Chapter 180 Huang Rong’s Choice!!

“Now the situation facing the Heavenly Halls is more troublesome, and these people who are second to fifth will reward the Jade Fairy Spirit Technique.” It just so happens that they are all women, and practicing this set of exercises is very suitable. ”

“Jade Fairy Spirit Technique, this is a cultivation immortal-level exercise!”

Qin Yu’s words surprised Huang Rong very much, and he did not expect that Qin Yu would directly reward the cultivation of the Immortal Gong Fa.

“Yes, if you want to improve their strength quickly, directly rewarding such advanced exercises is the most suitable method.”

After saying this, Qin Yu wrote a line between the sixth and ninth places.

The 6th to 10th places reward the next Spirit Weapon.

This reward can be said to be extremely valuable.

You know, even the treasures that those emperors got were just spiritual artifacts.

And these clerks could get spiritual artifacts just by selling something in the Heavenly Temple, and it was permanent.

If these emperors knew this, it was estimated that Meimu’s eyes would turn red.

“Will such a reward from the Lord of the Palace cause the displeasure of those emperors?”

No wonder Huang Rong would ask this, after all, this kind of reward is too precious, even if the person who is generous in his heart will be somewhat indignant.


Hearing Huang Rong ask like this, Qin Yu felt a pang of disdain in his heart.

“Even if they were given a hundred guts, they wouldn’t dare.”

After saying this, Qin Yu returned the summary list to Huang Rong.

“Rest assured, if they don’t want to die, they will never show such emotions, and it is impossible to even think about it.”

Then Qin Yu continued to say to Huang Rong.

“Everyone else has so many rewards, what about you?” Have you ever thought about yourself. ”

It was no wonder that Qin Yu suddenly had such an idea, it was entirely because Yang Ruyi and Xuan Xuan had become Outer Gate disciples because of their outstanding sales performance.

Yang Ruyi directly became his own pillow person.

Although Huang Rong is not focused on selling, everything inside and outside the store yesterday was asked by her, which can be described as hard work.

If you don’t give him some rewards, you really can’t say it.

But what Qin Yu didn’t expect was that Huang Rong actually shook his head after hearing Qin Yu’s words.

“It is the concubine’s honor to be able to serve as the store manager of the heavenly shop in the heavenly hall more, and the concubine does not dare to ask for anything else.”

Huang Rong was naturally very loyal to Qin Yu, and Qin Yu directly resurrected her mother and made her the store manager, which was a great favor, and if she wanted to reward her, it would be a bit of a mischief.

Huang Rong is a smart woman, naturally not so.

For such an answer, Qin Yu was not too surprised.

Huang Rong’s attitude was similar to Yang Ruyi’s.

If she really rushed to ask for a reward, then she was sorry for the name of Zhuge Zhong.

All the heavens and all things, what I give you, is yours, I don’t give it to you, you can’t rob it.

Qin Yu smiled slightly in his heart and looked at Huang Rong’s sincere and fearful expression, and simply said.

“Now you have two choices in front of you, either to promote you to be an outer disciple, or to be a deacon elder. You pick one. ”

Huang Rong had no idea that Qin Yu would actually give such favorable conditions.

As soon as Qin Yu finished saying this, Huang Rong’s whole body froze.

Becoming an outer disciple of the Heavenly Halls was undoubtedly an opportunity that countless people who sharpened their heads could not get it.

If it is somewhere else, then it is enough, the key is that this is the temple of the heavens.

Everyone knew that once they became disciples of the Outer Gate of the Heavenly Halls, they would undoubtedly receive a huge amount of resources.

Countless heavenly treasures, countless divine weapons, countless divine magic.

Anything you take out can make the people of Kyushu fight to the death.

Can you imagine how much benefit it would be to become an outer disciple of the Heavenly Temple?

For such a thing, Huang Rong had not thought about it before, but in her opinion, if she wanted to become a disciple of the Outer Gate of the Heavenly Hall, at least it would take a long time.

But I didn’t expect that this opportunity was actually directly in front of me.

This really made Huang Rong feel a little unbelievable.

If that’s all there is to it, then that’s all, and more importantly, Qin Yu actually proposed that she be made a deacon elder.

What is the position of deacon elder.

Although he was only the lowest level of elders, it was slightly higher than the status of miscellaneous disciples and outer disciples.

It is even possible to manage some beginner disciples.

Once Huang Rong nodded, then she would definitely jump the dragon gate.

He became the second only person in the status of the entire Heavenly Hall to Qin Yu.

It is conceivable how generous the conditions given by Qin Yu are.

It was no wonder that Huang Rong almost didn’t react after hearing Qin Yu’s words, and when Huang Rong was stunned, Qin Yu frowned and continued.

“Actually, I am more optimistic about you being a deacon elder, after all, you have been the lord of the heavenly temples for such a long time, and if you are an elder, you should be competent.”

“It’s just that you’re not old enough.”

Speaking of this, Qin Yu looked at Huang Rong.

At this moment, although Huang Rong looks well-behaved and intelligent, his wrists are old, and he can beat you inside and outside the Heavenly Temple, he is only in his early thirties.

Not to mention that compared to the age of hundreds of years old in medicine, even Zhang Sanfeng and Lang Tuoyun were old enough to be Huang Rong’s uncle and grandfather.

It is indeed inappropriate for her to ask her to do what the deacon elders say.

Qin Yu’s words also made Huang Rong very agreeable, after all, he was not very old.

To be a deacon elder at her current age and appearance is a bit difficult to convince.

“Otherwise, how about you still be an Outer Gate disciple?”

Although Huang Rong was in his early thirties, he didn’t look more than twenty years old, and as a disciple of the Outer Gate, he wasn’t too old.

“But at the command of the Lord of the Temple.”

“Well, from today onwards you will be the third outer disciple of the Heavenly Temple.”

“It is not surprising that Huang Rong chose Qin Yu, after all, there is a woman under the heavens who is willing to admit that she is old.”

Don’t look at Huang Rong is young now, but he is still relatively shy about this matter.

“However, although you have become a disciple of the Outer Gate, you still don’t let go of the things inside the Heavenly Hall.”

“The concubine knows.”

Hearing Qin Xiyu’s words, Huang Rong nodded.

Then I saw Qin Yu’s right hand flip over, take out a piece of Gong Fa and hand it over.

“Other Outer Gate disciples have their own exercises and weapons, so naturally you can’t do less, so you can take these exercises and weapons.”

“Thank you Lord!”

Qin Yu’s words made Huang Rong very happy that after taking over the exercises and weapons with both hands, he held them tightly in his arms.

The face hid the excitement, but it couldn’t be hidden.

“Go and hand out the reward, and call the Silkworm by the way.”

“Yes, Lord of the Temple.”

Huang Rong bowed to Qin Yu and then turned to leave.

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