Chapter 171 Thor, the god of thunder, was shocked!!


After a fierce explosion, a huge pit instantly appeared where they were standing.

The two looked back, and their scalps were tingling.

“Tony, if your rescuers don’t come again, we’ll probably be cold.”

Hearing Thor say this, Tony’s face was also a cry of mourning.

Hurriedly hung up the task in the chat group, and then Tony said in the chat group.

“Lord of the Palace, come quickly, if you don’t come again, you won’t see me again.”

As Tony’s voice fell, Qin Yu looked at the task area of the chat group, casually took over the task, and as soon as his body turned, he disappeared into the Heavenly Temple.

Returning to the world, the huge biological battleship once again rushed up to Tony.

Tony’s face changed drastically, and at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him that was Qin Yu.

“Lord of the Palace, you have finally come over, I really want to kill you.”

Tony leaned over Qin Yu as he spoke.

But Qin Yu didn’t eat his set at all, and seeing Tony leaning towards him, Qin Yu immediately gave way for half a meter.

“You get me out of here, Lao Tzu has no interest in men.”


Tony couldn’t help but be stunned and said hurriedly.

“Boss of the palace, rest assured, I have no interest in men, I am a standard playboy.”

As soon as his words fell, Thor, flew over with his sledgehammer.

As soon as Thor fell, he looked directly at Qin Yu.

“You’re the reinforcement?”

At this time, Thor, the god of thunder, was still heroic, and he looked far from the greasy feeling that he had more than a decade later.

Qin Yu didn’t say a word and looked directly at the charging biological warship.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t even bird himself, the thunder god Thor couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed.

“It doesn’t look good.”

Thor skimmed his lips.

“Lord of the temple is careful.”

At this time Tony suddenly shouted.

Only to see that above the biological battleship that was rushing forward, a strong energy wave was emitted, and then a huge pillar of light was seen rushing towards this side.

Under normal circumstances, if you are hit by this pillar of light, even if it is a skyscraper, it will disappear in an instant.

In the face of such an attack, whether it is Thor, the god of thunder or Tony, it is impossible to stop at all, and at most it can only rely on its own speed to dodge.

Even Tony and Thor, both of whom had subconsciously grabbed Qin Yu’s hands, ready to take him out of here.

But he didn’t expect that Qin Yu would directly raise his right hand.

Immediately after that, the pillar of light that took the cloth instantly disappeared into mid-air.

“What? How can it be? ”

The sudden appearance of this scene directly frightened Tony and the two of them.

How could they not have imagined that such a powerful laser would actually disappear out of thin air.

“Jarvis analyzes what just happened.”

Tony let Jarvis analyze it first.

To his disappointment, however, Jarvis couldn’t do anything about it.

“The cause is indistinguishable, there are no references in the database.”


Although he had long known that Qin Yu was a very powerful figure, Tony had never imagined that Qin Yu would be so powerful.

It’s unimaginable!

Thor next to him looked like a ghost.

Such a terrible thing would actually disappear out of thin air, and the only person who could do this ability was estimated to be his own father, but he did not expect that the person in front of him could actually do this, directly refreshing his three views.

Could it be that this man’s strength is similar to his father’s?

Thor couldn’t help but look at Tony beside him.

If that’s the case, then Tony’s luck is too good, and it is difficult to know such a strong person casually, which makes people want to envy it.

“You don’t have to look at me like this, as long as you are strong enough, in fact, you can do such a thing.”

Qin Yu looked at the two people and said slowly.

“Can we have that kind of power too?”

The two men were clearly not convinced that this strength was far beyond their imagination.

How easy is it to have that kind of power?

“Of course, you can, but only if you are willing to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of years cultivating.”

“I’m only a thousand years old, and I’m still very early.”

Thor skimmed his lips and looked a little reluctant.

Tony’s look, it’s wonderful.

The time span of thousands of years is too long for the people of the earth.

It was really worthy of being the lord of the palace, such a long time span, it was so easy for him, and he said it lightly.

Looking at the expressions of the two people, Qin Yu didn’t say much, but just pointed at the biological battleship in the distance.

Only to see that the biological battleship actually cracked in mid-air.

Not only that, but there were also terrifying flames on the fracture surface.

These flames spread around at an extremely fast speed, covering the entire battleship in an instant.

Although it was obvious that the battleship had begun to fall from mid-air when it was torn in half, it had not yet fallen to the ground, and the entire battleship was burned to the ground by this terrible flame, and there was not even slag left.

Thor and Iron Man Tony had seen such a scene and were stunned in place.

Is this a human being possible? It’s completely beyond the scope of people, right?

“This… What’s going on? How did a good battleship suddenly disappear? ”

Tony watched all this with a stunned look on his face, he couldn’t believe his eyes, not to mention him, and even Thor, the self-proclaimed knowledgeable god of thunder, couldn’t help but stare at him when he saw all this.

Is this the reinforcement Tony found? Such strength is also too terrifying.

I’m afraid that even if his father came, he wouldn’t have been able to destroy a battleship so crisply and neatly, right?

So, isn’t the strength of this Lord of the Hall still above his father, the Lord of the Nine Realms, and the King of the Gods?

When he looked at Qin Yu again, the gaze of the thunder god Thor changed a little, becoming full of reverence.

They Asgard people have always admired the strong.

A strong person like Qin Yu simply made the thunder god Thor look beyond his reach, and it was difficult not to shock and worship him.

Qin Yu did not care about the shock of the crowd, and silently extended his right hand again and the two of them saw his pupils shrink when they saw his action.

What is he going to do?

Qin Yu’s actions made one or two people very confused in their hearts, but at the same time they were full of expectations.

“Want to see the fireworks in the sky?”

As soon as these words came out, the two were suddenly stunned.

Fireworks at this time to see what fireworks, others have hit the door.

Then I heard Qin Yu say again.

“It’s daytime, but I’m sure this firework will still be an eye-opener.”

When Qin Yu finished saying these words, what did the two of them realize in an instant?

“Lord of the Temple, you are going to… two”

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