Chapter 148 The Strength of the Eight Arrays!!

“Even a few slaves dare to invade my land of China?”

“Were the Southern Song Dynasty monarchs all pigs?” Was actually beaten to Jiankang City by the Wu slaves? ”

“Oh, after all, the Northern Song Dynasty has been extinguished, can the Southern Song Dynasty still be good?”

“Damn! I, the land of Kyushu, how can I allow the slaves to be wanton, so I will go to the Southern Song Dynasty and kill the slaves! ”

“Let’s go! Kill the slaves! ”

For a time, in the Heavenly Shop, Huaxia Jianghu Erlang hated the same enemy, and many people did not go to please Wang Yuyan’s beautiful shop assistants, and directly rushed to the Southern Song Dynasty.

Everyone has a belief in their hearts, the land of China will never allow the slaves to wreak havoc! Southern Song Dynasty, outside the healthy city.

Tens of millions of troops, a piece of black oppression, stretched for dozens of miles outside the city, which seemed to make the defenders of Jiankang City terrified.

These armies were all dressed in strange costumes, and each of them was armed with a samurai samurai sword that was extremely conducive to slashing.

This kind of dress makes them look like Shuluo ghosts, and coupled with their behavior, they can simply kill people at sight, which can be described as human Shura.

These are the armies of warriors sent by Dongying to invade the Southern Song Dynasty!

If you pay attention, you will obviously find that this army actually contains many godless people.

Among them, there are also many members of the Emperor’s Guard.

The flags and uniforms of the entire army were also mixed.

This is obviously a patchwork of miscellaneous cards, but even so, the combat effectiveness of this army is extremely terrible.

Everywhere you go, almost no chickens and dogs are left.

The reason why all this was accomplished was entirely because after the Great Boss and the Great Demon God returned to Dongying, they united and began to organize major forces in Dongying.

The strength of the two is too strong, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

That’s why.

Therefore, the two could rely on their own powerful combat strength, suppressing many forces and forcing them to surrender.

With the submission of these forces, the two soon organized an army of millions.

Then he commanded a large army to cross the sea and land directly on the coast of the Southern Song Dynasty.

This army was terrible, and I didn’t know what methods the Great Demon God and the Great Boss had used to make everyone in this army look like demons.

And they are tireless, kill people when they see them, and often run hundreds of miles overnight.

The speed and ferocity of the means are simply appalling.

It is precisely because of this reason that the Southern Song Dynasty did not organize an effective resistance at the first time, so that this army directly reached Jiankang in one breath, and finally stopped.

Not because they didn’t want to fight, but because these people suddenly found themselves blocked by a terrible army when they were healthy.

It turned out that the Southern Song Dynasty at this time had already reacted, and the Southern Song Dynasty had already fused the eight arrays at this time.

The soldiers can almost merge with the eight arrays, and they can easily do what is forbidden and convey without error.

The presence of an army that can make people feel like a finger on the battlefield is definitely an enemy nightmare.

Not only that, but the large army on the side of the Sui State also arrived.

Compared with the Southern Song Dynasty army, the Sui army was much stronger.

And in order to accomplish his purpose, this time Yang Guang not only brought a large number of soldiers, but also the Titan Giant Bear, the third-order fierce beast that ravaged the Great Sui Battlefield and destroyed Goguryeo.

This Titan Giant Bear is not only huge, but also looks like a powerful mess, and it is definitely a war machine.

When the Dongying army saw the Titan Giant Bear, they were also surprised, they had never seen such a terrifying creature before, and they could not imagine that there were still people in the Central Plains who used this creature in the battlefield.

Rao is a fierce ghost in the Dongying army, and he can’t help but feel his scalp tingle when he sees the Titan Giant Bear.

Don’t say it’s them, even the Great Demon God and the Big Boss can’t help but beat the drum in their hearts when they see the Titan Giant Bear.

