Chapter 155 The Heavenly Halls have added new people!!

After Qin Yu finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, in an instant, a long river of materials directly appeared, and the strong fluctuations of Yuan Qi made Zhang Sanfeng and several people a little frightened. Get up.

Among them, it can be clearly seen that there are the remains and blood essence of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, as well as various resources of the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan, many of which are excellent materials for refining the body.

“Looks good!”

Qin Yu said plainly.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Qin Yu waved his right hand, only to see these materials quickly rise in the air.

Immediately after that, he saw Qin Yu shoot out a ball of flame in his hand.

In an instant, a fiery breath of silence filled the temple.

This flame is not the usual white or red, but a chaotic color, and in the chaos, there is a little bit of Hongmeng purple.

It was the Chaos Spirit Fire Seed that Qin Yu had obtained before, and after being refined by Qin Yu, it was evolving towards the Hongmeng True Fire.

Such a spiritual fire can be said to be the top flame looking at the heavens and the worlds.

Everyone present, where have you seen it.

Even the medicinal dust didn’t know anything about the origin of this fire, but he only felt a powerful breath coming from it, making the cold fire of the bone spirit in his body tremble with trepidation.

So many resources rose in the air, quickly softening under the scorching of the spirit fire, and then turning into a pool of liquid.

Where Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun had seen such means, they were directly stunned.

Even the medicinal dust was staring closely at Qin Yu’s technique, not daring to miss the slightest.

What he didn’t expect was that Qin Yu’s technique was extremely fast.

After these resources turned into liquid, they quickly turned into a physical body under the tug of Qin Yu’s divine consciousness.

Immediately after that, I saw Qin Yu suddenly take out dozens of soul bodies and throw them over.

These things were all the alchemist souls that the Soul Clan had paid to Qin Yu.

When these souls enter the body, it is obvious to everyone that these new bodies are moving.

After a few moments, Qin Yu withdrew his strength.

These newly resurrected people slowly landed on the ground.

They had just been resurrected and were a little confused at first.

There still seems to be some discomfort.

But after all, they were strong and quickly adapted to their new bodies, and when they saw Qin Yu, these thirty alchemists finally came back to their senses, and all of a sudden, these thirty alchemists knelt down at the same time.

“I have seen the seniors, thank you for the life-saving grace of the predecessors, from now on if there is a dispatch, but according to the command, the younger generations dare not obey.”

Thirty people expressed their position at the same time.

Among them, the lowest strength was also the Douwang Realm strong, and even reached the Dou Zun Five Stars.

This was because the materials that Qin Yu gave them to refine their bodies were almost all top-notch materials, but the souls of many alchemists were only Douwang or Douhuang Realms, and in order to perfectly combine their souls and bodies, Qin Yu had refined bodies of different strengths.

However, even so, refining dozens of corpses at a time is not

The same flesh is also absolutely appalling.

In the face of such a gift of life, these alchemists naturally had no way to repay them, and all of them swore allegiance to Qin Yu.

Many of these people had great eyesight, and naturally could see that Qin Yu’s strength was extraordinary.

If the strength is not strong, how can they resurrect these thirty people in one breath?

If you don’t take advantage of such a strong person, wouldn’t you be blind in vain, this opportunity?

Looking at the attitude of these people, Qin Yu was very satisfied.

These people still know gratitude.

Of course, if they were unwilling to join the Heavenly Halls after their resurrection, Qin Yu would not be polite.

If you’re decent, I’ll make you decent, and if you’re not decent, I’ll help you decent.

I can help you refine your flesh and resurrect you, and naturally I can destroy your flesh in an instant, so that you can continue to be a remnant soul and survive.

What’s more, when they were resurrected, Qin Yu also planted the Hongmeng Seal in their souls, and as long as he had a thought, he could make their souls perish.

The two people next to them, Lang Tuoyun and Zhang Sanfeng, were already shocked and unable to speak.

Resurrection, this is the real resurrection from the dead.

This almost impossible thing happened in front of them.

Moreover, it was thirty people resurrected at a time, and the strength of each of them after the resurrection was not even lower than them, and more than them.

How does this keep them from being alarmed?

At the same time, several people also had a new understanding of Qin Yu’s strength.

The Lord of the Temple was so powerful that it was not so simple to resurrect their dead loved ones.

Looking at the expressions of Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun, Qin Yu’s face did not change at all, and he said directly to the group of newborn alchemists next to him.

“Since you have been resurrected and are willing to join the heavenly temples, from now on you will follow the medicine dust and do things.”

Then Qin Yu said to the medicine dust again, “From now on, they will be under your control, specializing in the alchemy of the Heavenly Temples.” ”


Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Medicine Dust was also very happy in his heart, because before these people came, the alchemist in the Heavenly Hall was only himself.

If you want to communicate with others, you can’t find an object, let alone find someone to lay down your own alchemy, all of which must be done by yourself.

Even the Ten Thousand Realms Dan Dao True Solution given to him by the Lord of the Hall did not have time to study it properly.

Now, with these thirty newborn alchemists, they can finally liberate themselves from their busy alchemy business.

And those newborn alchemists were also shocked after hearing Qin Yu’s words.

“Medicine dust?”

“Could it be the Medicine Lord?”

“Is he still alive?”

The crowd was amazed, and when they looked at the medicine dust, there was a little incredulity in their eyes.

They all came from the Douqi Continent, and for the reputation of medicinal dust, as alchemists, they were naturally thunderous.

Only some alchemists who had been captured by the Soul Hall before the medicinal dust became famous did not understand the situation of the medicinal dust.

But after hearing the alchemist next to them explain, these people all understood and knew how powerful the medicine dust was among the alchemists.

I thought that this old man was just an ordinary person, even if he had some alchemy ability, he was not very good at all.

Especially those few Douzun-level alchemists, they had a little contempt in their hearts at the first time.

But when these people heard Qin Yu’s introduction, the other party was medicine dust, and after they learned the power of the medicine dust, the slight contempt in their hearts instantly dissipated into invisibility.

This is medicine dust, the legendary first alchemist of the Douqi Continent.

I didn’t expect to see it here today.

For a moment, the crowd was overjoyed.

He couldn’t care that Qin Yu was still around, so he walked directly to the side of the medicine dust.

All of them had heard of the legend of medicine dust, and a few even knew him.

At this time, it is naturally a joy to see it here.

For this situation, Qin Yu was not surprised at all.

As the first alchemist of the Douqi Continent, in the minds of many alchemists, Medicine Dust was simply like a god.

No wonder these people are so excited.

It was just Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun, the two of them knew nothing about all this, looking at the actions of these people, their faces involuntarily showed a little surprise.

Such a large group of people are here to talk about the past.

Qin Yu didn’t want to bother either, so he waved at Lang Tuoyun and Zhang Sanfeng.

“Go, resurrect your loved ones.”

“Yes, Lord Xie Dian!”

Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun looked at each other with a sudden look of joy, and then saluted Qin Yu respectfully.

Qin Yu nodded, and with a wave of his right hand, Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun only felt that the sky was spinning for a while, and when they came back to their senses again, the three of them were already standing at the foot of Wudang Mountain.

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