Chapter 162 Kyushu Edition Tea Master!!

“What’s the matter?”

Qin Yu looked at Huang Rong and asked.

“Lord of the Palace, the performance report of the shop clerk of the Heavens this month has come out.”

Huang Rong said respectfully to Qin Yu.

“Well, how’s that?”

“Last month, the total turnover of our stores was 43 million value points, of which the staff and I together achieved a total sales performance of 21 million value points.”

“So much?”

Qin Yu was also a little shocked, he didn’t expect that the performance of the clerks this month was so good, even if he added Huang Rong, the total sales volume of this month was one or two times higher than last month!

“Yes, in this month’s sales list, it ranks first in terms of sales, with a total of four million value points sold.”

Huang Rong continued to speak, but his face involuntarily showed a little jealousy and a slightly unfair expression.

Without him, it was really ridiculously high sales, four or five times that of last month, and even more than the total sales of her store manager, and she had only completed the total sales of 3.8 million value points.

However, Huang Rong also knew very well that the reason why her sales were so high was entirely because she had cultivated the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

This practice is not only powerful, but also shows the beautiful side of his woman as much as possible.

For men, this is simply an irresistible temptation.

Born in the Yin Kui Sect, although she has never experienced the affairs of men and women, she is extremely proficient in the psychology of man.

Nature can stir the hearts of those men from their every move.

In this case, those men do not hesitate to spend money in order to please nature, regardless of the cost.

Some people even sold their family property directly, just to come to the heavenly temples and say two more words to Qi.

And Qiao Xuan directly regarded these people as fat sheep to improve their performance.

Looking at Huang Rong’s expression, Qin Yu also thought of something instantly.

If according to Qin Yu’s previous life, this is a high-level tea master!

But I don’t care about this Qin Yu, the clerk who can complete the good performance is a good clerk.

For Huang Rong’s thoughts, Qin Yu also understood more.

Huang Rong, as a wife with a husband, although she is also extremely smart, but she can’t be as open as she is, and the completion of her performance is not as good as that of Qi, which is also natural.

But this is the ability of others, and he doesn’t have much to say.

“In this way, starting today, he will be upgraded to an Outer Gate disciple.”

With the current performance of Xuan Xuan, don’t wait for any three months later, obviously there is no suspense, and if it goes on like this, I am afraid that other clerks will lose confidence.

Just let her be promoted to an Outer Gate disciple.


Huang Rong nodded at Qin Yu and said in a respectful voice.

“As for the rewards of the remaining clerks, it is up to you to count them according to their respective performance and distribute them.” Is there anything else? ”

“Yes, of course there is!”

Huang Rong nodded hurriedly, and then said with some grievances.

“Lord of the Palace, we have more and more customers in the Heavenly Shop, and now that we have a main store, there is obviously not enough manpower, and we need to recruit more people.”

“In addition, the ranking of the strongest people in the Pacific Rim world has also come out.”

During the conversation, Huang Rong handed the information in his hand to Qin Yu.

Taking the information handed by Huang Rong, Qin Yu looked at it and found that he was in the list of the strongest people in the Pacific Rim World.

There are several people whose names are extremely prominent.

Among them, Qiao Feng, Shao Si Ming, Yan Fei, Luna Shen and others actually ranked at the top of this list.

“Yes, these people are quite OK.”

“I didn’t expect this Qiao Feng to be able to occupy the first place in the list, which was really unexpected.”

Qiao Feng’s strength was not the top in the second order, and he was actually able to rush to the first, but it surprised Qin Yu a little, and then, with a sweep of his mind, he understood the specific circumstances of the matter.

It turned out that when Qiao Feng conquered the “Herald” world, he was a pioneer every time, but his martial arts were greatly opened, especially suitable for fighting.

In the battle, it was directly broken through to the Heavenly Man Realm, plus the third-order masters basically did not participate in this time, and Qiao Feng finally got the first ranking.

“This young master’s life is not ordinary, he can actually suppress Yan Fei and Luna in the ranking, is there any special way for this young lady to do it?”

Qin Yu was very confused in his heart, and originally thought in his heart that Yan Fei could be ahead of them.

Who knows Yanfei’s name, it is not high at all…

Among the three members of the Yin and Yang Family, Shao Si Ming’s ranking was higher than all of them.

“I think the recruitment of clerks and this campaign can be solved together, and some of these people who are doing better can be selected.”

“So, you go and get a few of them here, and I’ll meet them in person.”

“Yes, Lord of the Temple.”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Huang Rong nodded happily, then turned and left.

At this time, the conquest of the Pacific Rim World was recuperating and gathering momentum, and Qiao Feng and several of them were in the Heavenly Palace, and when they received Huang Rong’s words, they directly followed him and came to Qin Yu.

Among several people, Qiao Feng was heroic and vigorous, and there was a domineering spirit in his body between his every move.

But when facing Qin Yu, he couldn’t say how restrained he was.

There was no way, Qin Yu’s reputation was too similar, in the whole Kyushu world, who had never heard of Qin Yu’s name.

Coupled with the fact that Qin Yu’s strength was really unfathomable, it was difficult for everyone to look up to him.

Whether it is fame or strength, it is beyond their reach, plus Qiao Feng still has to ask for him, will have such a performance.

Otherwise, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu was in front of him, Qiao Feng probably wouldn’t look at it squarely.

In addition to him, the looks of Yan Fei and Luna Shen also looked more restrained.

Because they knew very well that the strength of the person in front of them was far beyond their imagination, as long as the other party was willing, they could kill them with a breath.

In the face of such a strong person, if you are not careful, I am afraid that I will not know how I will die at that time.

However, when Shao Si Ming saw Qin Yu, his eyes were a little different, and there were some expressions of disobedience.

This made Qin Yu can’t help but look at her.

The little girl seems to have some ideas, is it because she was eliminated when she was recruiting clerks last time?

Qin Yu smiled slightly in his heart, and then said to everyone.

“You are one of the top ten people in this batch, and I am very satisfied that the door of the Heavenly Temple is also willing to open it for you.”

“You can choose to stay in the Heavenly Halls and be a clerk, or as a miscellaneous disciple in the Heavenly Halls, I don’t know what you think?”

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