Chapter 167 Nameless Sword Saint!!


The male bully was half speechless, and after a cup of tea, he finally took a deep breath.

“Okay, the old man agreed to your Tianmen’s request, hoping that your Tianmen can do what you say.”

“Rest assured, our door master will never deceive people with his word.”

Ah, who are your disciples, I know very well in my heart.

These words kept roaring in the heart of the bully.

But now there was nothing he could do.

As the voice of the bully fell, a figure quickly appeared in the first floor of the world.

He was about to speak when he heard someone coming.

“Good! Good! Good! I believe that the male gang leader will certainly not regret this decision. ”

Emperor Shitian looked at the male bully sitting in his seat and smiled.


Seeing that Emperor Shi Tian suddenly appeared in front of him, Luo Xian immediately knelt down and greeted Ann!

And at the moment he appeared, the male bully felt a cold sweat on his body, instantly wetting his whole body.

This sinister little man was indeed hidden in the first floor of the world.

Luo Xian was just a row of noodles sent by the other side.

And he himself hid in the shadows and waited for an opportunity to strike.

Fortunately, he agreed to Luo Xian’s words, otherwise he would have been killed by Emperor Shi Tian’s sneak attack at this time.

Thinking of this kind of thing, the male bully only felt that his heart was palpitating.

“I’ve seen the door owner.”

Since he had now agreed to Luo Xian’s proposal, it naturally also meant agreeing to Emperor Shitian’s proposal, so when Xiongba saw Emperor Shitian, he himself quickly stood up from his position and said hello to Emperor Shitian.

At the same time, such a message appeared on the large screen on the first floor of the Heavenly Temple.

“Emperor Shi Tian broke through the land immortals, and Xiong Ba led the disciples of the Tianxia Association to return to the Great Xia Dynasty founded by Emperor Shi Tian.”

With this message, everyone in the world fell into shock.

Emperor Shi Tian actually broke through the land immortals.

Although he had been the Martial Saint Peak before, it was normal for him to break through the Land Immortal from the Martial Saint Peak, even if he was lucky, to be stuck for a few years or even decades.

Otherwise, Emperor Shi Tian would have been the peak of the Martial Saint for so many years.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Shi Tian suddenly broke through.

Qin Yu didn’t care about Emperor Shitian’s breakthrough, after all, before Emperor Shitian took himself to surrender the Qinglong of Kyushu, he had given him a elixir at that time.

Counting the time, now the breakthrough of Emperor Shi Tian is also a natural success.

And Xiongba even brought all the disciples of the Heavenly Society to the Bactrian Dynasty, which made Qin Yu and everyone in Kyushu in the Heavenly Shop wonder.

Is that bully really willing to live under people?

It can be imagined that the strength of Emperor Shi Tian now, everyone is also relieved in their hearts, after all, in the face of the pressure of a land immortal, as long as the male bully is not a fool, he will never refuse, unless he wants to die.

Many people are even more worried when they hear the news.

Because many people today know that Emperor Shitian has taken phoenix blood, he can live forever.

Such a man who could live forever became the emperor of a country.

It was unbelievable.

If Emperor Shi Tian was a Ming Emperor, coupled with his immortal nature, then the empire he founded would be extremely powerful.

As long as it takes long enough, even if it directly sweeps through the Kyushu world, there will be absolutely no problem.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but shiver.


Just when everyone was shocked, Nameless took his erhu and walked step by step towards Wushuangcheng.

From the surface, it looks nameless, as if you have come to Wushuangcheng for a sightseeing trip.

But only he knew in his heart that he had come this time to find someone.

After coming to Wu Shuangcheng, he went directly to Wushuangcheng Houshan, and at the junction between Houshan and Wushuangcheng, there was a huge forest.

There is an ordinary thatched hut in the middle of the woods.

If someone who doesn’t know comes here, they will definitely think that this house is the residence of some ordinary person.

But in his heart, Nameless knew very well that in this ordinary thatched hut lived the Peerless Sword Saint and the Lone Sword.


Before Nameless could get close to this small house, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful sword qi suddenly come over his face.

In an instant, I saw that there were dense swords everywhere.

Even the air around it was filled with sharp breath, as if it would cut people into powder in an instant.

Looking at the golden sword qi that shone in the sky, Nameless looked indifferent and said unhurriedly.

“There are friends from afar, is this how Your Excellency the Sword Saint treats his friends?”

“Hmm, nameless…”

As this sound fell, the Heavenly Sword Qi disappeared instantly.

Then I saw a white-haired old man coming out of the hut.

When he saw the lone sword, a trace of imperceptible pity flashed on his face.

Nameless could feel that the breath on the lone sword’s body was obviously a little unstable.

He’s too old.

Even the sharp sword qi in the old man’s hand was no longer strong.

Although the Lone Sword is still a lone sword, but the years are not forgiving, he may still be a sword saint, but the sword saint at this time is not the sword saint of that year.

Today, if the Lone Sword still has to work with people, it will inevitably be very dangerous.

The old man may have a battle for anyone, but after a war, whether he wins or loses, he will undoubtedly die.

“What’s your expression?” Do you think that the sword in the old man’s hand is not sharp enough? ”

After the lone sword said this, his right hand was extended, and he held it in the air.

A sharp sword roared out of the thatched hut and fell into his hands in an instant.

This is the supreme treasure in the Peerless Sword and Peerless City.

At the same time, it is also the thing that has been passed down through the generations of the Peerless City Lonely Family.

With the Peerless Sword in his hand, the terrifying sword qi roared out on the surface of the sword body, and then condensed into a sharp golden sword light.

The air around him was stirred in an instant, making a scoffing sound.

Causes scalp tingling.

It was just a lone sword in his hand, and the whole person was filled with an unusually sharp breath.

From a distance, he seemed to have transformed into a sharp Excalibur at this moment.

When Nameless saw this, his eyes instantly lit up.

He could feel that at this moment, the essence in the lone sword’s body was gradually recovering.

The originally weak qi and blood also began to stir at this time.

Seeing this situation, Nameless was very sure in his heart, if he did not give the Lone Sword an explanation, then the person in front of him would certainly not hesitate to sword himself.

The Sword Saint Sword must be earth-shattering, and I am afraid that even if his Heavenly Sword is nameless, it may not be able to take it.

Because this sword will inevitably be the last sword of the Sword Saint in this life, it will be amazingly talented and amazing.

“Sword Saint Senior, stop quickly!”

Looking at the appearance of the Sword Saint, Nameless knew that he could not continue to delay.

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