Chapter 189 Ancient Forbidden Land!!

“Get out of here, and get out of here before you encounter danger.”

“This place is too dangerous, get out of here and figure out what this place is.”

A golden eagle catching elephants, such a thing they dare not think.

But at this time, he really appeared in front of himself.

This scene is amazing, but it also speaks to the dangers of this place.

The crowd did not dare to stop at all, and quickly walked in the direction they had identified.

It’s just that there’s nothing to eat along the way.

Soon the crowd was tired and hungry.

There was no way but to leave some people waiting in the same place, while others looked around for something to eat.

Originally, Pang Bo and Ye Fan were all the way, but they didn’t expect which woman in white actually followed them.

“By the way, this lady doesn’t know your name yet.”

“My name is Ye Qingcheng.”

The Great Man reported a name.

This made Ye Fan and Pang Bo both stunned.

I couldn’t imagine that the woman in white in front of me would actually have such a name, and it was really rare.

“I know there is water in a place, and when I walked through here before, I saw that when Pang Bo and the two of them were stunned, Ye Qincheng suddenly opened his mouth again.”

Hearing her say this, the two were overjoyed.

“Really? Can you take us over? ”

“You can come with me.”

With that, Ye Qiancheng turned around and led the two of them into the distance.

This made both Ye Fan and Pang Bo smile happily.

Both of them were now bubbling with thirst.

It would be nice to drink clean water.

He didn’t realize what kind of place Ye Qiancheng was about to take them to.

Soon they came to a small pond.

The water in the pond is crystal clear, and there seems to be a halo flowing in it.

Seeing this situation, the two people thought that they were self-righteous, caused by the reflection of sunlight, so they did not care, so they bent down and gulped down.

The two of them drank happily, not noticing the slightest smile on Ye Qiancheng’s face standing behind them.

To be precise, when she saw Ye Fan’s back, she couldn’t help but smile on her face.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo both bent down and drank happily.

“Cool, it’s so cool.”

Pombo stood up again and shouted, not forgetting to pat himself on the stomach.

“Happy, after drinking so much water, I feel like my whole being is refreshed.”

After saying this, Ye Fan turned around and looked at Ye Qiancheng.

“Don’t you drink?”

“No, I’ve drunk the water here, and I don’t need to drink it now.”

“Sleeper, Ye Fan, you see what I found?”

Just then, Pombo’s voice came again.

Ye Fan looked up, only to see Pang Bo staring at a fruit tree by the pond with a surprised face.

The fruit tree was small, about three feet tall.

The most important thing is that there are actually several red fruits hanging on the fruit tree.

It is the size of a red date and looks very pleasing.

Without saying a word, Pang Bo ran over and plucked all the ripe fruits.

“Hahaha, this is really rich, come and come… Those who see have a part! ”

While talking about Pang Bo, he distributed the fruits in his hand to Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng.

There are twelve fruits on the fruit tree, but only nine are ripe.

In this way, it is exactly three pieces per person.

Ye Fan was also very happy, and he couldn’t imagine that there would be a surprise here.

I immediately opened my mouth and ate one.

Suddenly the lips and teeth remain fragrant.

And after eating it, I only felt like I was full of energy, and 18,000 pores were open.

“This fruit tastes good.”

“I’ve never eaten a fruit like this before, so I didn’t think it tasted so good.”

Pombo sighed as he ate.

Looking at Ye Fan’s appearance, the Cruel Emperor also smiled and ate his own share of the fruit.

At the same time, there was some curiosity in his heart, if Ye Fan knew what he was eating, how would he react?

PS; Chapter 181 banned chapters have been released. The Yanzu can go and see it. The limelight is getting tighter and tighter, and it can only be written like this.

This woman in white was naturally the fierce emperor.

After asking Ye Fan a question, he naturally cleared this part of his memory with his bare hands.

Hearing the question of the Great Emperor, Li Changqing said hurriedly.

“We’re about to get out of here, are you lost here?”

“Yeah, I’m lost here, can you take me with you?”

“Oh well! All right! ”

Li Changqing was extremely excited, and when he observed the peerless face of the woman in white at close range, his shock was even deeper.

Such a face, even if it is the most beautiful Li Xiaoman among the people, is ten thousand times better looking and can’t catch up!

For a moment, Li Changqing looked at the Great Emperor with his eyes shining.

Li Changqing’s expression made the Cruel Emperor very disgusted.

If it had been before, she would have slapped the other party to death long ago, but at this moment, in order not to disrupt the next plan, she could only resist the urge to shoot.

It was only in the psychology of the fierce emperor that Li Changqing had already been labeled dead by her.

This man will undoubtedly die.

No one knew what the Cruel Emperor was thinking at this moment.

“This young lady, do you know what this place is?”

Ye Fan walked over at this time and asked the Fierce Emperor.

Hearing Ye Fan’s question, he shook his head very much.

“I don’t know, but I just know that this seems to be a forbidden place, and when I walked over just now, I saw a half-cut stone stele.”

“Where is that stele?”

“It’s over there, not far away.”

“Let’s go and see.”

After speaking, Ye Fan walked directly over, and the others saw that he could follow this action, and soon everyone came to the place pointed out by the Cruel Emperor.

There is indeed a half-cut stone stele here, which is quietly standing here.

It seems that too many years have passed, so the text on this half-cut stone tablet seems a little blurry.

Pang Bo looked around this stone tablet for half a day,… I also didn’t know what exactly was written on this stone tablet.

“Ye Fan, don’t you have research on these things?” What’s written on it? ”

“This should have been written in a big seal.”

Ye Fan frowned, his eyes scanning back and forth on this half-cut stone stele.

“It is written on it as an ancient forbidden, but I don’t know what other words are left behind.”

“Forbidden in the Past?”

“What does this mean?”

Everyone inexplicably didn’t understand what that meant.

“This young lady do you know what that means?”

Pang Bo seemed to think of something, and turned to the fierce emperor and asked.

“If I’m not mistaken, this should be a forbidden place.”

The Fierce Emperor had a thoughtful look on his face.

“I remember that there was a legend that there was an ancient forbidden place in the eastern wilderness, a place forbidden for all sentient beings, and whenever anyone walked in, no one could get out alive.”

“If it’s really this place, then we’re in trouble.”

“Eastern wilderness?”

“Ancient Forbidden Land?”

Everyone heard such a name for the first time, and there was some confusion about not hearing it.

“Where is this eastern wilderness?”

“The Eastern Wilderness is the Eastern Wilderness.”

Hearing Emperor Zhenren say this, the crowd was also helpless, and in the future, even if she herself, it is estimated that she did not know what the origin of the Eastern Wilderness was.

At this time, Ye Fan was heard again: “If this is really a barren forbidden place, a place where living beings are prohibited, then we are afraid that we will be very dangerous here.” ”


Hearing Ye Fan say this, everyone reacted violently.

If this is really a forbidden place for living beings, then the longer they stay here, the more dangerous it will be.

At the moment, everyone did not dare to stop and began to continue on the road.

They didn’t go far when they saw a golden eagle grabbing a huge elephant flying overhead.

Everyone saw this scene and was shocked.

“Oh my God, how could a bird actually grab an elephant?”

“How can there be such a place, it’s just incredible.”

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