Chapter 166: The Decision of the Overlord!!

“Breakthrough is broken, the door master is broken.”

Seeing this situation, some people in the Gate of Heaven were happy and some were sad.

Because Emperor Shi Tian’s strength was strong again, it would undoubtedly become more difficult for those masters who had been forcibly brought by him to leave again.

And this kind of thing is undoubtedly a great good thing for those who voluntarily join the Gate of Heaven.

There was a land god sitting at the Gate of Heaven, which was a blessing for them.

After going out, the waist pole will be harder than others.

I don’t know how long it has been, but Emperor Shi Tian’s strength has finally broken through.

At the moment when he completely promoted the Land Immortal, a powerful aura spread out from the Heavenly Gate and instantly swept across the entire Kyushu Continent.

Countless masters raised their heads one after another and looked in the direction where the Heavenly Gate was located.

“Did Emperor Shi Tian break through?” Very good. ”

When Wu Invincible felt this breath, his body was suddenly awe-inspiring.

The others’ hearts sank slightly.

Because the birth of a new land god will inevitably mean that there will be great events in the world

And the male bully who felt this breath changed his face wildly at the first time.

Because a long time ago, the Xiongba had already received a message from Emperor Shi Tian, hoping that they would join the Bactrian Empire.

But at that time, the domineering heart was arrogant, and the heroic heart was still undiminished.

For Emperor Shi Tian’s request, Xiongba did not pay attention to it at all, and directly and categorically refused.

I thought that this matter would be calculated like this, but I didn’t expect that Emperor Shi Tian would actually break through at this time to become a new land immortal.

This is terrible, and it is not a good thing for him to be in the world.

With the mind of the male bully, he could definitely think that Emperor Shi Tian would definitely make the world surrender again in the first time after the breakthrough.

But at that time, I was afraid that Emperor Shi Tian would not be as good at talking as before.

There is a good chance that a vicious battle will break out between the two sides at that time.

Thinking of this situation, the male bully was so angry that he wanted to scold the mother.

After a day of being frightened and frightened, the next morning, suddenly his disciples came to report.

“Your Honor, there is a woman named Luo Xian outside, and I want to ask to see you.”

Hearing the address, the male bully’s heart sank slightly.

Who Luo Xian was, he knew better than anyone in his heart.

That woman was both Emperor Shitian’s righteous daughter and Emperor Shitian’s disciple.

At this time, his appearance at the Tianxia Conference was undoubtedly on behalf of Emperor Shi Tian.

“Let her in.”

“No, I’m already here.”

As Luo Xian’s voice fell, she instantly walked into the first floor of the world.

Standing only two feet away from the male bully, Luo Xian looked at her quietly.

“Male Gang Lord, I don’t know what our door master said before, how are you thinking about it?”

“What did your disciple say, how come I don’t know?”

The bully seems to want to pretend to be stupid and procrastinate.

But Luo Xian didn’t give him such a chance at all.

Just like that, he looked at the male bully quietly, and finally said it after half a day.

“Lord Xiong, our disciple lord once told you that he wanted you to join my Bactrian Dynasty.”

“Now that time has passed so long, I don’t know what the male gang leader thinks, have you considered it?”

Seeing that this matter could not be hidden, the male bully simply fell silent.

It took a long time before he finally spoke.

“Although I would like to agree, my Tianxia Association has a great cause, and if I follow your disciples, I really can’t explain it to the disciples of the Tianxia Society.”

Hearing the words of the male bully, Luo Xian was quite disdainful in his heart.

The reason why Emperor Shi Tian wanted to recruit his Tianxia Association was entirely because there were many disciples of the Tianxia Society, and these disciples had been fighting for many years, and one by one they were brave and good at fighting.

For the Bactrian Dynasty to conquer the four sides, it is very appropriate.

Thinking, Luo Xian said lightly.

“Male Helper, if you can’t let go, you can join the Heavenly Gate with the disciples of the Heavenly Society.”

“Moreover, our Door Master has already said that as long as the Xionggang Lord is willing to bring the disciples of the Tianxia Association to join the Heavenly Gate, then the Door Master is willing to allow the Xionggang Lord to take the throne.”

“I don’t know what happened to the male gang.”

The words had already been said directly on this, and the male bully knew that he had no way to hide now, so he simply said it directly.

“You better go back, the old man is not interested in this kind of thing.”

“Male Gang Lord, you should think clearly, after refusing this invitation, if you want to join the Gate of Heaven in the future, I am afraid it will not be easy.”

“Moreover, the male gang lord may not know that my family door master has broken through to become a new land immortal a few days ago.”

Luo Xian’s words made the male bully feel very annoyed, and his face changed almost instantaneously.

Although he already knew that Emperor Shi Tian had probably broken through to become a land immortal, when he really heard this and came out of Luo Xian’s mouth, Xiong Ba’s heart was still shocked.

And he knew very well that when Luo Xian said these words, it meant that Luo Xian had already begun to show himself a showdown, and her behavior largely represented the attitude of Emperor Shi Tian.

That is to say, no matter what, he must give a clear answer today, otherwise it is very likely to encounter retaliation from Emperor Shitian.

Xiong Ba could even guess that when Luo Xian came, I was afraid that Emperor Shi Tian was already hidden in the shadows, as long as he dared to refuse, then Emperor Shi Tian would definitely rush out of the dark place at the first time to kill him on the spot.

I am afraid that others will not be able to do this kind of thing, but if he does it by Emperor Shi Tian, he will definitely not have any psychological burden.

Because Xiongba knew very well that although that Emperor Shi Tian was a supreme master in the world, and at this time he was a land immortal, he was actually a greedy and fearful villain, sinister and vicious.

What to do? Should I say yes? For a time, the bully was in a dilemma.

If Luo Xian was promised, then his world would inevitably be annexed by the Gate of Heaven.

But if he doesn’t agree, then he may not see the sun tomorrow.

This made the male bully directly stunned in place, and he could not speak.

Luo Xian didn’t say much, but just looked at him quietly.

Even Luo Xian himself didn’t know that a pair of eyes in the dark were quietly staring at all this.

It seemed that as long as there was any abnormality, this person would suddenly strike between the electric light and flint.

Luo Xian didn’t know, not even Xiongba.

But the male bully had a vague feeling, as he stood in the same place without opening his mouth for more and more time, a trace of terror gradually appeared in the air around him

The breath was so terrible that it gave him a creepy feeling.

So much so that this makes the male bully more certain that there must be an extremely powerful master lurking in the dark.

Otherwise he wouldn’t have felt that way.

This aura was so terrifying that he had only felt it in those powerful land immortals at the Celestial Auction.

And there is no such master in the Tianxia Association at all.

Because of this, the male bully was more certain that Emperor Shi Tian must have come, and it was hidden in the shadows, and at this time the killing machine he emitted was warning himself if he categorically refused at this time.

Then the other party will definitely shoot directly and kill himself on the spot six.

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