Chapter 181 The Witch’s Delicate Anger!!

Soon after Huang Rong left, an earth-shattering cheer quickly came from the Heavenly Shop.

All those who received the reward cheered.

Because the reward this time is too rich, far beyond everyone’s expectations.

Especially those who had just come to work in the Heavenly Shop, such as Dongfang Bai, Tian Yan and others, simply wrote the two words of Mei Mu directly on their faces.

Cultivation Immortal Exercises! Unexpectedly, the lord of the temple actually directly rewarded the cultivation of immortal exercises.

Even six or nine people easily obtained the next Spirit Weapon.

Such a reward makes it difficult to think of it.

But after everyone paid attention, more people turned their eyes to the color.

Because everyone knows that it is the sales champion of this period.

They wondered what kind of reward she would get this time.

Don’t say it’s them, these bystanders feel extremely much looking forward to this matter even if they are themselves.

Even ordinary employees whose sales performance is far worse than their own have such rewards, and what kind of reward will they get for being a sales champion?

Xuan Bin’s heart is full of expectations.

Then walk towards the inner sanctum of the Heavenly Temples under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Along the way, the fair-skinned barefoot gently stepped on the floor.

The bell made a clanging sound as she walked.

The closer she got to Qin Yu’s room, the more excited she was in her heart, and in the end, she felt as if her heart was about to jump out.

Soon she came to the door of Qin Yu’s room, but she stood in the doorway and did not enter.

She was so excited now, so excited and even a little scared.

“Is it Silk, since you are here, come in, what are you doing standing at the door?”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Xuan Yu’s heart first trembled, but then he relaxed and stood at the door of the room and took a deep breath, which finally pushed open the door.

At this time, Qin Yu was sitting in a chair drinking tea, and when he saw Xuan Xuan come over, he couldn’t help but show a little smile on his face.

Before Qin Xiyu could speak, he saw Qi Xuan walk directly to him and kneel down with a thud.

“I have seen the Lord of the Temple, and the Lord of the Hall is Wan’an!”

Her behavior directly made Qin Yu stunned.

“What’s wrong? Usually, you look like you are not afraid of heaven, how did you become so restrained and twisted today, but it is not like your usual appearance. ”

Hearing Qin Yu say this, did you gently skim your lips for the sake of your reward from the Lord of the Palace?

“The Lord of the Palace knows what is going on with the people and says so.”

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Xuan stood up from the ground, and then came to Qin Yu a little at his feet, and before he could make any moves, Qi Xuan’s whole body slipped into his arms.

“Oh, Lord of the Palace, you are about to give it to others, and they can’t wait.”

She was lying in Qin Yu’s arms at this moment, letting Qin Yu just feel that the fragrance was constantly drilling into her nose.

Coupled with the warm fragrant nephrite jade in his arms, he couldn’t help but gently pat on the waist of the silk.

“Silk, what aspect of the hell can’t you wait?”

“Where can’t people wait, doesn’t the Lord of the Palace know yet?”

Xuan Xuan whispered in Qin Yu’s ear, his eyes fluttered, and he really saw pity.

Qin Yu’s spirit couldn’t help but trance for a moment.

This little demon girl was indeed unusual.

It is worthy of being a person sent by Yin Aoi.

“Okay, don’t bring me this set.”

When Qin Yu saw Xuan Xuan’s performance, he couldn’t help but smile, this little girl, when he really didn’t know how to be afraid, actually dared to do this to himself.

“Little, if you dare to do this again, I’m going to do it.”

“Uh huh…”

She let out a smirk in Qin Yu’s ear.

“The slave family itself is the person of the heavenly temple, and naturally it is the person of the lord of the temple, and what the lord of the temple wants to deal with, the slave family can only accept.”

With that, his watery eyes looked at Qin Yu.

This look, coupled with her obedient words, was simply a flame that instantly enveloped Qin Yu.


Qin Yu didn’t want to take it easy and slapped her in the back.

She was slapped lightly and couldn’t help but exclaim.

Let her can’t help but whisper softly in Qin Yu’s arms.

“Lord of the Temple…”


Qin Yu hit Qiu Qiu several times in a row, only to beat her to the point of screaming and screaming, and then he pushed her out, and at the same time, he took out a piece of Gong Fa and put it in front of him.

“Okay, don’t think about those who don’t have them, I have a Heavenly Demon Puzzle Body Skill here, which can lead directly to the realm of Da Luo, just right for you little goblin.”

When he heard him say this, he immediately reacted.

Then he looked at the Gong Fa in Qin Yu’s hand with a look of brilliance.

“Lord of the Temple! Is this a practice for Qi’er? ”

“Of course, this exercise is the best for you.”

Saying that, Qin Yu reached out and threw it away, and threw this Heavenly Demon Deception Body Skill to Xuan Xuan.

After receiving this exercise, Xuan Xuan couldn’t wait to look at it.

This exercise is very strange.

Very different from other exercises, the purpose of this exercise is to show the charm of women as much as possible, so as to achieve the goal of upsetting sentient beings and making people scattered in the illusion.

Therefore, all the women who cultivated this exercise were absolutely beautiful in the world, and the heavenly special things originally wanted to refuse after getting this exercise, after all, the effect of this exercise was too precious, but after thinking about it, they happily agreed.

Immediately afterward, Xuan Xuan began to cultivate in front of Qin Yu.

He was already very talented and powerful, and at this time, the Heavenly Demon Deception Body Skill was simply smooth.

It was only as his cultivation Qin Yu clearly noticed that some changes had taken place in his figure.

Although the previous silk is still beautiful and charming, it is limited by the natural body shape, so it looks relatively petite, and the figure is far less hot.

However, with the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon Deception Body Technique, Qin Yu obviously found that Qi’s figure had changed drastically.

Not only is it more convex and backward, the waist is also thinner, the legs are longer, and even the skin has become crystal clear.

Although the appearance is still the same as before, the eyebrows give people a feminine feeling, but there is a divine illusion in the shadows.

“This day, the Demon Deception Body Skill actually had the effect of reshaping her body, and after this little witch practiced this exercise, I am afraid that I will not be able to do it.”

Qin Yu knew very well that this Heavenly Demon Deception Body Skill could not only concentrate on cultivating Xuan Yin Qi, but also reconcile Yin and Yang.

Whether it is to take the path of specialized cultivation or the path of harmony, the Heavenly Demon Deception Body Skill can show extremely powerful power.

If you choose to take the former, then it is better to say, if you take the latter, then it will be… As soon as this thought fell, I saw Silken stand up.

At this time, the silk is much higher than before.

Not only that, but even the figure is hot and scary.

Even Qin Yu could clearly see that when she stood up, that proud figure, even under the restraint of her clothes, actually trembled slightly with the movement of the silk.

The big buttocks of the grinding disc also outline a heartwarming curve under the long skirt.

The people who watched were shocked.

“Lord of the Palace, do people look good now?”

Xuan Xuan stood quietly in the same place, looking at Qin Yu with a smile on his face.

The previous clothes seemed to be unable to completely envelop her figure, and the white skin was faintly exposed.

Coupled with the fact that she was charming at this time, even with Qin Yu’s concentration, she couldn’t bear to do it. One

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