Chapter 145 Old Friends Meet Each Other, The Solicitation of the Medicine Elder!!

I saw a white-haired old man coming out of the small door next to him, this person was ordinary, and he looked like an ordinary old man.

At first glance, it does not give people any pressure and unusual feelings, but at the moment of seeing this person, Xuankongzi’s face involuntarily revealed

A little surprised.

“You… You are…”

“Medicine dust!”

Before Xuan Kongzi could finish speaking, Xuan Yi had already rushed to the front of the medicine dust, wanting to reach out and touch him, afraid that all this was illusory.

The palm of his hand trembled in the air for half a day, and his voice trembled.

“Medicine dust, is that you?” Is it really you? ”

The one who came was the medicine dust.

Seeing that his former best friends were all in front of him, he sighed and said slowly, “It’s me, my medicine dust, and I’m alive again.” ”

As soon as the words of the medicine dust fell, Xuan Yi whimpered and pounced directly into his arms.

The medicine dust couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed, and it wasn’t hugging either.

However, none of the people in Danta paid attention to this, and they all looked at the medicine dust with shocked expressions on their faces.

Obviously, no one expected that the medicine dust would actually appear here.

Moreover, looking at his appearance, it seems that he has an unusual relationship with the Heavenly Temples.

“Medicine… Medicine dust? Aren’t you dead? ”

Xuan Kongzi looked at the sudden appearance of the medicine dust, and seemed to be a little unable to believe his eyes.

“Oh, I didn’t expect that we would see each other again, especially if we would meet again here.”

Medicine Dust smiled bitterly, looking at the people in front of him, his face was also extremely complicated.

Xuan Yi also realized that he was wrong, let go of the medicine dust, and then asked

“Hasn’t been around in decades, where have you been?” How come it never appears, we all thought you were dead. ”

For such a thing, the medicine dust did not hide it, and said it directly to the crowd.

“This is a long story, when I was seriously injured and killed by a disciple’s sneak attack, I was not allowed to escape into a ring with my soul.

After decades of deep sleep, I was not awakened by the lord of the temple until some time ago, and then I became an alchemist in the heavenly hall at the invitation of the lord of the temple, and the shopkeeper also helped me rerefine my body…”

Medicine Dust didn’t elaborate on the process, but even so, after hearing him say this, Xuan Kongzi and the others couldn’t help but marvel at Medicine Dust’s experience, and at the same time feel extremely angry at his apprentice Han Feng.

It was really infuriating to imagine that the disciple of the medicine dust was so wolf-hearted and dog-lunged.

They had just finished digesting this information when they heard the medicine dust say to Xuan Kongzi.

“Elder Xuankong Zi doesn’t know if you are interested in joining our Heavenly Temples?” You have also seen the power of our heavenly temples, and I believe that as long as you join, you will never be treated badly. ”

“And the lord of the palace is also an excellent person, as long as you join, you will never regret it, and I guarantee it in my own honor.”

Elder Yao’s words made Xuan Kongzi and others a little moved, the strength of the Heavenly Halls, the power of the Great Shore of the Lord of the Palaces, they had already seen it, if they could join, they would definitely get a lot of opportunities.

But thinking about it for a moment, I felt something was wrong.

He and others were the rulers of the Alchemist Union on the Douqi Continent, and he was the president of the Alchemist Union, so if he joined the Heavenly Temple, he could only do it from scratch.

This made him, who was accustomed to being high, feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

However, after hearing the words of the medicine dust, Xuan Yi could not help but feel a little excited in his heart, the two had been emotionally intertwined before, and Xuan Yi’s feelings for the medicine dust could be seen by everyone.

Because of this, when Medicine Dust made this invitation, she immediately wanted to nod her head in agreement.

But seeing that several people around her did not express their position, she had to hold back.

However, Tianleizi, one of the three giants of Danta, did not show any superfluous look on his face after hearing the words of the medicine dust.

Obviously, he didn’t have much interest in the matter.

