Chapter 169 Tony’s Call for Help!!

Just when everyone was strange, a message suddenly came out, it turned out that Wei Xiaobao, the minister of the Qing Dynasty, was holding the sword of Shangfang at the border pass, and in the name of sending troops to kill Wu Sangui, he withdrew from the border pass with hundreds of thousands of troops.

As a result, the border between the Qing and Ming kingdoms was empty, and there were no available soldiers.

The Ming Kingdom was also an opportunity to directly break through the border pass in one fell swoop and rush into the territory of the Qing Kingdom.

Coupled with the fact that the whole war had Ling Donglai sit in the battle, the Daming masters were exhausted, and countless Qing army defenders were directly assassinated by the Daming martial arts masters.

Therefore, the Ming army was as strong as a rainbow and fought all the way to Chang’an, the Qing Dynasty.

Chang’an City, as the capital of the Western Qing Dynasty, although heavily guarded, could not stop the power of the land gods and immortals from the east, and was directly blasted through the city wall, and thus fell.

Subsequently, in order to open the road to the capital of the Qing state as soon as possible, Zhu Houzhao directly sent an army of 100,000 people to rush to the capital of the Qing Dynasty.

It all happened so fast that by the time the young Kangxi Emperor reacted, this vanguard army was already halfway there.

The army that was withdrawn by Wei Xiaobao was killed by Wei Xiaobao in the name of rebellion when the army was transferred.

As a result, the border guards were leaderless and could only obey Wei Xiaobao’s orders.

This army is a clean slate.

After receiving this news, the Kangxi Emperor was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He didn’t figure out how Wei Xiaobao, whom he trusted, would actually give himself a knife in the back at this time.

For today’s Great Qing, Wei Xiaobao’s knife is simply a killer.

Without the elite resistance of hundreds of thousands of border passes, the Ming army could simply run rampant in the territory of the Qing Kingdom.

Although there were also people in the Qing Dynasty who organized resistance, they were powerless in the face of the powerful Ming army, and the slightest touch would collapse in an instant, and they were not opponents at all.

Such a change came so quickly that no one could react.

When all the news gradually became clear, almost everyone in Kyushu quickly realized that the Qing Dynasty was over this time.

In the face of the powerful Ming Army, there was Wei Xiaobao, an internal traitor, dragging his feet.

Even if they have great ability, they can’t turn over at all.

Qin Yu also saw such information in the Heavenly Hall.

He couldn’t help but be a little surprised in his heart, he didn’t expect that Zhu Houzhao would actually bribe the enemy minister.

However, if you think about the character of a person like Wei Xiaobao, it is normal.

Under this substance, the inside should be combined with the outside, and it will be difficult for the Qing Kingdom to perish even if it does not want to perish.

It can be predicted that when the army of the Ming Kingdom approached the capital of the Qing Kingdom, the Qing Kingdom had already become a grasshopper after the autumn.

“It seems that the Kyushu world has entered the final decisive stage, and I believe that it will not be long before all the situations will be completely clear.”

Then it will be time for the three powerful nations to move towards reunification. ”

“In this way, this issue of the dynasty ranking can be delayed.”

The current situation made Qin Yu already think about the future direction of the Kyushu continent.

But it didn’t matter to him at all.

He didn’t care about the end of the Kyushu continent

Who is to be the emperor.

No matter how the Kyushu continent changes, his heavenly halls will still be above the empire.

Sugar, Noboriyu Shangyudoアい通!

On the large screen on the first floor of the Heavenly Shop, it appeared directly.

“In view of the fact that the major jade dynasties in Kyushu have entered a state of decisive battle, the current list of Kyushu dynasties will be postponed and will be announced after the situation on the Kyushu mainland is clear.”

“At that time, the last dynasty to enter the list will receive rewards that will increase depending on the performance of the decisive period.”

As soon as this news came out, in an instant, everyone in the Heavenly Shop was talking about it again.

“Sleeper! The final battle of the Kyushu Dynasty is coming? ”

“Will the dynasty reward increase at the end of the list?”

“Is it to double?”

“These dynasties must not play the dog brain now!”

The news spread rapidly towards the Kyushu mainland.

And the major dynasties that received the news, like chicken blood, acted quickly.

For these, Qin Yu didn’t care much, after sending this notice, he was attracted by a message.

It turned out that in the chat group, Tony suddenly sent a message for help.

“The lord of the palace is coming to help, my side can’t hold it anymore, the enemy is too fierce, it doesn’t even talk about martial arts.”

This message of his has been sent, and it has immediately attracted the attention of many people.

“Uncle, didn’t you say you were very powerful?”

The little stones seemed very strange.

The words of the little stone made Tony very angry, and he was very depressed at this time.

“You little fart ball doesn’t understand, go!” Go! Go! Go while playing in the mud. ”

“Uncle, did you encounter something?” Is it true that your enemies have not yet been defeated by you? ”

The words of the two attracted Zhang Xiaofan’s attention, and he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“If only it were that easy, then it would have been nice for me to abuse that alien Loki, but something went wrong in the middle.”

At this point, Tony seemed to react suddenly.

“You’re also a half-grown child, you don’t understand anything, what do I tell you about these things?” What a waste of time. ”

After saying this, Tony continued to moan.

“Lord of the Palace, you are about to come out, my side is almost finished, if you don’t come out again, you won’t see me in a long time.”

His words made the Lunatic Sect Master very disdainful.

In his opinion, although Tony has blond hair and blue eyes, a high nose bridge, and looks very strange, he is also a man.

But it is a shame that a big man is crying and crying for help here.

So much so that the Moon Worship Sect Leader, although he saw that Tony was online, did not want to say more.

Just look at him very dismissively, constantly sending messages in the chat group.

Several messages were sent in a row, but there was no response from Qin Yu, and Tony was about to cry.

Instead, Ye Fan, who was far away in the Heavenly World, was blown up.

“Brother, what happened to you that made you cry so much snot and tears.”

“Brother, you don’t know, brother, I’m really hard.”

I thought that I bought a lot of weapons and equipment in the store and could show my skills when I went back, but I didn’t expect the other party to be more ruthless.

Directly pull out an army, and the strength of this army can destroy the world. ”

Speaking of this matter, Tony couldn’t help but want to complain about it.

Originally, he was planning to take the weapon he had bought back from the Heavenly Shop and kill the so-called god, Loki.

But he did not expect that although Loki was beaten away by himself, it was only a delaying tactic.

In the end, an alien army was directly pulled, how can this be fought?

Now he has almost reached the point of exhaustion.

“What the hell is going on? You tell me. ”

In the end, Qin Yu still appeared.

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