Chapter 157 Yin Susu’s Embarrassment!!

As soon as Qin Yu’s mind moved, the clothes prepared by Zhang Sanfeng were worn on Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu’s bodies.

Immediately, I saw that there seemed to be a wisp of mist between heaven and earth, flying towards the bodies of the two people.

After less than a cup of tea, Zhang CuiShan suddenly sat up from the ground and took a big breath.

He was actually resurrected.

Zhang CuiShan was resurrected in front of his eyes, and Zhang Sanfeng was overjoyed, and suddenly the old tears flowed.

It is not easy, who can imagine that his apprentice, who has been dead for more than ten years, can be resurrected in front of his eyes.

If it weren’t for Qin Yu’s existence, I’m afraid this idea would just be a luxury.

Looking at the wish that he had been thinking about for more than ten years and finally achieving it, Zhang Sanfeng only felt that a big stone in his heart had finally been completely removed, and in an instant, the Yuan Qi around him rushed towards his body.


With a loud noise, Zhang Sanfeng’s eyes closed slightly, and a shadow of the Taiji Diagram appeared around him, at the same time, a strong martial will crushed towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, the surrounding Wudang Mountain disciples were all crushed to their knees.

Lang Tuoyun’s face changed drastically, his eyes stared at Zhang Sanfeng, and he said two words in shock.

“Martial Saint!”

Zhang Sanfeng was worried about it, and he actually broke through to the Martial Saint Realm!

However, before it was over, the Yuan Qi around him was still pouring into Zhang Sanfeng, and his strength was still improving.

When Qin Yu saw this, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“Interestingly, Zhang Sanfeng actually directly broke through the Martial Saint in front of me, so I will help you.”

Qin Yu thought, a little casually, in an instant, a purple spiritual force entered Zhang Sanfeng’s body, and in an instant, Zhang Sanfeng’s momentum soared, and endless yuan qi, like the return of ten thousand rivers to the sea, converged on his body.

For a long time, the fluctuations of Yuan Qi gradually stopped, Zhang Sanfeng slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, his strength suddenly came to the peak of the Martial Saint!

Zhang Sanfeng had broken the demons in his heart for more than ten years, and once he made a breakthrough, he actually reached the peak of the Martial Saint, looking at this, he was afraid that it was only a matter of time before he broke through the Land Immortal Realm

After Zhang Sanfeng broke through, he did not dare to be sloppy, he knew the reason for his breakthrough, naturally thanked Qin Yu for Daide, and even knelt down directly in front of Qin Yu and respectfully prostrated his head.

With his identity snorting in front of Qin Yu, you can imagine how excited Zhang Sanfeng was at this time.

The waves next to him were stunned.

Who could have imagined that Zhang Sanfeng, who was almost like the Taishan Beidou in today’s martial forest, would actually kneel down to Qin Yu.

Although it is only a prostration, it is also extremely solemn.

People in the rivers and lakes owe the kindness of others, and it is not a big deal to offset it with their lives, and they will not kneel down easily.

Since Zhang Sanfeng would do such an act, it can be seen that in Zhang Sanfeng’s eyes, such kindness is simply greater than heaven.

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This kindness naturally not only helped him break through to the Martial Saint Realm, but mainly resurrected his disciple Zhang Cuishan, who was close to his son.

Zhang CuiShan next to him didn’t know what was going on with all this at the moment, standing in the same place in a daze, as if he didn’t know what was happening.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng hurriedly shouted at Zhang CuiShan: “Cuishan, what are you still stunned about, don’t you hurry up and kneel down and thank the Lord of the Hall for saving your life?” ”

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng’s words, I also saw Zhang Sanfeng kneeling down to Qin Yu, although Zhang Cuishan was though

However, just after resurrection, his consciousness was still a little confused, but only for an instant, he realized something, and he quickly knelt down to Qin Yu.

“Zhang CuiShan knelt down to thank Lord Lord of the Hall for saving his life!”


Qin Yu nodded casually, and he did not refuse this kind of kneeling thanks, but just stood in the same place and accepted it calmly.

Zhang Sanfeng also hurried to explain to Zhang CuiShan what happened after his death.

When he heard that after his death, Yin Susu actually committed suicide and martyrdom, Zhang CuiShan’s face couldn’t help but change drastically, and an expression of pain and regret poured into his face.

The look in Yin Susu’s eyes was also filled with endless sorrow.

And when he heard that it was the Lord of the Palace who easily resurrected him and Yin Susu, Zhang CuiShan once again prostrated his head heavily at Qin Yu.

After a while, after Zhang CuiShan woke up, less than a tea time, Yin Susu also woke up.

At this moment, Yin Susu still looked like he was in his twenties, and his body smelted by the Heavenly Treasures of the Fighting Qi Continent looked even brighter than his flesh before he died, and of course, his talent was even better.

After waking up, Yin Susu was also a little confused, and Zhang CuiShan rushed to her side and explained.

Under the explanation of Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang CuiShan, Yin Susu also knew the cause and effect of his resurrection.

Immediately he knelt down to Zhang Sanfeng, prostrated his head three times, and then knelt down to Qin Yu…

“Little Girl Yin Susu, thank you Lord of the Palace for saving your life, but in the future, if you send Su Su, you will never resign.”

“You can just have this heart.”

For Yin Susu’s behavior, Qin Yu did not care.

Drop a sentence, and then walk towards the waves.

“Let’s go, it’s over, let’s resurrect your wife.”


His wife, Ji Xixi, was buried by him on the shores of Daming Dongting Lake, thousands of miles away from Wudang Mountain.

Originally, the waves were rolling through the clouds, and they thought that the two of them would have to rush for a long time to reach Dongting Lake, but they did not expect Qin Yu to grab his shoulder, and then with a wave of his hand, he instantly tore through the void, walked in with the waves, and disappeared in the same place.

In the same place, Zhang Sanfeng and several people looked at the disappearing Qin Yu and the waves rolling over the clouds, and they were suddenly shocked.

Zhang Sanfeng was fine, after all, he had seen Qin Yu’s magical means, but Zhang CuiShan and Yin Susu had never even heard of it.

Suddenly seeing this miracle was simply amazing.

“Master, what is the origin of this heavenly temple lord?” How can it be? ”

Yin Susu also said next to him.

“Yes, Master, who is this Lord of the Heavenly Palaces?” Looking so young, how can there be such means? ”

Speaking, Yin Susu thought of the handsome and handsome figure of Qin Yu that he had just seen, and he thought that his body was reshaped by the other party, and his face couldn’t help but blush slightly.

Zhang Sanfeng did not notice this, and when he heard the two people’s questioning, he said with emotion.

“I don’t know exactly who the Lord of the Palace really is, but I only know that he suddenly appeared and instantly stood at the top of the Kyushu Continent, and his strength was so strong that he had reached an unimaginable realm!”

“You just need to know that the Lord of the Hall is no ordinary person, his strength is far beyond our imagination, and any magical thing that happens to him is possible.”

When he spoke, Zhang Sanfeng’s face was also full of reverence.

Once, he thought that the Land Immortal Realm was already the end of cultivation and that he was confident that he could break through it in his lifetime.

But Qin Yu found out after he appeared.

It turned out that this level was only the beginning of cultivation, and there were more realms above it.

As for what level Qin Yu had reached now, even he had no way of knowing.

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