However, if Xuankong Zi had agreed to it, then he probably wouldn’t have refused but a teenager standing next to them at this time had suddenly opened his mouth

“If we join the Heavenly Temples, can I go one step further?”

As soon as his words came out of the medicinal dust, he was shocked, and he reacted immediately.

Compared with others, the medicinal dust was relatively clear about the origin of this teenager.

Because this teenager is the ancestor of Danta.

The reason why he has such a appearance is entirely because he is different from ordinary people.

Don’t look at him as a human, but in fact he is a Nine Pin Xuan Dan.

Spiritual intelligence is generally no different from human beings.

And he likes to parasitize in stillbirth, so as to achieve the purpose of borrowing a new life, and it is precisely because of this that the ancestor of Danta will show people in such a way.

This Danta Old Ancestor had always had his heart in mind and wanted to break through to become a Di Dan, so he had been traveling around the Douqi Continent.

Perennial dragons see the head and do not see the end.

Even Xuankong Zi and these people only saw him once in a while.

If it weren’t for this participation in the Heavens Auction, I am afraid I would not have been able to see him.

Therefore, as a Nine Pin Xuan Dan who has always wanted to become an Emperor Dan, it is not surprising that he will ask this question.

“If that’s the case, I need to ask the lord of the temple.”

Medicine Dust did not give them a clear reply, after all, he was just an ordinary deacon elder, how could he rush to promise something for the Lord of the Temple.

Others were not surprised by this answer.

Moreover, the stakes in this matter are very large, and they cannot give a clear answer for a while and a half.

Therefore, after hearing what Medicine Dust had said, Danta Lao Zu nodded and said, “In this case, we need to go back and discuss it, after all, this matter is too big to be considered in the long run.” ”

Xuan Kongzi and the others heard the words and also nodded, Danta Old Ancestor was the de facto ruler of Danta, and his words naturally represented Danta.

However, Xuan Yi seemed to have some gains and losses at this time.

When Danta Lao Zu was waiting for everyone to return to the Douqi Continent, she looked up at the medicine dust.

“Medicine dust, you wait for me.”

As soon as these five words were uttered, the medicinal dust immediately froze in place, and the gaze that looked at Xuan Yi was filled with a strange brilliance.

Looking at the back of their departure, Medicine Dust stood in place and sighed, then turned around to go to find Qin Yu, but suddenly saw a familiar figure on the way.

“Princess Ruyi, how did you get back?”

Seeing this girl who suddenly appeared, Medicine Dust felt a little surprised.

In his impression, didn’t this young girl go to another world? How did you suddenly come back?

“The Pacific Rim world has nothing to do for the time being, so I’ll come back and have a look.”

Is the medicine man going to find the lord of the temple? ”

Looking at the old man in front of him, Yang Ruyi always had a faint smile on his face.

“Yes, I don’t know where the Lord of the Hall is at this time?”

If you pay attention to listening, you will find that when Yao Chen faced Yang Ruyi, his tone and attitude were actually a little respectful.

This is something that never comes up in the face of other people.

The reason for this is mainly because the medicine dust people are old and become sperm, and it can be clearly seen that Yang Ruyi lost his yin early.

A long time ago, he found that Qin Yu’s body was filled with Yang Ruyi’s breath.

Why this happens, the medicine dust is just to use the toes to think about what is going on.

Because of this, when facing Yang Ruyi, there will be such an attitude and expression.

What a joke, although the young girl in front of her is not very old, of course, she can already be regarded as half the lady of the palace.

If he was not respectful to him, if he blew the pillow wind in the ear of the lord of the temple, wouldn’t he be very unlucky?

“At this time, the lord of the temple was cultivating not to allow others to disturb him.”

“If that’s the case, then I’m not going to look for him.”

Medicine Dust smiled and left.

As soon as he left, Yang Ruyi also walked to the other side.

At this moment, the people of Danta, who had returned to the Douqi Continent, were sitting together.

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