Chapter 160 Shao Liwen’s Special Request!!

The high-ranking members of the major forces of the Blue Star who heard this news did not believe it at first

But think about the existence of the Shaw Group, and there are mysterious and powerful forces

With support behind their backs, how could they be fooled in such a thing.

Perhaps, that ascension passage was given to them by the mysterious force.

All of a sudden, everyone was crazy, whether white or black, or other people of color were pouring into China like a tide.

Those top tycoons rushed to the Shaw base by private plane at the first time.

For a time, the Shaw base was full of private jets.

And this trend has not stopped.

Many people are directly outside the Shaw base, waiting for the action of the Shaw Group.

But soon a scoop of cold water was poured over, because the people of the Shao base came out with news that only people with Chinese nationality could use the ascension channel to enter another world.

The appearance of this news directly caused the people of the immigration bureau to collapse, because in a short period of time, millions of immigration applications were sent.

Even more frightening, such applications are also growing at a rate of millions per day.

Head far in sight.

Some rich and powerful people will not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy a quota of immigrants in China.

Because only Chinese people can get special tickets to enter another higher world.

In the underground world, this special ticket has been speculated by scalpers to sky-high prices.

At the beginning, it was still hundreds of thousands, but later it became more than three million, but even then no one was willing to sell.

You can imagine the preciousness of such tickets.

This inevitably caused many people to be dissatisfied.

Some have even launched protests directly in the online world.

For all this, Qin Yu didn’t care at all, and Shao Liwen didn’t bother to ask any questions at all.

Protest? It’s just a small thing.

It doesn’t matter at all, and with the Shaw Group’s current position in the world, these protests will have no impact on them at all.

As for scalper tickets, emergency immigration?

Oh, not purebred Chinese people, emergency immigration is useless, scalper tickets are not to mention, can you let you pass, all depends on the mood.

Casually tossing these small things aside, Shao Liwen didn’t care.

At this moment, there were more important things waiting for her to do in her mind.

It had been two days since he came to the Pacific Rim World, Qin Yu had not left, and during this time, Shao Liwen had also been looking ahead and taking him around to relax.

Qin Yu also had a rare moment of relaxation.

Today is Qin Yu, the last day of his stay in the Pacific Rim world.

It was also today that Shao Liwen was summoned to prepare an extremely rich dinner party for Qin Yu.

Many precious ingredients that ordinary people have never even seen are brought up by the next person.

Shao Liwen herself transformed into a wine master by Qin Yu’s side, introducing Qin Yu in detail to a dish and feeding it to Qin Yu’s mouth.

Such services have been available to no one in all countries of the world for several times

Looking at Shao Liwen’s satisfied look, it seemed that she was also very happy in it.

For such a service, Qin Yu also did not refuse to come.

He enjoyed the whole process with the service of an emperor.

After drinking and eating, Qin Yu wiped his mouth and looked at Shao Liwen.

“Say, what do you want?”

“Lord of the Palace is as kind to Li Wen as a mountain, I don’t want anything, I just hope that Lord Lord of the Palace can accept Li Wen.”

Shao Liwen said, on the face that has always been cold and noble, two clusters of red light rose.

Subsequently, she actually moved forward without twisting and sat directly into Qin Yu’s arms.

Yang Ruyi next to her was stunned, she didn’t expect Shao Liwen to be so bold.


Qin Yu had already heard similar words before, and at this time, he heard them again in Shao Liwen’s mouth.

He immediately understood Shao Liwen’s meaning.

Looking at Shao Liwen’s noble and cold expression that coexisted with shyness and timidity, Qin Yu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

“If that’s the case, let’s go.”

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he directly got up and pulled Shao Liwen to the next room.

When he reached the halfway point, Qin Yu seemed to remember something to beckon Yang Ruyi.

This immediately made Yang Ruyi’s face blush with shame.

Of course she knew what Qin Yu meant.

She had the heart to refuse, but when she saw Shao Liwen, who had a generous face, she was unwilling in her heart, so she followed in such a shy answer.

After enjoying a stunning meal, Qin Yu only felt refreshed.

After saying goodbye to Shao Liwen, Qin Yu left the Pacific Rim world.

Shao Liwen watched Qin Yu leave, and only after half a moment did she finally sigh.

She knew that she had to work harder so that she could try to keep up with Qin Yu.

“The chairman is not good, there are more and more people outside, they are all here to protest.”

At this time, a tall assistant who looked like Shao Liwen walked in.

“Protest? Let them protest, and it doesn’t matter to us whether these people protest or not. ”

The Shaw Group has long since become the world’s supergiant.

Even the heads of state of the various countries will treat the Shaw Group with courtesy.

And Shao Liwen is a distinguished guest in the eyes of these people.

Even if they borrowed a hundred guts, these people did not dare to have any dissatisfaction with the Shaw Group.

As for the protests of ordinary people, most of them are just instigations and plans by some people with ulterior motives, let alone be put in her eyes.

Annoys her, she doesn’t mind directly shooting the people behind these people to death.

“Tell those people that if you want to protest, you can, if you protest, there will be no chance to soar.”


Hearing Shao Liwen’s words, the assistant immediately nodded, then turned and left the room.

When the assistant left, Shao Liwen slowly walked to the window.

Standing by the window, she could clearly see that the road in the distance was full of people.

And most of these people are predominantly white and black.

It seems to them that Shao Liwen’s move is to deprive them of the right to ascend freely.

It’s just that in Shao Liwen’s view, their behavior is simply childish and ridiculous, this world has always been respected by the strong, and the weak can only listen to the words of the strong.

The strong make the rules, and the weak obey the rules.

This is an eternal truth.

Wherever you go, it’s an iron law.

Within the Hongmeng Great World, Qin Yu’s figure suddenly appeared and came to the depths of the ocean surrounding the Xiuxian Continent.

Looking at the endless Yuyang below, Qin Yu slowly raised his hand.

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