Chapter 177 Thanos’ Wrath!!

“Say it quickly.”

Odin’s face looked impatient.

“The Lord of the Hall is the Master of the Heavenly Halls.”

Iron Man said, with a look of longing on his face.

“What is the temple of the heavens?” How come I’ve never heard of it? ”

Gu Yi was a little confused, because she had never heard of the name of this Heavenly Temple, or even in the multiverse.

Don’t say it’s an ancient mage, even the God King Odin hasn’t heard of it, and the others are even more confused.

Tony looked at Koichi and Odin like a turtle, and a sense of superiority in insight suddenly emerged.

“The Temple of the Heavens is a powerful being above the heavens and the worlds, they can travel through time and space, through the endless world, and everyone there is extremely powerful.”

“Above all worlds?”

The title surprised everyone.

Both Gu Yi and Odin’s brows wrinkled.

As the super powerful people of the Shocking Universe, they vaguely knew what the concept of the Heavens and Worlds was, which was a higher concept than the multiverse.

And the Heavenly Halls are above the heavens and the worlds, what a terrible power!

It was impossible to imagine what level the strength of these heavenly halls had reached.

For a moment everyone fell silent, each with their own concerns.

Odin and the Ancient One Mage made eye contact.

They all saw the heaviness in each other’s hearts.

At this time, Qin Yu, who had already returned to the Heavenly Hall, did not care about the shock he had brought to the Reunion World.

Upon returning to his room, he immediately took out the Loki Scepter, the Cosmic Cube, and the Eye of Agomoto that he had brought back from the Avengers universe.

These three things seem ordinary, but in fact they are extraordinary.

Although the main body of these three things looked extraordinary, they were all very ordinary to Qin Yu.

But what’s set inside is no small feat.

If it were placed in the Avengers world, I don’t know how many people would be crazy about it.

Because these three things are set with three Infinity Stones, namely the Time Gem, the Space Gem, and the Soul Gem.

It’s also something Thanos is trying so hard to get.

“Yes, I didn’t expect to get so many good things this time.”

Qin Yu said, his right hand shook, and suddenly, three gems emitting a charming light slowly floated out and fell into his hands.

At this time, in the Avengers world, Thanos, who was in the process of rearmament, suddenly felt that the Infinity Stones scattered throughout the universe had inexplicably disappeared three times.

This feeling had never been felt before, because before that, no matter how well others hid the Infinity Stones, he could sense it.

Now the three Infinity Stones had all disappeared, as if they did not exist in this world.

Sensing the disappearance of the three Infinity Stones, Thanos was furious and shocked.

“How is that possible? How could the Infinity Stones have disappeared? ”

“Father, what happened?”

Camorra appeared next to Thanos at this time.

“My daughter, our Infinity Stones have disappeared as if they had disappeared completely into this world.”

Thanos said to Kamora in anger.

“What do you need your daughter to do?” Father. ”

“Of course it does.”

After a pause, Thanos continued.

“Now you pass on the order to inform everyone to approach the earth at once!” We must get to Earth as soon as possible to understand why the Infinity Stones disappeared. ”

Thanos was very anxious about this, and he knew very well that without the Infinity Stones, it would be an incomparably huge blow to his future plans.

“Yes, my father, I know.”

Camorra responded to Thanos.

Then she quickly left the place.

After Camorra had left, Thanos stood where he was, clenching his hands.

“I’d like to see who dares to take the Infinity Gem away, and if I catch it, I will definitely let you survive and die.”

“No one can take the Infinity Stones from my hands, not anyone, not even when the God King comes.”

As he said this, Thanos couldn’t help but clench his hands.

At this time, Qin Yu, who was in the Heavenly Palace, had no idea that Thanos had already hated him.

At this moment, he was looking at the three Infinity Stones in his hand.

Qin Yu knew that these three Infinity Stones contained incomparably powerful power.

As long as he can find the right application, then these three gems will surely bring him unexpected benefits:… But how this thing should be used, you need to think about it.

If it is only used to make infinity gloves, it is too much to use.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but feel disdainful of the way Thanos applied.

I gathered six Infinity Stones and didn’t think about how to get stronger.

There’s nothing to play with to destroy the world, I just don’t know what to call it.

The Infinity Stones contain the fundamental powers found in the Avengers universe.

In particular, the Time Gem and the Space Gem are amazingly strong.

As for the other three gems, they also possess a variety of magical powers.

Even if Qin Yu only had three Infinity Stones in his hand now, it would be enough for him to develop countless means of application based on these three gems.

“If I have time one day, let’s try it, these things should bring me some unexpected benefits.”

Speaking of this, Qin Yu conveniently put away the three Infinity Stones.

Then he took out a golden flame.

This flame is not large, just the size of a fist, but it contains an incomparably powerful force, and at the same time, it has a very special character.

It was the Eternal Fire that Qin Yu had blackmailed from Odin.

When this eternal flame appeared outside, Qin Yu obviously felt that the air around him was rapidly becoming hot.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before his room will be melted.

“It is worthy of the eternal fire, and it is strong enough.”

Looking at the flame in his hand, Qin Xiyu’s face turned joyful.

Then his left hand flipped over, and a red seed appeared in his hand.

If you look closely, you will find that this seed is not a true seed at all.

It looks more like a beating flame, like a candle flame that will be extinguished at any moment.

Every time the flame jumped, an illusory mysterious symbol appeared on the surface.

Although it will soon disappear, it gives people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

“Hongmeng is really fire, and success or failure is in one fell swoop.”

Qin Yu looked at the half-formed Hongmeng True Fire Seed in his left hand, and then looked at the Eternal Fire in his right hand, and his face showed a look of excitement.

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