Chapter 195 Soldiers Coming to Canaan College!!

Although the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face looked better, his tone was also much milder.

But everyone could feel the breath emanating from his body gradually becoming stronger.

This breath is too strong.

The almost pressed person was breathless.

Looking at their appearance, the Soul Heavenly Emperor continued.

“Actually, you don’t have to worry about the secret of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, I won’t swallow it alone, and when the time comes to open the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, I can take you in with me.”

Hearing the Soul Heavenly Emperor say this, everyone’s eyes lit up.

They originally thought that after they handed over the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment, they would no longer have a relationship with the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, but they did not expect that the Soul Heavenly Emperor would be so generous.

Thinking about it again, most of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade fragments already existed in the current Soul Heavenly Emperor Lord.

His own family guarded the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in his hand, and he was not sure when he would be taken away by the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and nothing would be fished out at that time.

Since this was the case, it was better to hand over the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade to the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Perhaps, when the time comes, you can still get a piece of the pie from the Tuoshe Gudi Cave House.

After understanding the key points of this, Lei Ying, the patriarch of the Thunder Clan, and the Medicine Patriarch Yao Dan no longer hesitated.

Directly handed over the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in their respective hands to the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Taking the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment handed over by the two of them, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes flashed a trace of excitement.

At this time, he finally gathered these eight Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragments.

Next, as long as you fuse these eight Tuoshe Gudi Jade Fragments, you can know where the Tuoshe Gudi Cave Mansion is, and you can directly open the Gudi Cave Mansion and get the opportunity to become an emperor.

Thinking about it, the Soul Heavenly Emperor no longer hesitated, and instantly took out five other pieces of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade and fused them together.

In an instant, the light bloomed, and a complete ancient jade that was one point larger than the palm of the hand appeared above the sky.

It was the treasure left behind by the last Dou Emperor of the Douqi Continent, the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade!

As the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade was completely pieced together, an ancient, reckless breath suddenly and slowly spread out from the ancient jade.

At the same time, above the ancient jade, a shadow of an old man who looked somewhat illusory slowly dissolved.

The old man was dressed in a black robe, but his hair was in several colors, and each color looked as if a flame was rising, which was extremely strange.

His appearance was ordinary and ordinary, but those eyes, which were as deep as the starry sky, were as if they were the masters of heaven and earth.

Under the gaze of those eyes, the soul of anyone, even a strong person like the Soul Heavenly Emperor, was slightly chestnut.

This old man is none other than Emperor Tuoshegu!

Everyone’s eyes suddenly showed fear, but more than that, there was endless longing!


The Soul Heavenly Emperor looked directly at the Void Devouring Flame.

Void Devouring Yan nodded, and in his eyes, two black rays of light shot directly above this shadow, and in an instant, a mysterious map with flashing flames was thrown into the void.

“This is…”

Looking at the map that appeared in the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, everyone was stunned.

“This is the Black Corner Domain.”

“Canaan College!”

“I didn’t expect that the Tuoshe Gudi Cave Mansion would actually be in this place.”

“It’s so good, I can’t believe it.”

Looking at this map, the Soul Heavenly Emperor called three good in a row!

“I couldn’t imagine that this Tuoshe Gudi Cave House would actually be in the Canaan Academy in the Black Horn Domain!”

“Go, don’t delay! Go to Canaan College in Cape Noire now. ”

After saying these words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor waved his right hand and directly tore open a space passage.

Then he rushed straight in, and the others did not dare to stay behind the Canaan Academy, not knowing that a disaster was coming.

Su Qian, the senior elder of the academy, was still smiling and receiving a teenager who had been in trouble for a long time.

“Hello Senior Elder, my name is Xiao Yan, and someone asked me to hand over this letter to you.”

When Xiao Yan was speaking, he took out a letter of introduction directly from his ring and handed it over.

Seeing Xiao Yan’s movements, Su Qian was still a little strange.

When he saw the letter, he wondered which friend had recommended such a teenager to him.

But when Su Qian saw the handwriting on this letter, the whole person was suddenly surprised: “How is it possible?” How could it be him? ”

Seeing this letter of introduction, Su Qian was stupid.

He had never imagined that this young man would actually have a letter of introduction from the dean of the academy in his hand.

“Is there anything going on with the Great Elder?”

“It’s a big deal.”

After saying this, Su Qian yelled at the door: “Come to me quickly.” ”

This sentence cannot be heard by ordinary people, but it can be clearly heard if it is the words of the Inner Dean Elder. Suddenly, everyone didn’t dare to hesitate to drop what they were doing, just like where Su Qian was.

Running in my heart while muttering.

What’s going on with this old immortal lately? How did it startle at first?

Today, I said this kind of thing directly, is it too old to feel awkward?

With a suspicious feeling, everyone quickly gathered in Su Qian’s room.

As soon as these people came, they saw the teenager standing in front of Su Qian.

“Great Elder you are…”

“Look at this thing.”

Su Qian did not give everyone the opportunity to say more nonsense, and directly showed the introduction letter to everyone.

At first, the crowd did not understand what the Great Elder had done to himself, but soon the crowd discovered that something was wrong.

The handwriting was so familiar, and it seemed to them that only the dean of Canaan College would have such a handwriting.

“How is that possible? How can you have a letter of introduction from the Dean? ”

Everyone looked at Xiao Yan in shock.

“Dean? Is the old man who gave me this letter really the dean of Canaan College? ”

Xiao Yan was still a little hesitant about the identity of Tianru at first, and seeing the reactions of several people at this moment, he finally determined that the old man in the Heavenly Shop was the dean of the First Academy of the Continent and the Canaan Academy!

“Sleeper, you don’t know?”

After Elder Liu heard Xiao Yan’s words, his beard cocked.

“Do you know that if someone else got the dean’s letter of recommendation, you would have been happy to blossom a long time ago, but you don’t even know the identity of the dean.”

“Come and come, little brother sit down.”

Su Qian was full of smiles.

Xiao Yan’s strength he could see at a glance, but he didn’t know anything about Xiao Yan’s talent, but since he was a teenager introduced by Dean Tianru.

Then there is definitely something remarkable about it.

Such a precious knot should be treasured.

After seeing Su Qian’s move, the others finally reacted.

Greeting Xiao Yan with a cold sigh, which made Xiao Yan a little confused.

I couldn’t imagine that the letter of introduction from the old man who looked like a flickering temperament would be so powerful.

Almost let the group of old men directly kneel and lick.

But not to mention, the feeling of being cared for by such a strong person is really cool enough.

Xiao Yan’s heart blossomed.

“Boom… Just then, a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the sky. ”

The faces of the people changed suddenly, and then they felt a terrible pressure sweeping from the sky.

Everyone in Canaan Academy was shocked, this kind of coercion was something they had never seen before.

Almost all of them were directly oppressed by this force at the first time, and they couldn’t help but kneel on the ground.

Countless students felt this pressure, and their bodies continued to tremble.

Horror, horror, such coercion is beyond imagination.

“How is that possible? How could such a powerful person come? ”

Feeling this overwhelming pressure, Su Qian couldn’t help but be surprised.

He hurried out of the room and looked up at the sky.

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