Chapter 201 Emperor Shi Tian’s Treasure!!

Qin Yu knew very well that because of his own appearance, the direction of the entire Douqi Continent world had already shifted seriously.

If nothing else, the Di Dan in Gu Yuan’s hand alone was enough to change too many things.

What’s more, not only did Gu Yuan have the Emperor Dan in his hand, but now even the Soul Heavenly Emperor had it in his hands.

Originally, it was impossible for Gu Yuan to have Emperor Dan in his hands, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor would not have opened the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion so early to obtain the Emperor Dan of the Imperial Product.

In order to balance the impact of this, but also to speed up Xiao Yan’s growth rate.

At this time, the World Will couldn’t help but start to force all kinds of opportunities for Xiao Yan.

After all, Xiao Yan was the son of qi luck of the Douqi Continent, and if these resources were obtained by others, then the world will definitely have to make up for Xiao Yan from other aspects.

Therefore, there was the Pure Lotus Demon Fire at his feet, and the four different fires were picked up at will.

“Now it seems that all this should have the factor of the world’s will directly attacking, otherwise how could such a thing happen?”

As Qin Yu spoke, he was thinking about how to make the most of the Douqi Continent.

At this time, such changes have already occurred in the Douqi Continent, and the so-called original plot is estimated to have no reference value.

Under such circumstances, it is better to directly surrender the world will of the Douqi Continent, so that the resources of the Douqi Continent can be seized to the greatest extent.

If he could really surrender the world will of the Douqi Continent, then the entire Douqi Continent could become his back garden.

But at the same time, if you want to surrender the world will of the Douqi Continent, then you will inevitably face another very tricky thing.

This made Qin Yu can’t help but fall into contemplation.

It was still relatively easy for Qin Yu to surrender the world will of the Douqi Continent, but after the surrender of the Ministry would definitely attract the attention of the other world.

After all, the Fighting Qi Continent World is connected to the Great Domination World.

The Great Domination World is equivalent to a seventh-order world.

Qin Yu was sure that as long as he dared to take a shot at the Douqi Continent, the Heavenly Dao that dominated the world would definitely pay attention.

In this way, he was bound to clash with the Great Heavenly Dao that dominated the world.

With his current strength, it was still a little unrealistic to want to confront the Heavenly Dao of a seventh-order world.

“Oh, forget it, this matter, let’s talk about it in a few days.” Fighting against the Heavenly Dao of a Seventh Order World was still too difficult for me now. ”

Qin Yu said as he turned his gaze to other news.

As soon as he shifted his gaze, he saw that the information on the screen had been refreshed.

In other words, the news I saw before is already a bit outdated.

“The Qin army drove straight into the siege of Yuan Dadu.”

This message caught Qin Yu’s attention.

“I didn’t expect that the speed of this Qin army was so fast, and it actually hit Yuan Dadu directly.”

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but turn his gaze to that battlefield.

At this time, the Qin army was engaged in a fierce battle with the Mongol Yuan army.

Yuan Dadu is out, and there are shouts of killing everywhere.

The ground was full of corpses, but the vast majority were Yuan Jun.

It can be seen that in this battle, the Yuan army suffered heavy losses.

From beginning to end, the Qin army appeared to be full of momentum throughout the battle.

In addition to this incident, the Ming army also reached the capital of the Qing state in victory.

When the Ming army hit the capital of the Qing Dynasty, the young Kangxi Emperor left all his imperial relatives at the first time and left here with his wives, children, and children.

Only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people and those imperial forest troops were still guarding the imperial city.

But it seems that some people are afraid that they will abandon the city and surrender if they can’t hold it for long, otherwise what awaits these people will be trapped in the city.

When he saw this information, Qin Yu sighed.

“It seems that the war in the Kyushu world can basically come to an end.”

It didn’t matter to him who was in charge of the Kyushu world.

So after looking at this information again, Qin Yu shifted his gaze and continued to look down.

