Chapter 190 Nine Magic Immortal Medicine, Fighting Broken Upheaval!!

Even if the Emperor in his later years took the fruit of the Nine Mysteries Immortal Grass, he could live another life.

Although she was divided into nine and planted on the nine peaks by her, the divine power was not small.

In Ye Fan’s mouth, it just tasted good.

This made Ye Qiancheng can’t help but want to laugh a little.


Pombo shouted again.

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Fan was a little strange and didn’t understand how this guy was always startled.

“The fruit here is stripped of the essence we eat, and we don’t have anything to put water in, so how can we bring it back?”

These words woke up a little, making Ye Fan can’t help but be stunned for a moment, thinking about it and finding that there was no good way, and finally he could only shake his head.

“If you can’t bring it back, forget it.”

“Alas, that’s all.”

“Let’s go, let’s go back first.”

Ye Fan waved at both Pang Bo and Emperor Zhenren, and then began to return the same way.

By this time the people who had gone out to look for things had returned to the place where they had been separated.

Without exception, no one has gained.

This made everyone sigh and could only grit their teeth and continue to insist.

But everyone knows that if they continue like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before they die here.

But something even more terrible happened.

Shortly after they had just hit the road, they noticed a thick fog behind them, and a gray mist was sweeping towards them.

“What’s that?”

When Li Xiaoman inadvertently looked back and saw these fogs, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

Hearing her voice, the others turned their heads as well.

“Not good, it’s miasma.”

The crowd did not know who shouted, and suddenly all the ghosts were angry.


Everyone immediately did not dare to stay, and desperately rushed away into the distance.

But the billowing black fog was noticeably much faster than they were.

Although everyone had tried their best to escape to the distance, they could not escape the fog.

Soon something strange appeared on someone.

“No, I’m poisoned.”

“Ah, I’m hot, I’m hot.”

“Am I going to die?” No, I don’t want to die here. ”

In such a fog, everyone was desperate.

But soon more serious things followed.

They find that their consciousness has become blurred, and the whole person seems to be about to die.

The horror of the experience made everyone feel desperate.

Before long, the crowd fainted.

Only Ye Qicheng was left standing quietly in place.

She hadn’t been to anyone else.

Instead, he just looked at Ye Fan quietly.

Immediately afterward, he reached out and shot out a divine force at Ye Fan.

Under the action of this divine power, the originally strong and abnormal Sea of Suffering was directly blasted away by violence.

In an instant, Ye Fan’s body was filled with golden light.

As if thinking of something, Ye Qincheng shot a divine power at Pang Bo with his hand.

It was just a matter of going with the flow to her.

If it weren’t for the fact that the relationship between Pang Bo and Ye Fan was not shallow, she would never have done so.

After doing all this, Ye Qiancheng fell in the same place.

Suddenly the surroundings became quiet.

If anyone else was here, they would surely be able to find that Ye Fan and Pang Bo were becoming young at this time.

In an instant, he became twelve or thirteen years old, and Ye Qincheng directly transformed into a three- or four-year-old little girl.

Only Lin Jia and Liu Yunzhi had serious abnormalities in their bodies.

The original young body seems to have spent decades in this time.

One by one, his face became wrinkled and he was extremely old.

All this is unknown to all.

They can only wait for them to wake up and find it all.

For these things, Qin Yu naturally didn’t know, if he knew that the Cruel Emperor was also involved in Ye Fan’s experience at the first time, I was afraid that he would be surprised by this Peerless Female Emperor, who was really too decisive!

At this moment, he had basically understood the forging technique of the Buddha Treasure in the Heavenly World.

“The forging method of this magic weapon is indeed extraordinary, and it is different from the forging method of other worlds.”

“It’s just a pity that the level of this magic weapon is still relatively low, when to get the imperial soldiers to try.”

Qin Yu muttered as he put away all these Buddha treasures.

These things are of no use to him, but if they are repaired, they can still be sold out.

Although he can’t look at these flies now, as the saying goes, mosquitoes are still meat, and he naturally won’t let them go.

After doing all this, Qin Yu looked at the time, there were still more than half a month before the Fifth Heavenly Auction, and he didn’t know if those forces had already gathered enough value points during this time?

Thinking of this, Qin Yu opened the Heavenly News and looked at it.

The first thing that caught his eye was the news of the Kyushu world.

After this period of repeated conquests, the situation in the Kyushu world has become clearer.

As long as anyone with a clear eye can see that it will not be long before the world of Kyushu will be divided between the Qin State, the Ming Kingdom, and the Sui Kingdom.

Because many people have begun to plan for the future way out.

If you don’t think about it at this time, it is likely to be liquidated in the future.

At that time, it is estimated that how to die is not known.

In the Immortal World, Zhang Xiaofan is still chopping bamboo, but recently seems to have obtained a mysterious burning stick.

Seeing this news, Qin Yu couldn’t help but show a little smile on his face.

The hapless kid finally looked like he was about to start threatening.

As for the small stones in the perfect world, their strength increased rapidly under the training of Liu Shen.

By now, that little guy had twenty or thirty thousand pounds of strength.

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

Who could have imagined that Xiao Shi, who looked no more than two or three years old, would have such strength.

With the blessing of such a domineering power, ordinary masters are not his opponents at all.

“What a little monster.”

As for the Avengers world, nothing has happened in the recent past.

Tony’s still playing with the girl.

I just don’t know if the guy will still be like this after he gets married.

Probably not.

After all, Little Pepper is not a soft girl.

If Tony dares to mess around after marriage, it is estimated that he will be taught by Little Pepper how to behave.

When Qin Xiyu flipped over the news of Dou Breaking the Continent,… A message caught Qin Yu’s attention.

“The Soul Clan leads the Medicine Clan, the Yan Clan, the Thunder Clan, and the Bing Lingu Realm.”

“Huh? Did things start so quickly? I couldn’t imagine that this Soul Heavenly Emperor actually had such boldness. ”

This information made Qin Yu extremely surprised, and he couldn’t help but click into it.

At this time, far outside the barrier of the Ancient Clan in the Douqi Continent, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was leading a group of people to confront the people of the Ancient Clan.

ps: Yanzu, the name of the fierce emperor was changed to Ye Qiancheng, after all, Emperor Chen Tiandi did not write what her original name was, only one can appear, think about it, Ye Qianxian should not be a very person’s real name or reincarnation, or change his name to Ye Qiancheng.

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