Chapter 193 Gu Yuan broke through the Dou Emperor?!!

It’s too loud.

Even Gu Yuan was shocked.

“What’s going on? How could there be such a sound, was there something going on outside? ”

Gu Yuan’s heart was shocked, but he didn’t realize that the fighting qi in his body had actually changed a little more, becoming more condensed, more mysterious and abnormal, as if he had left the level of the Dou Sheng.

When he reacted, there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

I didn’t expect to step on the iron shoes nowhere to find, and it took no effort at all!

Under the shock of his own heart, his fighting spirit had actually undergone such a change, and at this moment he was already a half-emperor.

Although it was still far from the real Doudi, it was also many times stronger than the Nine Star Dou Sheng.

Such a change made Gu Yuan ecstatic.

“Great, go ahead!”

At this moment, Gu Yuan was very sure in his heart that his breakthrough was close at hand, as long as he calmed down to refine his fighting qi, then he would definitely be able to become the new Dou Emperor.

The Doudi level, which had never been reached in thousands of years, had already beckoned to himself.

This made Gu Yuan unhappy in his heart.

At this time, next to the ancient barrier outside the Heavenly Tomb, a terrible war had broken out.

Although the ancient barrier was still strong, everyone knew that this barrier could not support it for long.

Although it still exists, it is entirely because of the full support of these people who have the ancient path.

Without them, this barrier would not exist.


The Soul Heavenly Emperor roared again.

Although the Soul Heavenly Emperor did not explain anything, the Void Devouring Yan still understood his meaning instantly, and instantly transformed into a ball of origin flame and fell into the hands of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.


Holding the Origin Flame of the Void Devouring Flame in his hand, the Soul Heavenly Emperor roared angrily at the heavens, and the surging fighting qi quickly poured into this flame, and then with a grip in his right hand, the flame quickly stretched into a long sword burning with surging flames.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the Soul Heavenly Emperor swung his long sword, and the terrifying sword rose from the sky.

Carrying countless terrifying flames fell like shooting stars.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the sword looked at the surface of the ancient barrier without exception, and although the entire barrier resisted for a moment, it was finally cut straight open.

Then the knife fell to the ground and split a terrible deep trench hundreds of meters long.

They were instantly shocked when they saw this situation.

Although they had long known that the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s strength was extraordinary, they did not expect that the strength of his combined strength with the Void Devouring Yan would be so terrifying that even the Ancient Clan Barrier could be blown open!

This power is too terrifying.

With the fall of the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s sword, the Ancient Clan Barrier finally couldn’t withstand it.

Directly chopped.

Seeing this situation, the Soul Heavenly Emperor didn’t want to rush in immediately.

“Punch me.”

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, you are too crazy.”

As one of the Three Immortals of the Ancient Clan, seeing this situation, Gu Dao rushed directly to the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“Get out of the way, go and call out Gu Yuan, otherwise today will be the time when your Gu Clan will perish.”

These people brought by the Soul Heavenly Emperor during the Speech had already been killed madly among the ancient tribes.

The Soul Clan’s foundation was too deep.

There were dozens of strong people of the Dou Saint level, plus the strong men of the three clans of the Medicine Clan, the Yan Clan and the Thunder Clan.

Among the strong people who attacked the Ancient Clan this time, there were fifty or sixty of them at the Dou Saint level alone.

Although the ancient tribe’s heritage is also extraordinary, it is far less powerful than this coalition army in terms of high-end combat strength.

The ancient tribe, which was originally prosperous, was suddenly plunged into the boundless fires of war.

Countless ancient tribesmen, along with their vassal races, were frantically strangled by the coalition forces.

For a time, the corpses were all over the field, and the tragedy was incomparable.

When the ancient path saw this, his heart was full of sorrow and indignation.

Just when the Soul Heavenly Emperor was ready to set out to kill the person in front of him.

In the Heavenly Tomb, an extremely powerful breath suddenly came out.

The destruction of the ancient barrier was undoubtedly an extremely dangerous signal for Gu Yuan.

Because this means that the ancient tribe has been invaded by foreign enemies, and it is also when he breaks through.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Yuan instantly knew who the enemy who had come to invade was.

Because of this, Gu Yuan would descend the terrifying aura to suppress everyone at the first time.

“Whoever dares to spread wilderness in my ancient tribe is not quick to roll.”

Gu Yuan’s voice was like thunder, rolling in.

Everyone was suppressed by this breath, and the movements in their hands could not help but stop.

They all looked in the direction of the Heavenly Tomb.

“How is that possible? Such a strong breath, could it be that Gu Yuan had become the Emperor of Dou? ”

Yao Dan was astonished, such a thing had far exceeded his expectations.

Before, he thought that it would take a while for Gu Yuan to break through and become the Emperor of Dou, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

Not only him, but Yan Duan’s face also became extremely ugly.

Before that, he also wanted to take advantage of the fact that Gu Yuan did not break through to become the Dou Emperor and make a fortune among the Gu Clan.

But I didn’t want to encounter such a thing.

Now it seems that Gu Yuan’s becoming the Emperor of Dou is almost a foregone conclusion.

Sensing this terrifying breath, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face was also ugly and frightening.

He could feel that the breath coming from Gu Yuan’s body at this time had already exceeded the Nine Star Dou Saint Peak.

Such a breath was too strong, and it made him feel frightened.

Holding the long knife that the Void Devouring Flame had turned into in his hand was only slightly stable in his heart.

“Gu Yuan, you have broken through to become the Emperor of Dou?”

After saying these words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor suddenly reacted.

“Wrong! There is something wrong with your current situation, you have not broken through at all to become a Dou Emperor! ”

Although the Soul Heavenly Emperor was not the Dou Emperor, after all, he was born in the Dou Emperor Family and was also a powerful Soul Clan Patriarch.

So he knows some things that a lot of people don’t know.

From the stage of the breakthrough of the Nine Star Dou Saint to the Dou Emperor, if there is any accident in the middle, then it is very likely that it will be stuck between the Nine Star Dou Saint and the Dou Emperor.

Xiao Xuan, who had become a half-emperor and a half emperor, was this realm.

“Ahem! You became Xiao Xuan’s realm, and now you are not a Doudi Emperor at all but a half-emperor, right? ”

When he said this, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face couldn’t help but flow involuntarily, revealing a little smile.

If Gu Yuan at this time was only a half-emperor, then even if he couldn’t fight and wanted to escape, it would be absolutely no problem.


But even then, after hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Half Emperor, only a little bit of a supreme power who can step into the Doudi level.

I can’t imagine that in this era, there are such strong people appearing!

Several times the entire Douqi Continent.

Since the disappearance of the Dou Emperor, only three and a half emperors had appeared.

Xiao Xuan of the Xiao family counted one, Huangquan Demon Saint counted one, and Pure Lotus Demon Saint counted one.

I couldn’t imagine that at this moment, Gu Yuan had actually become a half-emperor.

How does this not surprise people?

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