Chapter 176 Supreme Mage Gu Yi? I advise you not to be ignorant of good villains!!

For a moment Odin felt that his brain was not enough.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but show a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he hadn’t started to fight with Qin Yu just now, otherwise he was afraid that he was not an opponent at all, and he would still take his own life if he didn’t do well.

The thought of this made him feel afraid.

Originally, he was still preparing to give these things to Qin Yu, and then he was trying to find a way to grab them back, but as soon as he saw this situation, such thoughts were instantly snuffed out by him.

What a joke, to snatch something from such a strong person, it is almost like looking for death.


When Odin looked at Qin Yu, there was a little trepidation in his eyes.

Such a strong person can absolutely only be friends with it, not an enemy, otherwise he will undoubtedly die.

As soon as his idea fell, a bald-headed cultivator appeared not far away.

The person who came was dressed in a monk’s robe, his face was full of vicissitudes, and his body exuded a faint breath, as if in this realm and in the other realm.

The person who came was none other than the Ancient One Mage, the guardian of the earth.

As soon as she appeared, she looked at Qin Yu.

“Why have I never seen you this mighty man?” Even in other multiverses, I have never seen you? Can you tell me who you really are? ”

Gu Yiyi’s tone of voice was still relatively mild.

But the caution and suspicion in the tone are overflowing with words.

There was no way, Qin Yu’s strength was too strong, and the origin was unknown, which made him have to be cautious.

If Qin Yu was a strong person who had come from some unknown multiverse and had bad intentions towards the earth, it would be bad.

“Supreme Mage Koichi, Guardian of the Earth?” Is that your attitude? ”

When Qin Yu looked at Gu Yi, there was a slight playfulness on his face.

“Tell me where you came from, strong.”

Gu Yi obviously didn’t want to talk nonsense with Qin Yu, and she was now eager to know Qin Yu’s origin and purpose.

So that when she finished saying this, there were many large and small magic circles around her.

Obviously, as long as Qin Xiyu showed the slightest hostility, then she would not hesitate to take a shot at Qin Yu.

Who knew that after he finished saying this, the atmosphere around him instantly became tense.

It was no wonder that Gu Yi Mage would make such a move, it was entirely because there had been so much going on on the earth in the recent period.

As the guardian of the earth, she had to be cautious.

“You can understand it any way, whether it’s good intentions or malice, it doesn’t mean anything to me at all, but I have one thing I want to remind you.” 」

Qin Yu’s words made everyone look curious.

“What’s the matter?”

“That’s how I don’t like the way people beat me up.”

After saying this, Qin Yu shook Gu Yi in the air.

The various magic arrays around Gu Yi Mage shattered in an instant.

She herself was even more devoured by the powerful magical force, and she couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.


No one expected that Qin Yu would suddenly move, and this move was thunderous.

Even the Ancient One Mage, who was the guardian of the Earth, couldn’t handle it at all.

Everyone next to them was stunned to see that Gu Yi was injured.

As the guardian of the earth, how strong the strength of the ancient mage was, although most of the people did not know, but looking at the terrifying energy transmitted by those magic arrays, they knew that the strength of this big man was absolutely terrifying.

However, such a strong person actually walked out in front of Qin Yu for even one round, and was injured in an instant.

Even the magic array that had already appeared was easily erased.

Such strength is truly appalling.

Odin looked at Gu Yi, who was vomiting blood, and his heart was even more hairy.

How strong the strength of the Ancient One Mage, Odin knew very well in his heart, and even unceremoniously said that the Ancient One Mage could fight with himself in his heyday, and it was conceivable how strong the strength of the Ancient One was.

However, in front of Qin Yu, such a strong person was injured without even insisting on a round.

If I had done it myself, wouldn’t I have died in minutes?

Thinking of this, Odin was extremely glad at the wise deeds he had just done.

Fortunately, I didn’t do it directly with Qin Yu, otherwise I was afraid that I wouldn’t even know how I died.

“This time is a small punishment and a big admonition, if there is a next time, it will not be so lucky.”

As she spoke, Qin Yu reached out and ticked the Ancient First Mage, and the Eye of Agomoto, which carried the Time Gem, quickly flew up from her and fell into Qin Yu’s hands.

Seeing this situation, Gu Da was shocked, she didn’t expect Qin Yu to rob the Time Gem.

She knew very well what the result of this thing would be to the earth if it fell into the wrong hands, and she could even say unceremoniously that if used properly, this thing could completely destroy the world.

“Give it back to me.”

Gu Yi struggled to run towards Qin Yu.

But Qin Yu didn’t pay any attention to her at all.

After getting the Eye of Agomoto, Qin Yu gradually disappeared into the same place in the shocked eyes of everyone.

“Gone, how is that possible?” It’s not space magic, it’s not time magic, what is this power? ”

Looking at the location where Qin Yu had disappeared, Odin looked puzzled.

Even Gu Yi used tracking magic immediately after Qin Yu left, trying to locate Qin Yu’s location, but it was useless.

Qin Xiyu disappeared, as if he had never come, completely disappearing from this world.

“Tony, who is this lord of the temple?”

Thor was extremely curious about Qin Yu at this time.

Hearing Thor’s words, the others also realized instantaneously that the man was probably inextricably linked to Iron Man Tony.

“Tony, who the hell is that guy?” Do you know? ”

“I hope that if you know who this person really is, you can tell us the truth.”

“Yes, such a strong person is really terrible, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.”

“This kind of strong man should not appear on the earth at all, he is too dangerous.”

The crowd arrived one after another and asked Tony.

It made Tony a head two bigger.

“I don’t know who the Lord of the Hall really is, but I know that the Lord of the Hall is very strong, and the Lord of the Hall knows everything.”

In the end, Tony is just an ordinary person in the Heavens chat group, although he often has a water group, participated in an auction of the heavens, visited the heavens shop, and bought a lot of things, but there is not much communication with Qin Yu.

For the specific origin of Qin Yu, Tony was also unclear.

“You don’t know, you don’t know that you called him again, what do you think?”

Thor next to him heard his words and didn’t believe him at all.

Tony saw that this was not the way to go, and he realized that if he did not give everyone an explanation and explanation today, I was afraid that he would not be able to leave.

After thinking about it, he finally said it out loud.

“Well, since you asked so, I’ll tell you four.”

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