Chapter 147 The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s Decision!!

“What? Didan? ”

Lin Laowei did not participate in the Heavens Auction, naturally did not know that Gu Yuan had an Emperor Dan in his hand, and when he heard Xuan Kongzi say this, he was immediately surprised.

A layer of cold sweat involuntarily appeared on his body.

Don’t say it’s him, even the other elders present were shocked after hearing Xuankongzi’s words.

No one expected that Gu Yuan could actually buy a Di Dan in the auction of the heavens, which is the legendary Di Dan.

Having it will greatly increase the probability of breaking through the Dou Emperor.

For a nine-star peak Dou Saint who had accumulated deep accumulation, breaking through the Dou Emperor was even more a sure thing.

When you think of the Douqi Continent, after thousands of years, you will once again usher in a Dou Emperor.

The crowd shivered.

“You know why?”

Looking at the reactions of the crowd, Xuan Kongzi smiled slightly.

“After Gu Yuan got the Emperor Dan, the Ancient Eight Clans were already sword-fighting, and they would start a fierce battle at any time, taking advantage of the fact that Gu Yuan had not yet broken through, they would do their best to strangle Gu Yuan in the cradle.”

“For the Ancient Eight Tribes, it is possible to maintain this state, but no new Doudi will be allowed to appear.”

Otherwise, the balance of power will be upset, and what awaits them will be destruction. ”

Then he said to the elder next to him.

“Elder Lin, when you go to restore the Soul Clan, you will say that we Danta are only interested in alchemy, not in the Ancient Realm, and if their Soul Clan wants to fight, let them fight themselves, don’t involve us Danta in it.”

After saying this, Xuankong Zi seemed to think of something again, and then said.

“Also, there is one thing you have instructed to do, starting today, Danta will no longer participate in anything on the mainland, and announce the closure of Danta.”


Lin Laowei obviously did not expect Xuan Kongzi to be so crisp and decisive.

The great Danta said to close and close.

Doesn’t he know the implications and consequences of this?

It was thought that there might be a Dou Emperor among the ancient tribes, and he was relieved again.

The influence of a newly promoted Dou Emperor on the entire Douqi Continent was too great.

Far beyond anyone’s imagination.

If you don’t prepare early, when the time comes to liquidate, I’m afraid no one will be able to please you.

Soon, the news of Danta’s closure spread.

Among the Soul Clan, the Soul Void Son also reported this matter to the Soul Heavenly Emperor at the first time.

Hearing this news, the Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but scold a waste.

“A group of short-sighted rats could not have imagined that they would directly retreat from this matter.”

“Under the nest, will there be a complete egg?” Even if they don’t shoot today, if Gu Yuan becomes the Emperor of Dou when the time comes, he will inevitably come to the door.

Do they really think that if they don’t come out of the Danta, they can sit back and relax? ”

I have to say that the Soul Heavenly Emperor is definitely a peerless tyrant.

Regardless of the wrist, heart, qualification or vision, all of them are outstanding, if it were not for the bad luck of the times and the degradation of the Douqi Continent, his becoming the Doudi would almost be a sure thing.

His judgment of Gu Yuan was also very accurate, the birth of a new Dou Emperor would inevitably reshuffle the entire Dou Qi Continent, and at that time, no matter which force could not escape.

“Everyone in the world is short-sighted and only looks at the people with immediate interests, and this matter has long been decided, and Danta will inevitably pay the price for their actions, and the patriarchs do not have to worry about it.”

The Soul Void stood next to the Soul Heavenly Emperor and said so.

“We’ll talk about this matter later, and now the most urgent thing is to solve the matter of Gu Yuan first.”

“When we solve the ancient clan, then turn around and solve these rat-eyed people, who want to be unscrupulous and reap the benefits of the fishermen, how can it be so good?”

When the Soul Heavenly Emperor spoke, a faint light involuntarily burst out from his eyes.

It looks extremely scary.

Fortunately, among the Ancient Eight Clans, there were also the Thunder Clan, the Yan Clan and the Medicine Clan, who were willing to go to the Ancient Clan with the Soul Clan to solve the Gu Yuan’s affairs.

Obviously, they were also very worried that Gu Yuan would come to invade them after becoming the Dou Emperor, so they were ready to attack first.

However, the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan resolutely rejected their proposal at this time.

Not only that, after receiving the news from the Soul Clan, they also closed their respective small worlds at the first time.

And directly stated that he was not strong enough to participate in such an action, so he was not ready to participate.

“Stupid, do you really think you can sit back and relax without participating?” I don’t know if I’m alive or dead…”

After hearing the report of the Soul Void Son, the Soul Heavenly Emperor had a sneering smile on his face.

“Elder Clan, what do we do now?”

“The things of the Thunder Clan, the Yan Clan, and the Medicine Clan, let’s put it aside now.”

After a pause, the Soul Heavenly Emperor continued.

“Since the Spirit Clan and the Shi Clan toast and don’t eat the penalty wine, let’s solve them first.”

“Solve them first and fill our empty warehouses with their resources.”

Participating in the Heavens Auction this time, their Soul Clan consumed a lot of resources.

Before, he was still worried about how to replenish these resources in a short period of time, but since the Spirit Clan and the Stone Clan were so ignorant of lifting, he would use them to open the knife first.

As for the matter of Gu Yuan, although it became the Dou Emperor, the impact on the entire continent was very huge, but it was not so easy to become the Dou Emperor.

It simply can’t be done in a short period of time.

Therefore, the Soul Heavenly Emperor planned to take advantage of this time to destroy the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan first.

“Pass on the order and get ready!” Bingfa Stone Clan. ”

As he spoke, the Soul Heavenly Emperor had already clenched his hands.

“Don’t they want to attend? Then the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in their hands would naturally be of no use, and it would be better to give them to us. ”

The meaning of the Soul Heavenly Emperor is very simple, don’t you Stone Clan and Spirit Clan not want to participate in this attack on the Ancient Realm?

Well, let’s destroy you first.


The Soul Void Boy responded loudly.

Then respectfully get out of here.

As the Soul Void Son passed on the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s orders, the entire Soul Clan instantly boiled.

Almost all the people in the Soul Clan were soldiers, and many of them had already sharpened their swords and were waiting for the moment of the expedition.

But there had never been a chance, and after hearing this command, almost everyone in the Soul Clan was inexplicably excited.

Many people have even started to get impatient.

On the Douqi Continent, the Soul Clan was preparing to send troops to the Stone Clan, while on the Kyushu Continent, another thing happened.

On the big screen on the first floor of the Zhutian store, a 7*24 headline came out.

“The Eastern Ying army invaded the Southern Song Dynasty and is currently besieging Jiankang City!”

In an instant, almost all the people in the entire Heavenly Shop burst into scolding.

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