden Immortals are all rare treasure medicines, each grain contains thousands of Golden Immortal Laws.

Qin Yu looked at this elixir with a smile on his face, and no longer hesitated, he opened his mouth and swallowed this jade dew dome qidan.

The elixir enters the abdomen, and the medicinal power rolls out, like a volcanic eruption.

In the blink of an eye, it swept through the whole body.

In this way, Qin Yu felt that his whole body was filled with an inexplicable sense of pleasure, and he knew that this was the Golden Immortal Law contained in the Jade Dew Dome Qidan, which had begun to take effect.

The powerful Golden Immortal Law was washing his body and spirit.

Faintly, Qin Yu only felt as if his consciousness had come to a strange place, and all around him were filled with mysterious laws that made him feel inexplicable.

Every law was so mysterious that he couldn’t help but immerse himself in it.

Although the Jade Dew Dome Qidan contained a thousand Golden Immortal Laws, which contained the Golden Immortal Essence, this made Qin Yu feel that these Golden Immortal Laws were difficult to understand.

But every time you understand one more point of your own realm, it will soar one level.

The realm of crazy ascension made Qin Yu feel that he couldn’t stop it.

He had a premonition that after he had digested this elixir, he would be able to smoothly advance to the Fifth Order Realm!

At this time, the people of Danta who were in the Heavenly Shop were already shocked by the various things in the store.

There were so many elixirs here, and they all saw some familiar techniques in these elixirs.

It brought a strong shock to the people of Danta and made the group can’t help but study these elixirs.

“This is the Eight Pindans of Dan Medicine!”

“Eight pindans of Dan medicine are mild, can change the constitution after taking it, and the medicinal effect can be retained for a long time, and can be continuously released with the growth of the user.”

“Wonderful, I didn’t think that the elixir could be refined like this.”

“I feel very familiar with the refining method of this elixir.”

“Do you feel that way too?” I thought I was the only one who felt that way. ”

“Is it true that our Danta’s refining methods have leaked out?”

“It should not be that although our Danta’s alchemy techniques are not top secret, they are not easily available to any force, and the forces that can easily obtain these alchemy techniques do not despise stealing.”

“Strange, how can it be so familiar?”

“It’s just amazing, I can’t imagine that there are such people, I really want to see it.”

A group of people surrounded a pill and constantly marveled, as if they had seen some treasure.

Squint watched their behavior, and although she wanted to say something, there was nothing to say.

After all, these people just hold it and watch it continuously, and they don’t buy it, and they don’t damage it.

Although she was a little uncomfortable in her heart, she didn’t say anything more in the end.

“Elder Xuankongzi.”

Just when everyone was amazed, a voice suddenly came from the side.

The people of Danta were stunned.

Almost instantaneously, an inexplicable sense of familiarity surfaced in everyone’s mind.

Especially Xuan Kongzi, at this time, was shaking tremendously, and his face involuntarily revealed a bit of an incredible look of zero.

Xuanyi, one of the three giants of Danta, although there were some vicissitudes, could still see the beautiful face of his youth, and he was completely stunned.

How can it be? Good familiar voice, could it be him? Isn’t he dead? How did it come to be here?

Countless thoughts appeared in the minds of several Xuankong Zi, and he raised his head in surprise, turned around, and looked at the people who were coming.

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