This creature is too scary, and I don’t know if I fight with the Titan Giant Bear, will the other party win or will I win?

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two men were firmly locked on the Titan Bear, and after half a day, they looked to the other side.

On that side was the army of the Southern Song Dynasty, and at this time in the Southern Song Dynasty, the army had gathered three thousand innate masters, and these masters formed an eight-array formation and were standing there quietly.

After these eight formations were photographed by the three laughs, the Southern Song Dynasty immediately knelt down and licked the three laughs.

In the end, the three laughs entered the Southern Song Dynasty and used the eight arrays in the army of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Originally, these eight arrays wanted to be fully formed, and it was best to organize ten thousand innate masters, but the Southern Song Dynasty was weak, and it was not an easy task to gather ten thousand innate masters.

Even these three thousand innate masters were made a great effort by the Southern Song Dynasty to finally get together.

Fortunately, they could launch the Eight Arrays, otherwise even if the Eight Arrays were in their hands, they would not be able to play any role at all.

“A formation of a bear, so that you want to block our army?” It’s delusional. ”

The Great Demon God had a very high opinion of himself and did not take these things in his eyes at all.

“Is it delusional or not, I know it after playing.”

Among the troops, Yang Guang looked at the Great Demon God and the Great Boss with a sneering smile.

At the head of Jiankang City, the Song Emperor Zhao Yun was also relieved to see Yang Guang.

He was really afraid that Yang Guang would refuse, but he didn’t expect the other party to come so quickly, which finally solved his Southern Song Dynasty’s urgent need.

“That’s what I mean underneath.”

The big boss stepped out and stood directly in the center of the battlefield.

Only to see this person with a bear’s back, a fierce appearance, and a heavy breath on his body.

Immediately after that, I saw him raise his hand and wave it lightly, and hundreds of thousands of Dongying troops behind him roared towards Jiankang City.


Seeing this situation, Emperor Song did not dare to provoke it, and quickly looked at Xiao San and smiled, and said with a flattering face.

“Master Guoshi, you can let the warriors go.”

Xiao San smiled at the big boss and the big demon god standing in front of the Dongying army, sighed, and directly waved his right hand eight arrays.

In an instant, the people under the eight arrays seemed to have been pulled by some kind of pull and quickly rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

Three thousand innate masters had eight formations above their heads.

Under the action of the Eight Arrays, the breath and true qi of these three thousand people were completely condensed into one.

No matter which direction you attack, it seems to be attacking or defending at the same time in the face of three thousand people in an instant.

And when these people move, they will be blessed by the strength of others around them.

So much so that each of them can exert a terror power that is a hundred times more powerful than usual.


These armies roared in anger and instantly killed the Dongying army.

When the Dongying army and the Eight Arrays collided together, a terrifying scene appeared.

I saw that each of these three thousand people had split a sharp sword several inches long at the first time.

The sword suddenly appeared, like a hedgehog rampage in the battlefield, and the Dongying army faced such an attack without any resistance, and there were countless deaths and injuries in an instant.

Even those who are godless and have the emperor’s men, you have no resistance at all in the face of such an attack.

After all, no matter how strong these people are, they are just ordinary martial artists.

There are not many third-rate masters, although they seem to be very powerful, this is just the ferocity of their nature.

In fact, compared with the real masters, these people are still 108,000 miles behind.

Therefore, when facing the Eight Arrays, they did not even have the qualifications to resist, and they were often directly killed by the sword qi before they got close.

The sharp sword qi was like substance, and every time it slid through the air, it could take away one or two lives.

When three thousand people slaughtered at the same time, each sword could take the lives of three or four thousand people.

So much so that this brutal killing makes people’s scalps tingle.

In just a few moments, there were already corpses all over the entire Eight Arrays, and there was no place to even get down.

There were mutilated bodies everywhere, bright red corpses everywhere.

There was a sickening smell of blood in the air, making people feel like they were only fighting the Cold War.

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