Chapter 175 The Artifact of Making the Twilight of the Gods!!

Qin Yu’s words did not surprise Odin, from Qin Yu’s behavior just now, he could see that the young man in front of him was definitely a greedy lord who did not see rabbits and did not scatter eagles.

When Odin finished saying this, he casually took out a sword from his carry-on space.

The body of the sword is slender, shaped like a cross sword, the surface of the sword is brilliant, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and the light of the seven colors is constantly reflected in each other, and it looks like a stream of light from a distance.

More importantly, this sword seems to contain a strong pressure.

As soon as it appeared, it gave people a feeling of room breathing.

When Thor saw the sword, his eyes widened.

Although he did not know how much of his father’s treasure there was, he knew about this sword.

This is clearly the Sword of Twilight.

This is the legendary sword of Surtel, who can create the twilight of the gods!

He couldn’t imagine that his father would be willing to take out this sword in order to redeem Loki’s life.


Holding the Twilight Sword, Odin did not hesitate too much, but just threw the sword directly to Qin Yu.

Without Odin’s suppression, the surface of this Twilight Sword suddenly burst out countless sword lights.

These sword rays were so sharp that almost all of them, whether it was steel or concrete, were cut off.

The sharpness is simply incredible.

Even Qin Yu didn’t expect that the sword in Odin’s hand was so powerful, and he couldn’t imagine that there were a lot of good things in the hands of this king of the gods, and it seemed that he could make a lot of money today.

Looking at the Eternal Gun and the Twilight Sword at his feet, Qin Yu couldn’t help but smile a little on his face.

Qin Yu’s appearance made Odin feel relieved, and it seemed that this guy was finally satisfied.

However, this thought had just fallen when I saw Qin Yu suddenly laugh.

“Your Majesty the God King, these things are not enough to redeem your son’s life.”

“If you don’t take a little more, I’ll give you your son back if it’s appropriate.”


Qin Yu’s words surprised everyone present.

Even Odin himself did not expect that after Qin Yu had obtained those two treasures, he would dare to open his mouth so much.

Whether the Eternal Gun or the Twilight Sword are placed in Asgard, which one is not a rare treasure?

Even in the entire multiverse, these two pieces are good things that can be counted.

Who knew that after getting so many good things, Qin Yu was actually not satisfied, and still wanted it.

This greedier than a vampire.

Odin boasted that he had lived for thousands of years, and he had never seen anyone like Qin Yu.

For a moment he stood still and could not speak.

His eyes looked at Qin Yu tightly, and even those golden eyes turned blood red.

To deceive people too much is to deceive people too much.

The more Odin thought about it, the more angry he became, and he even showed a bit of killing intent on his body.

When did he become blackmailed like this?

Qin Yu could clearly see the expression on his face, and even the killing intent that flowed out of his body was clearly felt.

But this didn’t matter to Qin Yu at all.

As long as Odin dared to do it, he dared to kill Odin directly, and then he would take Asgard directly.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this idea that Qin Yu involuntarily exuded some breath.

His current strength was terrifying.

The strength of the Xuanxian Grade Hongmeng Emperor Gong made all the people who felt this breath can’t help but feel their scalps tingle.

“How is that possible? How could there be such a powerful breath. ”

The God King Odin was not stupid, he knew that this breath was flowing from Qin Yu’s body, although it was only for a moment, it still made him feel it clearly.

That’s why Odin was shocked.

Because this breath was so terrifying, far beyond his imagination.

Even in that instant, Odin had the feeling that he would be killed by the other party immediately.

Odin froze in place.

After a while, he finally came back to his senses.

Stretching out his hand, Eun Seol took out a golden flame from his private space.

At this moment, he did not dare to have the slightest temptation.

The strength of the other party was too terrifying, far beyond his imagination.

If he dared to test again, Odin could not be sure if he could continue to live.

That’s why Odin looks so scared.

The golden flame was gently pushed by him and floated in front of Qin Yu.

“This is the eternal fire.”

When these six words were uttered, Odin’s whole being became depressed.

It meant a lot to him.

Giving the Eternal Fire to Qin Yu was no different from cutting meat.

“It’s not bad, Eternal Gun, Twilight Sword, Eternal Fire can’t imagine that you are really not ordinary rich.”

Looking at the three things in front of him, Qin Yu was full of smiles.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Odin did not open his mouth, but just stood in the same place, revealing an expression that was like ashes.

Looking at his appearance, Qin Yu knew that he probably couldn’t blackmail anything, so he nodded and said.

“Okay, these three things are pretty good, so I’ll take them.”

During the conversation, Qin Yu directly put away these three treasures, and at the same time, the things that Odin had taken out before were also collected by him.

“I’ll give you back this guy.”

Qin Yu raised his hand and threw Loki to Odin.

As if thinking of what Loki was still in mid-air, Qin Yu suddenly grabbed him in the air.

A scepter and a square box instantly fell from Loki’s body.

One of these things is the Loki Scepter, and the other is the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

But they are all gods hiding the Infinity Gems!

Qin Yu swept the Treasure Treasure Magic Cube with his hand.

He nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s time to end.”

Qin Yu said a casual word, and then directly raised his hand and pointed towards the portal in the sky.

In an instant, a ripple of nothingness roared towards the portal.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and people are caught off guard.

When this ripple rushed into the portal, it exploded on the opposite side of the portal in an instant, and the terrifying power spread rapidly like the explosion of countless nuclear bombs.

A terrifying mushroom cloud exploded directly opposite the portal.

A large number of Chitauri who had not yet arrived were killed and wounded under such an attack, and countless pieces of equipment were destroyed.

What is even more terrifying is that this attack also acts directly on the portal, causing the solid portal to shatter completely.

Only countless wreckage fell from mid-air.

Seeing all this, everyone in New York was stunned.

Odin was even more stunned to see such a scene and couldn’t believe his eyes, he could be 100% sure that even in his heyday, he would not be able to do so much.

Such a powerful attack makes people feel terrified just thinking about it, and what is even more terrifying is that the other party just clicks with his finger.

If he really did it, how strong would the attack be?

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