Chapter 196 Xiao Yan knelt again!!

Only to see a huge space passage in the sky appear directly.

In front of the space passage, there stood a group of people, and at the front stood a man in a black robe.

At this time, he was standing in mid-air, and the fierce wind blew his robe fiercely.

The boundless power emanated from him.

The pressure on this person was really terrifying, and even Su Qian, as the Nine Star Dou Sect, couldn’t help but tremble in the face of this kind of pressure.

There was even an urge to kneel down and worship.

What was even more frightening was that in the space passage behind him, there were still many powerful people arriving one after another.

There were so many terrible strong people, he had never seen in his life.

In particular, the breath of the black-robed man standing at the front was really terrible.

No, there was another man standing next to him.

The breath on this black-robed strong man was no less than that of this man.

The breath of terror overwhelmed the sky like a black cloud, pressing down on the entire Canaan Academy.

Su Qian knew that as the head of the inner courtyard of Canaan College, he had to stand up at this time.

“Dare to ask this strong man, where is the so-called source?”

Hearing Su Qian’s words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but glance at him.

Just one glance made Su Qian feel like his soul was scattered.

This feeling was really terrible, Su Qian had never felt it in his life.

What was even more terrifying was that he could clearly feel the powerful pressure emanating from the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s body, which became stronger the moment he looked at himself.

Even as a Nine Star Dou Sect in the face of such coercion, he simply could not bear it.


Su Qian resisted desperately, but there was still nothing he could do, and finally he fell to his knees directly under the shocked eyes of the other elders.

Knees slammed heavily on the floor.

Instant rubble splashing.


Humiliation, great humiliation.

Such a strange shame made Su Qian can’t help but blush and roar angrily at the sky.

However, when facing the Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Nine Star Dou Saint Peak, his strength was as weak as a baby.

Seeing this action of his, the Soul Heavenly Emperor immediately lost interest in Su Qian.

At this moment, Xiao Yan in the room also rushed out.

The tremendous pressure made all of them fall to their knees.

Xiao Yan’s strength was the weakest, and when he knelt down, his bones were constantly wailing, and it seemed that they would shatter at any moment.

When he appeared, the Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but look at him more.


Xiao Yan’s appearance made the Soul Heavenly Emperor feel familiar.

Because not long ago, when he participated in the Heavens Auction, he had seen Xiao Yan at the auction hall.

I thought that Xiao Yan was just a waste of the Kyushu Continent, but I didn’t expect Xiao Yan to come to the Douqi Continent.

And they were mixed up with Su Qian and these people.

Obviously, Xiao Yan was not a person from the Kyushu Continent, but from the Douqi Continent.

Such a teenager could participate in the Heavens Auction, which made the Soul Heavenly Emperor can’t help but become a little interested in Xiao Yan.

Although the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s gaze only swept over his body, it still made Xiao Yan feel that his cold hair was standing upright.

It was so horrible that just one glance at such a strong man made him feel like he was going to die.

It is impossible to imagine how far such a strong person has reached.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, you have crossed the line.”

It was at this time that the Heavenly Ruler suddenly appeared.

It wasn’t until the appearance of the Heavenly Ruler that the enormous pressure that covered the entire Canaan Academy gradually disappeared.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Lang Tianzhi, all the people of Canaan Academy were overjoyed.


“Dean, you’re finally back.”

When Su Qian and the others saw Qiu Tianru, it was as if they had seen a savior.

But the advent of the ruler doesn’t change anything.

On the contrary, when the Soul Heavenly Emperor saw the Heavenly Ruler, his face involuntarily flashed a trace of trance.

“I said who founded this Canaan Academy, but I didn’t expect it to be you.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s gaze kept scanning Lang Tianru’s body.

“You are a Thunder Clan elder who doesn’t do it, and you come to start Canaan College, it seems that what you have planned is not small.”

If it had been in the past, the founding of Canaan Academy here would not have made the Soul Emperor suspicious.

But today is different!

At this moment, the Soul Heavenly Emperor already knew that the Tuoshe Gudi Cave House was in the Canaan Academy.

Even though Canaan College has not moved out because of the Fall Heart.

But if it were to be said that the dean of this Canaan Academy did not know what kind of place this place was, he would not believe it when the Heavenly Emperor of the Soul Emperor was killed.

According to the speculation of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, this Heavenly Ruler must have known some news about the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor’s Cave House.

Otherwise, how could Fallen Heart Inflammation happen to appear here, and Canaan College happened to be built here.

To say that this does not matter, it is estimated that few people believe it.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, the color of Qiu Tianru’s eyes suddenly changed.

This subtle expression of his was instantly captured by the ruler.

“Oh, it looks like you know something.”

After a pause, the Soul Heavenly Emperor continued.

“But even if you know,… It doesn’t matter, now that I know, now that I’m going to requisition your Canaan Academy, presumably Dean Qiu Tianzhi and Patriarch Lei won’t say anything, right? ”

After speaking, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s gaze coldly swept over Lei Ying.

This sounded like a discussion, but everyone could tell that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was threatening.

Lei Ying’s face couldn’t help but change, and he said with some embarrassment.

“Soul Patriarch, I don’t know anything about this Canaan Academy!”

“Ahem! Even if you know it? ”

After saying these words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor directly waved his hand and slashed out a soaring sword.

The brilliant blade was terrifying, like a meteor falling from the sky, shocking everyone’s heart.


With an earth-shattering explosion, a deep, bottomless crater appeared on the ground.

Almost at the same time, a powerful flame erupted from the ground.

“This is it! Come on. ”

Seeing this situation, the Soul Heavenly Emperor shouted loudly and quickly rushed to the ground with the crowd.

Gu Yuan was about to break through the Dou Emperor, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor was not in the mood to raze the Canaan Academy here, but instead let the Canaan Academy escape a disaster.

And the others didn’t need the Soul Heavenly Emperor to say anything more, and rushed to the ground after him.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Tianru’s heart was also shocked.

Although to this day, Qiu Tianru also has a lot of doubts in his heart about the thing below, and he does not understand what it is.

But all the time there was a feeling in his heart to tell him that the things in the underground were not trivial.

Because of this, when he saw the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s actions again, Qiu Tianru would look extremely excited.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, you have gone too far.”

Qiu Tianru’s face changed,… He also rushed to the ground to beg.

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