Chapter 168 Great Qin and Daming also moved!!

“Ahem! Do you look down on me? ”

Sword Saint didn’t seem to want to appreciate it.

“Although the Sword Saint is old, the sword in his hand is not old at all, otherwise Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword will try it.”

“No, your sword must be stunning and unstoppable, and in the face of such an attack, I am not sure what to do.”

Nameless admits very crisply, giving people the feeling of recognition.

However, after Dugu Jian heard the nameless words, his heart was also slightly happy, and he put away the momentum on his body.

Not only because Nameless confessed, admitted that he was inferior to himself at the moment.

It is also because he knows his current situation very well in his heart.

Although he was a sword saint, he could not survive the years, he was too old now, coupled with the previous attack of the male bully, although he defeated the male bully with a half-finished sword twenty-three, but his own body was also more turbulent.

But at this moment, instead of becoming weaker, he is stronger!

Because of the last duel against the male bully, after he used the incomplete sword twenty-three, he finally perfected the sword move of the sword twenty-three.

At this moment, he could fully use the full version of the sword twenty-three.

At that time, that power will definitely be earth-shattering, not to mention nameless, even if it is the Land Immortal Realm, it does not dare to directly attack its front.

However, with his current physical condition, if he rushed out of the sword, I am afraid that he would not live for a moment or three.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, the lone sword is not willing to produce this sword.

“Say, what are you here for me today?”

“Just talk here?” I was not invited to go in and sit down. ”

Looking at the lone sword in front of him, Nameless smiled.

“The cold house is simple, but it can’t accommodate your Heavenly Sword.”

The words of the lone sword were still cold and hard.

I didn’t put the nameless in my eyes at all.

As for the character of the lone sword, Nameless had already understood it, so he did not take his words to heart at all.

After he finished speaking, Nameless smiled and said.

“You know about Emperor Shi Tian’s breakthrough to the Land Immortals?”

“A few days ago, a powerful aura soared into the sky, and everyone who was a little bit of cultivation knew about this news.”

Looking at the nameless face, the lone sword looked a little angry.

“If you just come over and tell the old man these things, then please come back, the old man is not interested.”

“There is another thing that Your Excellency the Sword Saint does not have to be in such a hurry, perhaps you don’t know.”


“The Tianmen Emperor Shi Tian has already subdued the Xiongba, and now, the Tianxia Association of the Xiongba has been merged into the Bactrian Dynasty. If I am not wrong, they will soon attack you without a word. ”

“What, is this true?”

Hearing Nameless say this, Dugu Sword was immediately shocked, he didn’t expect that the male bully would actually surrender under the Gate of Heaven.

This is definitely bad news for them in Wushuangcheng.

If it was in the past, the lone sword would naturally not shrink back half a point.

But at this moment, his state was very bad, if he faced Emperor Shi Tian and Xiongba at this time, I was afraid that he would not only be more fierce and less lucky, but also unable to protect the Peerless City at all.

“I don’t know what Your Excellency the Sword Saint has planned after learning this news.”


The lone sword was silent for a long time, and then finally sighed.

“Since this is the case, then I will withdraw from the Zhongzhou scramble from now on and take back all the disciples who have gone out.”

Hearing the lone sword say this, Nameless also nodded in his heart.

Although this lone sword was fierce and fiery in nature, he would rather not bend, but he was also a person who could clearly see the situation.

If Wushuangcheng did not withdraw at this time, it was likely to encounter an attack from the Bactrian Dynasty.

I’m afraid no one will be able to save them.

“Are you okay?” If it’s okay, let’s go. ”

The tone of the lone sword seemed very impolite.

“Why is Your Excellency the Sword Saint like this?”

Nameless is somewhat embarrassed.

“Don’t you still want to stay and drink tea?” Although the old man could not save the city, he must also recover his body quickly to cope with the possible crisis. ”

“And the place where I can quickly solve all the problems in my body is the Heavenly Temple several times, and the old man is ready to go to the Heavenly Temple to see if anything can restore my body.”

“That’s right, I want to go for a walk, let’s go together.”

The words of the lone sword made Nameless smile.

Hearing his words, the face of the lone sword was a little ugly.

I wanted to refuse, but I could think of my current situation, and I didn’t say anything more.

Eventually, the two men set out on their way to the Heavenly Temple.

While the others were next to the border of Qin Yuan, Qin Shi Huang’s face changed slightly after receiving the news that the emperor had returned to the emperor Shi Tian, and he immediately ordered an attack on Meng Yuan.

Hundreds of thousands of Han servant armies took the lead, while the elite troops of the Qin state mainly followed behind like a tide, marching mightily towards the interior of Mengyuan.

The combined forces of the Qin and Han Dynasties, combined with one unit, attacked Mengyuan, and from a distance, they looked like black pressure and pressure, like locusts snaking on the ground.

On the side of the Ming Kingdom, Zhu Houzhao no longer hesitated after getting this news.

Directly swing the division north and attack the Qing Dynasty.

It didn’t take long for such a message to be displayed on the large screen on the first floor of the Heavenly Shop.

“The State of Qin attacked Mongyuan and destroyed the Mongol Yuan army in Jinzhou, killing 50,000 enemies, capturing 30,000 prisoners, and capturing hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep.”

“Daming attacked Daqing, broke through the border pass, drove straight in, captured Chang’an, and was advancing toward the capital of the Great Qing.”

The Mongol Yuan Empire retreated all the way to the vicinity of Dadu in defeat, and withdrew to Dadu while resisting.

This message caused an uproar directly in the Heavenly Shop.

No one expected that the attack power of the Qin State would be so terrible, and the powerful Mengyuan Iron Horse would be so vulnerable in front of the Qin State’s army.

What is even more unexpected is that the Mongolian Yuan army was actually driven directly into the capital by the Qin army.

Everyone instantly realized that Meng Yuan was finished.

As long as the Qin state chooses to besiege the Mongol Yuan army in the capital, for a long time, there is no grain and grass, their army will inevitably collapse in the capital.

At the same time, the Qin general Meng Tian led the golden fire cavalry to directly rush into the Mengyuan steppe after purging the Xiongnu.

This news directly exploded in the Central Plains.

No one expected that Meng Tian would be so strong that he would directly lead people to attack the Mengyuan Grassland.

That was the rear of the Mongol Yuan Empire, and if their grasslands fell, then for the Mongol Yuan Empire, it would be tantamount to a catastrophe.

In addition, with the emergence of this matter, the second message also appeared on the big screen.

Compared with the Qin Kingdom’s attack on the Mongolian Yuan, the Ming Kingdom’s attack on the Qing State was somewhat acceptable.

After all, after Daming annexed the Northern Song Dynasty, his strength rose sharply, and Daqing, as a general existence in the Kyushu Dynasty, was very normal for Daming to attack them.

I just didn’t expect that in this war, Daming could actually directly break through the border pass and drive straight in.

This incident directly caused an uproar in Kyushu.

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