Chapter 170 The Alien Fleet Strikes!!

Seeing that Qin Yu finally appeared, Tony almost cried.

If it weren’t for Qin Yu not being in front of him, Tony would probably have directly thrown himself at Qin Yu’s feet and shouted for help!

“Lord of the Palace, you have finally appeared, and I am waiting for you so bitterly.”

“What the hell is going on? You make it clear to me. ”

Hearing Qin Yu say this, Tony finally settled down, and then complained bitterly with a handful of snot and a handful of tears.

“Big man, some time ago I bought a lot of advanced weapons in the Heavenly Shop to go back, you know?”

“Of course you know, what’s wrong, what’s wrong with the weapon?”

“No, there is nothing wrong with the weapon, but there is a problem with my opponents?”

“Oh, is it? Then you say come and listen. ”

Hearing Tony say this, Qin Yu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and he had already roughly guessed it.

Then I heard Tony say.

“Didn’t I buy a bunch of weapons the other day and go back, thinking that when I went back, I would beat up that Loki so that even if I couldn’t kill him, it would make him peel off a skin.”

“In fact, it was like this in the beginning, those weapons were so powerful that they beat Loki to the ground and found teeth.”

“Everything was going very well, but I didn’t expect that Loki seemed to be red-eyed, and actually opened the portal of the other world at this time.”

“Oh, and then what?”

“And then… Then the problem is big! ”

As he did this, Tony began to curse angrily again.

Ye Fan, who was silently listening to the story, was speechless when he saw him like this.

He basically knows who Tony is, and if he’s not mistaken, this guy should be the super-rich guy.

Known as Tony’s Big Iron Man.

What Ye Fan didn’t expect was that this Iron Man was actually like this in the chat group.

The face of the world’s richest man was thrown directly into the Pacific Ocean by him.

What made Ye Fan even more strange was that in his impression, Tony should be a fictional character, but he did not expect to appear in this chat group, which really surprised him.

Then I heard Tony continue to complain.

“That guy from Loki actually opened the otherworldly portal and rushed out of the portal directly from the portal.”

“No, it’s not the army, it’s Starfleet!” This interstellar army is not only numerous, but also extremely advanced in science and technology, and one by one it is fiercely dying. ”

“The point is that their number is too much, and there are countless biological warships, which are really too fierce, and we can’t stop them at all!” Now the whole of New York has been almost destroyed, and I have been beaten up! ”

“Boss, I’m your little brother, you must be angry for your little brother in this matter, those guys are really too fierce, you must destroy the interstellar people and defend the blue star!”

Tony’s broken mouth was also a must before the appearance of the Marvel spider, and his face was as thick as a city wall, although Qin Yu had never said anything similar, but at this time he was still very shamelessly treating Qin Yu as the boss, and he prided himself on Qin Yu’s little brother.

This left Qin Yu very speechless.

At the same time, I felt a tingling in Tony’s scalp.

He couldn’t imagine that this Tony had already bought the weapons of the Heavenly Shop, and could actually let Loki open the portal.

Think of Tony proudly abusing Loki, when suddenly countless starships appeared in the sky, that sour…

At that time, what kind of mood he really was, it is estimated that the heart of the scolding mother had it.

During the time when Qin Yu was speechless, Tony’s heart was also pounding.

During this time, their Avengers were really unlucky, at the beginning of the encounter with the evil god Loki invasion, they still fought with people for a few rounds, although they were pressed to the ground by the evil gods for a long time, but at least there was no danger to life.

As it is now, the overwhelming alien army is coming, and the scientific and technological index is completely not something that the current earth can block.

No, as soon as he had time, he came to the chat group to ask for help.

“What do you want me to help?”

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly opened his mouth.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Tony was overjoyed.

“Boss of the group, I hope you can help us wipe out all those alien fleets!”

“That’s it…”

Hearing Tony say this, Qin Yu also had a thought in his heart.

Because Qin Yu knew very well in his heart that your current strength was very clear, it was not too easy to destroy the Chitauri people summoned by Loki.

Even if it was the real master Thanos behind the Chitauri, Qin Yu also wanted to abuse him.

After all, without Thanos full of Infinity Gems, his strength would be like that, at best, it was only a fifth order.

But if you can fight, you can fight, but why should Qin Yu help Tony?

“Don’t hesitate, boss.”

Tony was confused by Qin Yu’s attitude.

“And boss, you don’t have to worry about no pay, although our world is not high-level, but there are many things in this world.”


Hearing that Tony was about to speak, Qin Yu suddenly reacted.

It is true that although the people in the Avengers are not very strong, there are many amazing treasures in that world.

“Since I know what to do, you get ready, hang up the task, and then if those guys come, you can notify me.”

“Lord of the Palace, they have already come.”

Tony’s voice had just fallen, and a missile suddenly exploded around him.

The terrifying shock wave directly shook him away, and if it were not for the steel suit, I am afraid that it would tear his internal organs apart in an instant.

“Tony, didn’t you guy say there were rescuers coming right away?” Why hasn’t it arrived yet? ”

At this time, in the Avengers world, the once bustling New York City was almost in ruins.

Even so, in that portal, various warships and chitauri were still rushing out of the portal.

As soon as they appeared, they killed and destroyed people everywhere, coupled with the vitality of terror, it was simply desperate.

In the face of such a dense attack, even the Avengers heroes are difficult to deal with.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Thor, the god of thunder, still behaved bravely, but his body had begun to be injured.

“You don’t have to worry about our rescuers coming right away.”

As soon as Tony’s words fell, he saw a huge biological warship rushing out of the portal.

The biological warship was so large that it looked like a whale swimming in the sea hundreds of meters long.

But the horror is the biological warship, after all, it is also a warship, and its body surface is densely covered with a variety of combat weapons.

What’s even more terrifying is that as soon as the battleship appeared, it quickly locked on Thor, the god of thunder, and Tony.


The two men shouted in unison.

However, as soon as their voices fell, a terrifying green streamer roared in.

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