Chapter 158 Shao Liwen Kneels!!

“I can’t imagine that there will be such a godlike figure in the world.”

“The world is so big, when the real Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, such a character can appear, and the path of cultivation really has no end.”

Zhang CuiShan and the two of them sighed one after another, and at this time, Qin Yu had already come to the Daming Dongting Lake with the waves and clouds.

As soon as Qin Yu swept his thoughts, he knew the location of Ji Xixi’s tomb.

The clouds with the waves quickly descended.

Not far away, the fishermen were shocked to see the two men descending from the sky like this, and quickly dropped their oars and kept prostrating themselves to the two in his small fishing boat.

“I’ve seen the gods, I’ve seen the gods.”

He was an ordinary person, and whoever had seen such a thing naturally regarded this kind of thing as a kind of auspiciousness.

His face involuntarily showed joy.

He thought he was the chosen one, and then the man worked even harder when he fished.

Because of his industriousness, he soon married and had children, and lived a rich life through fishing.

In the next few years, he went directly to the shore to buy dozens of acres of land and lived the life of a landlord.

Moreover, there were more and more industries under his name, but he never dared to slack off, and attributed all these achievements to the fact that he saw the gods today.

Of course, this is an afterthought.

At this time, standing in front of Ji Xixi’s grave, Qin Yu didn’t say much nonsense.

According to the method of reviving Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu, he directly resurrected her.

Seeing his wife resurrected in front of him, Lang Tuoyun’s face, which had always been unsmiling, was also ecstatic, and he directly bowed down to Qin Yu.

“Thank you Lord of the Hall for resurrecting your wife, and thank you for your kindness!” If the Lord of the Temple does not give up, the old man is willing to join the Heavenly Hall forever and serve the Lord of the Temple. ”

Lang Tuoyun began to sign a one-year escort contract like Zhang Sanfeng.

At this moment, with Zhang Sanfeng Zhuyu in front of him, coupled with Qin Yu’s own resurrection of his beloved wife, Lang Tuoyun naturally had to express something.

Qin Yu nodded, Lang Tuoyun, as a generation of sword gods, was willing to join the Heavenly Hall forever, and he naturally would not object.

“In this way, then you are welcome to join the Lang Dynasty, and you will join Zhang Zhenren as the deacon elder of my Heavenly Temple.”

The Deacon Elder was the lowest rank among the Heavenly Hall Elders, and although Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun were both strong and highly respected in the Kyushu Continent, Qin Yu would not let them hold any high position from the beginning, they had to start from the bottom.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Lang Tuoyun was not dissatisfied, and hurriedly bowed to Qin Yu, “Thank you Lord of the Palace!” ”

“Well, I won’t delay the exchange of feelings between the two of you, give you three days off, and return to the Heavenly Temple after three days.”


Lang Tuoyun did not dare to refuse, and hurriedly responded.

Other people’s relatives have just been resurrected, Qin Yu is not an impersonal person, and it is also appropriate to let people reunite and relax.

In the same way, Qin Yu also said to Zhang Sanfeng through the voice of a thousand miles.

After doing so, Qin Yu turned and left.

Before Ji Xixi could understand what was going on, Qin Yu disappeared in the same place.

Returning to the Heavenly Hall again, Yang Ruyi had already woken up at this time and was taking care of affairs in the Heavenly Hall.

“Ruyi, come with me.”


Yang Ruyi didn’t understand what Qin Yu was going to do, but he still nodded instinctively.

Qin Yu took Yang Ruyi’s hand and quickly disappeared into the Heavenly Hall.

By the time the two reappeared, they were already standing on the top floor of the Pacific Rim World Shaw Building.

As soon as the two appeared, they instantly triggered the siren in the building.

“What kind of person would dare to trespass on the Shaw Building?”

As the most heavily defended Shaw Mansion in the world today, it was incredible that someone had invaded from heaven at this time.

But the guards here reacted extremely quickly, and Qin Yu was quickly pointed at several guns as soon as they arrived.

The red spots emitted by the laser sight fluttered gently on both of them.

It seems that as soon as they move, they will be beaten into a sieve immediately.

“It’s me.”

Seeing this situation, Yang Ruyi just stood up first.

When they saw Yang Ruyi, these guards were immediately surprised, because he had never seen Yang Ruyi dressed like this at this time, looking like a princess in the court.

Dressed in a palace costume, she was there now, shaking her steps and ringing with ding-dong.

Even just standing there motionless gives people a sense of nobility.

All the guards were stunned, it was not that they had not seen Yang Ruyi, after all, during this time, Yang Ruyi often went in and out of the Shaw Building.

And they also knew that even Shao Zong was respectful to the beautiful woman in front of him.

The crowd did not dare to be idle, and rushed to meet them.

“Miss Yang, you are…”

Zhang Feng, the guard captain in charge of this floor, stood up and looked at Yang Ruyi with a puzzled face.

“Is Sister Shao in the building?”

Yang Ruyi did not answer his words, but asked directly.

“Shao is always there.”

“You tell her that there are distinguished guests and you need her to come and greet them in person.”

After all, it was the princess from the palace, Yang Ruyi seemed calm and calm when she said this, and there was even a hint of indisputability and rejection in her tone.

Although Zhang Feng was extremely confused in his heart, he still nodded instinctively.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and started calling.

Soon there was a voice from Shao Liwen’s side.

“What’s the matter?”

“Mr. Shao, Miss Yang has returned, and she said that there is a distinguished guest coming, and she needs you to personally greet her.”

At this time, Shao Liwen was working in the office, and when she suddenly heard this sentence, she couldn’t help but be stunned.

Yang Ruyi was the spokesperson of the lord of the palace, and now she said that there were distinguished guests coming, was it…

Thinking, Shao Liwen asked hurriedly.

“Where is she now?”

“Top roof.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.”

After saying this, Shao Liwen immediately put down her work, walked out of her office, and quickly came to the top floor through her special elevator.

It was only half a minute before and after.

Along the way, Shao Liwen was thinking about how to behave later, which made her can’t help but speed up her pace when she stepped out of the elevator.

When she came to the rooftop, the atmosphere was still a little tense.

The guards naturally knew Yang Ruyi, but they did not know Qin Yu, although Qin Yu was brought by Yang Ruyi, but as guards, they still could not take it lightly until they could not determine Qin Yu’s identity.

It wasn’t until Shao Liwen rushed to their hearts that she was finally relieved.

When Shao Liwen saw Qin Yu, a touch of surprise also appeared on her face.

“Lord of the Temple!”

Seeing Qin Yu, Shao Liwen exclaimed in surprise, and then came directly to Qin Yu in front of everyone’s shocked eyes, threw herself on her knees, and went down.

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