Chapter 194 Soul Heavenly Emperor Compromise, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade!!


Gu Yuan snorted coldly.

Even from the beginning to the end, Gu Yuan did not leave the Heavenly Tomb, because he could not move at all.

Once he leaves the spot, then his breakthrough will be in vain.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Yuan did not take a shot, otherwise, with his strength at the peak of the Half Emperor, it would be enough to directly crush the people who invaded the Gu Clan.

However, this did not mean that he could sit back and watch the slaughter of the people of the ancient tribe.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, now take your people and hurry up.”

“Want me to go?”

Hearing Gu Yuan’s words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor sneered, and he already had a vague feeling in his heart, at this moment, Gu Yuan was afraid that he had reached the critical moment of breakthrough, so he could not shoot at all.

Or he could take a shot, but at the moment, this great opportunity to break through the Doudi Emperor would be directly lost.

Thinking about it, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes flashed coldly and he said directly.

“It’s okay for me to go, but you have to promise me one condition.”

“Otherwise, even if you fight for the destruction of the whole clan, you will become a loner.”

When he said this, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s tone became extremely cold and determined that his words did not matter to the Soul Clan.

After all, the Soul Heavenly Emperor belonged to the supreme leader of the entire Soul Clan.

As long as he said a word, no one dared to disobey.

However, the clans that accompanied the Soul Clan to attack the Ancient Clan had a different feeling after hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

After hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, these people couldn’t help but shiver.

It’s horrible, it’s too harsh.

Even the lives of the whole family did not care.

But when I think about it, I think it’s very normal.

Since both sides have already torn their faces, there is no need to say anything more, just talk about the conditions.

If the other party does not agree, then go straight to it.

As for everything else, it’s all virtual.

Even Gu Yuan didn’t expect that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was so cruel.

After hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Gu Yuan in the Heavenly Tomb couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment that he was worthy of being a peerless tyrant who could fight with him for so many years, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor was really not to be underestimated.

Whether it is wrist, heart or strength, it is absolutely impeccable.

“What are the requirements? You say come and listen. ”

“My request is very simple, since you now have the Emperor Dan, you naturally have no use for the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment, and since this is the case, then you might as well give me the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment.”

“As long as you are willing to hand over the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor’s jade, I will immediately take people away and never come back.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s idea was very direct, since Gu Yuan had already swallowed the Emperor Dan and had already broken through to the Half-Emperor Realm, it was probably unrealistic to continue to rob the Emperor Dan.

It was almost impossible to get the Didan from such a powerful person.

Instead of this, it is better to retreat to the second place, gather up the complete Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, directly open the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, and get the opportunity to impact the Dou Emperor himself.

Moreover, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was also a little frightened in his heart.

Although the current Gu Yuan couldn’t leave at all, unless he didn’t want to impact the Doudi Realm anymore, it would be absolutely impossible to go out of the Heavenly Tomb.

But in case he is forced to be in a hurry, Gu Yuan this guy will rush out and kill him if he does not break through.

This was undoubtedly a very dangerous thing for the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

It was precisely because of this that the Soul Heavenly Emperor would put forward such a condition.

And Gu Yuan himself was aware of this.

After half a silence in the Heavenly Tomb, he waved out a stream of light.

Everyone saw this streamer of light flying out of the Heavenly Tomb, fixed their eyes on it, only to see that the streamer was wrapped in a round jade bi.

This was exactly the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade that the Gu Clan had mastered.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a furious rebuke from Gu Yuan.

“Take it, get out.”

Hearing these words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was not angry, and accepted this Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade with his hand, and then with a wave of his right hand, he quickly left the Ancient Clan Land with everyone.

Seeing these people leave, the people of the ancient tribe were relieved.

And Gu Yuan was also annoyed after noticing that these people had left.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, we have written down this debt today, and one day, I will ask you to pay it back a hundred times!”

After saying this, Gu Yuan couldn’t help but clench his hands.

The raging rage almost drove him crazy.

Several times, Gu Yuan couldn’t help but want to rush out of the Heavenly Tomb and kill the Soul Heavenly Emperor directly on the spot.

But if he dared to do this, if he wanted to break through the Dou Emperor, he wouldn’t know what year and month it would be.

This made him feel very unwilling.

In the end, he could only reluctantly agree to the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s request.

Outside of the Gu Clan, Yan exhausted, Yao Dan These people wanted to run away after they walked out of the Gu Clan’s land.

“The Soul Patriarch has a problem here, let’s leave it at that.”

Yan Ember said directly.

The medicine Dan next to him also nodded and looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor and said.

“Yes, there are other things to do in our clan, so don’t go over it.”

Hearing them say this, the Soul Heavenly Emperor first nodded, then shook his head.

This made several people look puzzled.

“Soul Patriarch, what do you mean by that?”

“It’s over here, but it’s not over between us.”

When the Soul Heavenly Emperor heard this from the Soul Heavenly Emperor, their hearts were horrified.

Could it be that the Soul Heavenly Emperor wanted to cross the river and tear down the bridge and unload the donkey?

Everyone was terrified to think of this.

Although they had three families, the combined strength of the three families was not necessarily comparable to that of the Soul Clan.

If the Soul Clan turned their faces at this time, then they might not be able to resist it.

Even if the three of them joined forces to resist the attack of the Soul Clan.

As the so-called only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no thousand days to prevent thieves, once they are caught by the Soul Clan, then what awaits them will be a disaster.

Thinking of this, everyone of the three tribes felt a pang in their hearts.

When he looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor, his eyes could not help but have a little more horror and trepidation.

The appearance of these people was looked at by the Soul Heavenly Emperor, which made him even more disdainful in his heart.

“… To be separated is naturally to be separated, but hand over the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in your hands, anyway, there is no use in holding them in your hands, and it is still a curse, so it is better to give it to me. ”

When the Soul Heavenly Emperor spoke, he deliberately put on a face that I was for your good.

But everyone knew that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was going to force them to hand over the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment if at any other time they would definitely not commit it.

But now the situation is not up to them.

As the voice of the Soul Heavenly Emperor fell, the Soul Clan people quickly scattered around, firmly encircling the people of the other three tribes.

It seemed that as long as the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s words fell, these people would rise up and attack them en masse.

The scene became solemn again for a moment.

“How’s it going? Have you thought about the donkey? ”

Looking at the people of the three tribes, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face gradually appeared a little fierce.


Yan Ember seemed to want to say something more?

I could see the face of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and the words that had just reached his mouth were swallowed hard by him.

With a tangled look on his face, Yan Ember finally took out the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment that belonged to their Yan Clan.

“Nice! Yan Embers, it seems that you are a smart person. ”

Taking the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade handed over by Yan Quan, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face couldn’t help but look good.

Then his eyes turned to the other two.

“What about you?”

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