Chapter 161 The Yellow Continent!!

As a sixth-order world, the Hongmeng Great World is incredibly large, but the shape is similar to the structure of the big world in the heavenly circle often said in the fantasy novels of the past life.

At the same time, similar to the earth, in this world, the area of the ocean occupies 70% of the world, and the land area occupies 30%.

But just this 30% land area is enough to cover the area of thousands or even tens of thousands of Douqi Continents.

Qin Yu stood in the sky above the ocean in the east of the continent, and his mind had already made a plan.

Let the people of the Pacific Rim world soar to an island in the ocean.

After all, the people of the Pacific Rim World, if they don’t rely on science and technology, their real strength doesn’t even have a third-order one, and if they fly directly to the Hongmeng Continent, they must not be beaten by the major forces of those Immortal Demon Clans until they can’t take care of themselves.

Qin Yu was not a nanny, how could he always pay attention to the situation of these ascended people.

Thinking in his heart, Qin Yu no longer delayed.

With a wave of his right hand, in an instant, above this vast sea, the waves were fierce, as if some giant was about to appear.

However, then, on the surface of this originally calm sea, a huge island slowly rose.

No, this area can no longer be called an island.

The area of this whole land area is even larger than the total area of the blue star, and it is completely a continent.

Move mountains and reclaim the sea! No, it’s even more terrifying than moving mountains to reclaim the sea!

At this moment, Qin Yu had actually raised the land under the sea and created a continent with a total area of the earth on this great sea.

This is a miracle!

If these indigenous forces in this Hongmeng Great World could see it, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level antiques would be frightened.

However, before Qin Yu did this, he had already blocked this area through the power of the world, and even those sixth-order masters did not realize at all that in the depths of the ocean of this great world, a continent had already appeared silently.

And these seemingly almost unattainable things were just a show of hands for Qin Yu.

Not to mention that his strength has reached the fifth order, his combat effectiveness is comparable to the sixth order, and he himself is still this Hongmeng; The Lord of the World.

The ability to mobilize the world power of the Hongmeng Great World at any time and create land out of thin air is just a basic operation.

Between the rotation of Qin Yu’s mind, he mobilized the world power of the Hongmeng Great World and quickly transformed the continent below.

For about half an hour or so, Qin Yu looked at the transformed continent below and nodded with satisfaction.

This continent, with its mountains, rivers, forests, lakes, and countless spiritual treasures, rare animals and beasts, is definitely an unexplored wonderland.

“Just name this continent the Yanhuang Continent.”

Qin Yu said to himself, and he gave a name to this continent that he had just created.

After doing all this, Qin Yu did not delay, found the world coordinates of the Pacific Rim world, made several handprints with his hands, and gave a loud sigh.


In an instant, a world passage connects the Pacific Rim World and the Hongmeng Great World.

Pacific Rim World, Shaw Base.

The surrounding demonstrators were still shouting.

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the sky, as if a portal had been opened in the sky.

The pillar of light fell from the sky and landed directly in the Shao base.

Everyone around looked at it in shock.

In a trance, they have a consciousness that seems to be the rumored passage of the world?

Inside the building, Shao Liwen’s face was full of excitement.

“Has the flight aisle been successfully connected?”

Looking at this pillar of light, Shao Liwen almost shouted out excitedly.

She knew that from this moment on, the people of this world would have the opportunity to ascend.

As long as the cultivation reaches the fourth order, you can enter another world because of the Hongmeng Great World through this flight channel.

“We’re going to soar, we’re going to soar.”

Countless people gathered on the road, chanting soaring slogans.

“The Shaw Group cannot deprive us of the right to fly freely.”

“Yes, the Shaw Group cannot deprive us of the right to soar.”

“This right belongs to all mankind and cannot be controlled by the Shaw Group.”

“We must resist, or we will become the cattle and horses of the Shaw Group!”

Countless people are shouting as if they are really shouting for their future.

But just thinking about it for a moment, you can understand that there must be other people’s organizations behind such behavior, otherwise ordinary people would not have been able to organize such a huge scale.

Of course, only a small number of these protesters have chosen to use the usual way.

That is to apply directly for immigration.

Because according to Shao, as long as you become a Chinese and have enough strength, you can fly to another world.

This undoubtedly gives them another option.

“A bunch of crap, such strength also wants to soar, it’s ridiculous.”

In Shao Liwen’s eyes, these protesters are undoubtedly very ridiculous, because the vast majority of these people are ordinary people.

There are very few people who really have cultivation.

There are very few people with stronger strength.

To put it bluntly, none of these tens of thousands of protesters are qualified to ascend.

Even if it is forcibly ascended, that world will probably die instantaneously.

Because Shao Liwen remembered very clearly, Qin Yu had told him before that the Hongmeng Great World was a sixth-order world.

If people in this world are not strong enough to rush into that world, it is undoubtedly similar to sending them to death.

These people are self-righteous, thinking that soaring is like going on a tour.

Compared with these people, the Orientals, especially those in the Confucian cultural circles, are more cautious about such things as ascension.

After all, they had not experienced the ascension though.

But in countless myths and legends, the ascension has been described in great detail.

So they know very well that soaring is an extremely risky thing to do.

If you are not completely sure, rushing to soar is no different from finding death.

Because of this, there are hardly any yellow faces in these protesters.

If there were, they were only those indigenous to South Asia.

There are no people in the Confucian cultural circle at all, especially the Chinese people, let alone none.

Qin Yu didn’t know all this, and even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

After opening the ascent passage of the Pacific Rim, he returned to the Temple of the Heavens.

And as soon as I returned to the Heavenly Temple, I heard the voice of Huang Rong coming to ask for a meeting.

Subscribe a little bit of crotch, please hang the big ancestors, point a lazy person to read ah, bye Sheb!

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