Chapter 146 Danta’s Secret Talk!!

“I couldn’t imagine that the experience of Medicine Dust for so many years would be so bumpy, actually killed by his own disciples, and finally resurrected by the Heavenly Temple Lords, it is really unbelievable!”

Inside the Danta, Xuankong Zi simply finished talking about the medicine dust, and his face was full of emotion.

Several Danta elders were shocked after hearing Xuankongzi’s words.

The drug dust had been missing for so many years, and almost everyone thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, the First Alchemist of the Continent did not die, but was still resurrected from the dead in that magical place of the Heavenly Temple.

If such words were spoken from other people, they would certainly not believe it, but since it came from the mouth of Xuankongzi, it must be true.

For a moment, everyone present was amazed.

“Han Feng, that beast, actually dared to kill the master!” I must kill him with my own hands!” ”

Xuan Yi gritted his teeth and could say to Han Feng that he hated it to the extreme.

Originally, when she was young, she confessed to the medicine dust, and the medicine dust rejected her on the grounds that she wanted to teach Han Feng carefully, but she did not expect that in the end, Han Feng, the beast, instead of filial piety to the medicine dust, did such a thing as the indignation of the killer.

This made Xuan Yi how to endure.

“Rest assured, Han Feng must die, but now, we have more important things.”

Xuankong Zi said solemnly.

“How do we reply to the fact that Medicine Dust invited us to join the Heavenly Temple?”

“This is still how to reply, of course, joined!”

As soon as Xuankongzi’s voice fell, Xuan Yi spoke directly.

It was even obvious that she had a bit of impatience on her face.

“Why, just met someone, you can’t wait to get married?”

Genkuko smiled and asked like this, not only him, but also the others looked at Xuan Yi with a little ridicule.

“Yes, I haven’t seen it in so many years, do you still care about it for a while and a half?”

“This is not like the usual you, is the appearance of medicine dust really making you feel helpless?”

“A person of such an old age still looks like a spring heart, just like a little girl.”

The well-intentioned teasing of the crowd made Xuan Yi feel a little hanged on his face, and a red cloud flashed on his white face.

“What are you talking about, I see that the conditions of the Heavenly Halls are good, and I only agreed to it for the development of our Danta, there are so many precious elixirs in their shop, we have almost never seen them, if you join, you can better enhance everyone’s alchemy ability.”

“Oh, is it?”

The crowd laughed again.


After enduring it for a long time, Xuan Yi finally couldn’t help it, and slapped it on the table in front of him.

“Shut me up, and throw you all out if you dare to talk about it.”

When she said this, everyone hurriedly closed their mouths, not really afraid that he would throw themselves out.

Mainly because they know the measure, this kind of thing can be said twice, if you say too much, I am afraid it will be annoying.

“Regarding joining the Heavenly Temples, I think this matter can be considered.”

Genkuko said at this time.

“I think you know a little bit about a place like the Heavenly Temple, and I think that joining the Heavenly Temple will do more harm than harm to us.”

For this kind of thing, Xuan Yi naturally raised his hands in favor.

But Tianleizi objected at this time.

“As the saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!” If we join the Heavenly Hall in this way, it would be a little too spineless. ”

“I think it makes sense.”

After hearing Tianleizi’s words, Elder Lin Laowei of Danta nodded his head repeatedly.

“We Danta are still a top force in the Douqi Continent, and I don’t know how many people have sharpened their heads and drilled into it, but if we join that Heavenly Temple, I’m afraid that the status of everyone here will plummet.”

“Moreover, it is difficult to say whether the Heavenly Temples will be able to provide us with sufficient resources at that time.”

Elder Lin’s words made several other elders nod their heads one after another.

“I think if they can really meet our conditions, even if they agree to their requests.”

It was Danta Lao Zu who spoke, and the appearance of this teenager attracted everyone’s attention at the first time.

It wasn’t until Xuankong Zi and the others introduced themselves to the elders that they finally realized that this teenager was the legendary Danta Old Ancestor.

I just didn’t expect it to look like a teenager.

It is precisely because Xuankong Zi and others introduced them to the identity of Danta Laozu, so they attach great importance to Danta’s words.

“What Lao Zu said is very true.”

As the Great Elder of Danta, Elder Lin was still relatively aware of the identity of the Danta Old Ancestor, so when he spoke, he arched his hand to this Danta Old Ancestor.

And then he went on.

“If they can meet our demands, then it is not impossible to agree to them, but can they really do so?”

“Even if they agree to it, whether they will rebel or not, we don’t know about this matter, so we must consider this matter in the long run, no one can be sloppy, if not, we will directly refuse.”

His words made everyone nod their heads.

Indeed, if their demands cannot be met, what is the difference between joining the heavenly temples and not joining them?

At this moment, Lin Laowei continued.

“In addition, the Soul Clan sent a message, and they invited us to besiege the Ancient Realm together.”

“Siege the ancient world, ahem, they are really a good calculation.”

Genkōko was very dismissive of the matter.

“Siege of the ancient world, if you can succeed in one fell swoop, it will naturally be of great benefit to us, and at least we can get a lot of benefits from it.”

Lin Lao Wei seemed to be very interested in this matter.

You must know that the ancient clan is a large clan called the Soul Clan in the Ancient Eight Tribes, and the accumulation and wealth in the clan are absolutely the top of the Fighting Qi Continent, if this can share a piece of the pie…

Thinking about Lin Laowei’s spirit was excited.

However, the next words of Xuankong Zi made Lin Lao Wei seem to fall into the ice cave.

“Elder Lin, you don’t know much about some situations, so naturally you would say that in the past, it would not have been impossible to besiege the Ancient Realm, but the consequences that you need to bear now to besiege the Ancient Realm are probably far beyond the imagination of all of us.”

“Gu Yuan auctioned Di Dan in the auction of the heavens, presumably he has now taken Di Dan and attacked the realm of the Dou Emperor.”

“If Gu Yuan fails to break through the Dou Emperor, then it will be enough, and then besieging the Gu Realm will certainly make a lot of money, but if Gu Yuan succeeds in attacking the Dou Emperor Realm, then we will inevitably face the anger of a Dou Emperor at that time.”

“Looking at the whole continent, who can resist the wrath of a Dou Emperor, are you?” Or do you think the Soul Heavenly Emperor can be a few? ”

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