“Emperor Shi Tian of the Bactrian Dynasty led Xiongba and others to attack the Lingyun Grotto and surrender the Fire Qilin.”

“Huh? Emperor Shi Tian, what did this guy do when he went to the Lingyun Cave to provoke the Fire Qilin to do it? ”

The information that suddenly appeared in front of him made Qin Yu feel inexplicable.

At the same time, another message attracted Qin Yu’s attention, and the information showed that Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Yang Guo, and Broken Wave had opened Yang Gong’s treasure house.

And successfully obtained the treasure in it.

It’s just that this piece of information may still be very shocking to others, but it is also nothing more than that for Qin Yu.

Because Qin Yu knew very well what was in Yang Gong’s treasure house.

The most valuable thing in Yang Gong’s treasury was nothing more than the Evil Emperor’s relic, but that thing was of no use to Qin Yu at all.

“These four guys are still a bit skilled, and they can actually successfully open Yang Gong’s treasure house.”

Qin Yu’s voice had just fallen, and Huang Rong’s voice came from outside.

“Lord of the Palace, Emperor Shi Tian asks to see you.”

“What is he here for?”

Hearing Huang Rong’s voice, Qin Yu couldn’t help but feel a little strange about Emperor Shi Tian, this guy, instead of taming his Fire Qilin and running to the Heavenly Hall to see what he was doing?

“It is said that he came to offer you a treasure to the south.”


Hearing Huang Rong say this, Qin Yu immediately became interested.

“Okay, I’ll go meet him.”

After saying this, Qin Yu got up and opened the door.

“Lord of the Temple.”

Huang Rong was very respectful to Qin Yu.

“Don’t be so rigid.”

After a pause, Qin Yu continued.

“Let’s go, let’s go see what the hell the Di Shi Tian guy is going to do?”

After saying this, Qin Yudang walked outside first, while Huang Rong followed him without saying a word.

At this moment, Emperor Shi Tian was standing nervously at the door of the Heavenly Shop.

He didn’t know what Qin Yu’s attitude toward himself really was, but he knew that this was his only chance.

As long as you can lean on the thighs of the heavenly temples, then you will be able to eat and drink spicy food in the future.

Thinking of this, Emperor Shi Tian couldn’t help but look at it, standing beside him, surrounded by chains of fire qilin.

Soon, Qin Yu came to the door of the Heavenly Shop.

When he saw Emperor Shi Tian and the Fire Qilin beside him, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Emperor Shi Tian, what are you doing here?”

“Emperor Shi Tian has seen the Lord of the Palace!”

Seeing that Qin Yu came to Emperor Shi Tian to directly kneel down to Qin Yu and perform a big gift, this made Qin Yu very confused.

“What are you doing here?”

“Lord of the Palace, the little man has no ability, and there is nothing good in Bactria that can be given to the Lord of the Palace, but I have thought about it for a long time in desperation, and I can only offer this gift to the Lord of the Palace, and I hope that the Lord of the Hall will smile and accept.”

When he said this, Emperor Shitian was full of smiles, like a dog’s leg.

That flattering look made Qin Yu feel that the guy in front of him was an eunuch.

But after all, he didn’t hit the smiley face person, and the person in front of him also gave himself a big gift, he didn’t have to refuse.

“Yes, I am satisfied with your gift.”

Hearing Qin Yu say this, Emperor Shi Tian immediately realized that he had given the gift correctly this time.

“Adults are satisfied is a blessing for little people.”

“Don’t you fight with me, say, what do you want?”

What kind of person Emperor Shi Tian was, Qin Yu was still relatively clear in his heart, so he didn’t talk to him at all.

And Qin Yu’s words made Emperor Shi Tian overjoyed.

“Thank you very much! The villain just wanted the entire Bactrian Dynasty to fall under the name of the Heavenly Temple. ”


Suddenly, Qin Yu and Huang Rong were taken aback.

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