Chapter 156 Zhang Sanfeng’s Special Request!!

“The Lord of the Temple’s Divine Skills!”

Qin Yu’s means of teleporting with this hand shook Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun again, and he could only perform another salute to Qin Yu.

There was no way, they couldn’t do such an ability anyway, so with a wave of their hands, they were close to the end of the world, from the Heavenly Hall to the Great Yuan Wudang Mountain.

Although Zhang Sanfeng had previously asked all the Central Plains martial artists in the Great Yuan to leave Mengyuan and go to Daming, the people of the Wudang Sect had left most of them.

First of all, Zhang Sanfeng originally joined the Heavenly Shop to resurrect Zhang CuiShan, and Zhang CuiShan’s grave was still in Wudang Mountain, so it was naturally difficult to leave.

Second, after all, the Wudang Sect was created by Zhang Sanfeng, and Zhang Sanfeng also had a head and a face in the Kyushu mainland.

Coupled with the fact that they were now the guardians of the Heavenly Shop, even if the Wudang Sect did not leave Meng Yuan, Meng Yuan did not dare to take the initiative to provoke them.

Therefore, after Zhang Sanfeng mediated the dispute between the Mongol Yuan and the various factions in the Central Plains, and let the Central Plains Wulin people withdraw from the Mengyuan, the Wudang faction only closed the mountain gate and did not move away.

“Let’s go, Zhang Zhenren, this is your territory, you go to the front.”

Qin Yu looked at Zhang Sanfeng and smiled.

“Don’t dare! The old way does not dare to cross, Lord of the temple, please first. ”

Zhang Sanfeng didn’t even dare and insisted on letting Qin Yu go ahead.

Qin Yu did not refuse this, but just smiled and walked towards the mountain with his hands in this way.

Zhang Sanfeng followed with a respectful face.

Soon the Wudang disciples discovered them.

When they saw that their ancestors were so respectful to a stranger, they were shocked.

Someone went back to inform Song Yuanqiao at the first time.

However, in a few moments, the Wudang disciples had already come to Zhang Sanfeng and them.

At this time, Qin Yu’s three people were already standing in the True Martial Hall.


Song Yuanqiao They bowed to Zhang Sanfeng.

Then he looked at Qin Yu again, and a shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face.

The true face of the Lord of the Heavenly Palaces, except for Song Yuanqiao, most of them had never seen it, and at this moment, seeing Zhang Sanfeng so respectful to the young people around him, he couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

“What are you doing?” Don’t come to see the Lord of the Heavenly Temples yet. ”

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the expressions of the disciples and said so.

“What Lord of the Heavenly Temples?”

“Lord of the Heavenly Temples?”

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng’s words, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that this young man standing next to Zhang Sanfeng would be the legendary Lord of the Heavenly Palaces.

Still Song Yuanqiao reacted in time, hurriedly walked out of the ranks, and said to Qin Yu, “Wudang disciple Song Yuanqiao, meet the Lord of the Palace, the Lord of the Palace, and Wanfu Jin’an.” ”

When the rest of the disciples of Wudang saw this, they also rushed to Qin Yu’s face, and all of them respectfully knelt down and bowed.

“The disciples of Wudang have seen the Lord of the Palace, the Lord of the Hall, and all blessings and peace.”

When Qin Yu saw this, he couldn’t help but nod, the people of the Wudang Sect still knew how to be polite.

Immediately, he waved his hand.

“Stand up, don’t be polite.”

“Thank you Lord of the Temple.”

It was only at this time that the crowd finally straightened up and raised their heads to look at Qin Yu.

At the same time, each of them involuntarily showed a look of excitement on their faces.

Lord of the Heavenly Halls, this is the legendary Lord of the Heavenly Halls, I didn’t expect to come to Wudang Mountain today.

It’s a glorious outrage.

“Zhang CuiShan, where are they buried?”

Qin Yu didn’t care how excited these people were, and asked Zhang Sanfeng directly.

“The little disciple is buried in the back mountain, and the lord of the temple please come with me.”

After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he took Qin Yu and walked towards the Wudang Back Mountain.

Compared with the front mountain, the back mountain is much more secluded, and usually no one comes.

The bones of Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu were buried together on a hillside.

Before coming to the tomb and looking at the tombstone where Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu were buried together, Zhang Sanfeng’s face changed suddenly.

Zhang CuiShan and Yin Susu were buried together, if only Zhang CuiShan was resurrected and Yin Susu was not resurrected, I am afraid that Zhang CuiShan would not live alone even if he survived.

He still knew his disciples very well, and he was very affectionate and righteous, and he didn’t want his beloved disciple to go to Huangquan again just after he had just come back from the dead.

Thinking about it, Zhang Sanfeng hurriedly bowed to Qin Yu, “Lord of the Palace, Lao Dao has a reluctant request. ”

“Say it.”

Qin Yu had already vaguely guessed Zhang Sanfeng’s thoughts.

“Lao Dao wants to ask the lord of the temple to resurrect the little disciple’s wife as well, and the value points needed by the old Dao are willing to make up for it as soon as possible, and the old Dao is willing to join the Heavenly Hall forever to ensure it.”

Zhang Sanfeng asked nervously, afraid that Qin Yu would not agree.

Qin Yu glanced at the tomb, nodded, and said casually, “Yes, it is not a big deal anyway.” ”

For Qin Yu, who could refine the flesh of thirty people at the same time and resurrect thirty people at the same time, resurrecting Zhang CuiShan and Yin Susu, two ordinary people of the first-order realm, was really not a thing.

Resurrection of one or two is between his waves.

What’s more, Zhang Sanfeng was also willing to permanently join the Heavenly Hall for this purpose, while paying additional value points.

At present, Zhang Sanfeng was only the guardian of the Heavenly Shop, he had signed a one-year contract, and now he was willing to serve the Heavenly Hall permanently, and Qin Yu naturally would not refuse.

Hearing Qin Yu’s answer, Zhang Sanfeng was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed to Qin Yu: “Thank you Lord of the Palace!” ”

Qin Yu nodded, and then he didn’t say more, and with a wave of his right hand, the tomb suddenly exploded.

The bones of Zhang CuiShan and Yin Susu appeared.

Seeing this, the waves turned around very consciously.

Zhang Sanfeng took out the clothes that had been prepared in advance and put them next to him.

Regardless of the actions of the two men, Qin Yu immediately began to refine his body for Zhang CuiShan and his two sons.

Light is a body, which is very easy for Qin Yu to refine.

Casually taking out some ordinary materials obtained from the Douqi Continent, Qin Yu’s spiritual power swallowed and spit out, these materials turned into liquid and covered the bones of the two people.

In an instant, the bodies of the two were visible to the naked eye.

The real trouble is the souls of the two.

Although the warriors of the Kyushu world were all powerful, their souls had not yet reached the level where they could exist independently.

So there simply aren’t enough powerful souls to survive in the world.

Fortunately, in the end, everything was not difficult for Qin Yu.

Only to see two purple elixirs appear in his right hand.

If someone from the Fighting Qi Continent was here, he would definitely be able to see at a glance that the two elixirs in his hand were clearly the Ziyang Soul Dan.

This elixir is very suitable for resurrecting warriors who have no soul left in the world.

Once taken, the soul fragments that dissipated between heaven and earth could be reassembled in a very short period of time.

When Qin Yu had finished refining their bodies, he casually threw the Ziyang Soul Dan into their mouths.

As soon as Ziyang Soul Dan entered his abdomen, Zhang CuiShan’s body obviously moved slightly.

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