Chapter 202 The Mystery of the Fire Kirin Entering the Demon!!

I have to say that Emperor Shi Tian is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for a thousand years, and he thinks that he is longer than others.

Putting the entire Bactrian Dynasty under the name of the Heavenly Palace, no matter what the consideration, is a blood gain.

Even Huang Rong, who was standing behind Qin Yu, was shocked after hearing Emperor Shi Tian’s words.

After all, after working in the Heavenly Hall for such a long time, Huang Rong was already well-informed, and things that had not been seen in the Kyushu World before were simply commonplace in the Heavenly Halls.

But even so, Huang Rong had never seen Emperor Shi Tian’s behavior like this.

The whole country is under the name of the heavenly temple.

This kind of courage is not something that everyone has.

Qin Yu’s heart was also a little surprised.

This old monster is really not simple, even this kind of thing can be done.

He had thought that Emperor Shi Tian had sacrificed the Fire Qilin to enhance his own strength, but he did not expect that he actually wanted to attach himself to the Heavenly Halls.

Originally, at the first time, Qin Yu wanted to refuse Emperor Shitian’s request, but he could think about it for a moment, the Great Xia Dynasty, as the dynasty occupying Zhongzhou in Kyushu, had a large population, but it could be used to do a lot of things in the future.

For a moment, Qin Yu also thought about it.

Looking at Qin Yu with a silent face, Emperor Shitian did not speak, so he quietly knelt on the ground and waited for Qin Yu to speak.

The whole scene suddenly became solemn, and everyone knew that Qin Yu’s decision would affect the future direction of the entire Kyushu continent.

Qin Yu just looked at Emperor Shi Tian quietly.

After half a ring, Qin Yu finally spoke.

“You want to lead the entire Bactrian Dynasty to join the Heavenly Temple, and it is not impossible.”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Emperor Shi Tian was overjoyed.

He had already seen that the Heavenly Temple was definitely an extraordinary place.

What Ming Kingdom? What Qin Kingdom? What Song Kingdom?

These countries are all garbage, and even if they are strong, they are just fighting and killing in the Kyushu mainland.

A corner of peace, a frog at the bottom of the well.

But if he led the entire Bactrian Empire to the Heavenly Temple, then the development of the Mansion Empire would no longer be limited to the entire Kyushu world.

Instead, it can traverse the heavenly worlds through the heavenly temples.

How many resources does a world have? Or are there hundreds of millions of worlds with many resources?

Not to mention that the level of the Kyushu world is not high.

Not even too far from a mere Douqi Continent.

Which is light and heavy, good or bad, can be known at a glance?

For a while, Emperor Shitian seemed to have seen the scene of the Bactrian Empire sweeping across the heavens, but then Qin Yu broke a basin of cold water for Emperor Shitian.

“Don’t be too happy about this matter too soon, I haven’t agreed to it yet.”


As soon as they fell together, the change was too great to make Emperor Shitian a little uneasy.

“Well, there is a Dongying in the sea of the East, and you will bring someone to destroy the Dongying, and if you behave well, then I will consider letting you join the Heavenly Temple with the Bactrian Dynasty.”

“Thank you Lord of the Temple, thank you Lord of the Temple.”

Although Qin Yu did not directly agree to his request, he gave himself a chance, which made Emperor Shitian very happy, so he thanked him very much.

“Go down and wait until you destroy Dongying and come back to me.”

“Yes, little man, this will lead people to destroy Dongying.”

Emperor Shitian bowed his head to Qin Yu again, and then slowly retreated.

“Tell me about something.”

Watching Emperor Shitian leave Qin Yu without saying much, he grabbed the fiery Qilin with one hand, said a word to Huang Rong, and went to his room.

Although the spirit fire on this Fire Qilin body was extremely difficult for others, it had no effect on Qin Yu at all.

Qin Yu was carrying the Fire Qilin as if he were carrying a small kitten.

Originally, the Fire Qilin wanted to struggle when it was caught by Qin Yu.

But soon the spirituality of the beast, as a fierce beast, quickly told it that it was extremely dangerous to be a human being in front of it.

It was for this reason that when the Fire Qilin was carried away by Qin Yu, he was motionless.

Back in his room, Qin Yu casually threw the Fire Qilin on the ground, and then looked back and forth at it.

This guy looks miserable now.

When he was in the Lingyun Grotto, Emperor Shi Tian had a good battle with it in order to catch it.

Hit this guy with open skin.

In the end, he lost his strength, resulting in being captured by Emperor Shi Tian.

Coupled with long-distance transportation, this fire unicorn still looks mighty, but it doesn’t look like a banana.

“You guy is really unlucky enough, as a Heaven and Earth Spirit Beast, he looks so blind.”

As he spoke, Qin Yu’s gaze kept scanning over the Fire Qilin body.

With Qin Yu’s current strength, he could naturally see at a glance that there was a layer of demonic nature lingering in the Fire Qilin body… It was precisely because of this layer of demonic qi that the Fire Qilin often rushed out of the Lingyun Cave and wantonly destroyed.

The Heavenly Heaven and Earth Rui Beast became a fierce beast in other people.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu casually struck out an aura.

The injuries on the Fire Qilin were rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few moments, the injuries on the Fire Qilin had disappeared.


It seemed to be to thank the Fire Qilin for yelling at Qin Yu.

But then the Fire Qilin eyes turned red and stared at Qin Yu deadly, and the flames on his body jumped.

There was a little black breath flickering in the red flames.

It was also at this time that the Fire Qilin suddenly roared at Qin Yu.

That fierce look was no longer what it had been before.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Fire Qilin was chained at this time and couldn’t move at all, I’m afraid it would have jumped up and pounced on Qin Yu at this time.

“You guy is really pathetic.”

Looking at the Fire Qilin on the ground constantly struggling, Qin Yu couldn’t help but sigh.

Then he reached out and gently brushed it over the Fire Qilin body.

The demonic qi that was originally entangled in the body of the Fire Qilin was removed by him little by little.

Soon a dark magic bead formed in Qin Yu’s hand.

The orbs were pitch black, and the glowing light on the surface looked strange and ominous.

Looking at the magic bead in his hand, Qin Yu knew that if this bead was swallowed by anyone, then it would not be surprising that it would quickly shape a unique demon head.

Think of the Nie family’s genetic disease of the mad demon just because the ancestor mistakenly took a little Qilin blood from the Fire Qilin by mistake, and the strength of this demonic qi can be imagined.

The Fire Qilin had been eroded by this demonic qi for so many years, and the spirit was completely blinded, which was really miserable enough.

The Fire Qilin who had no magic qi in his body in this life was obviously much calmer.

But at the same time, Qin Yu also found that the breath on the Fire Qilin was obviously much weaker than before.

Qin Yu knew that a large part of the reason why the previous Fire Qilin was so strong was because of the Demon Qi.

Now that the Demon Qi in the Fire Qilin had been removed by itself, naturally, its strength would decline as the Demon Qi disappeared.

However, this decline was only temporary, and Qin Yu believed that as the demonic qi in his body disappeared, the strength of the Fire Qilin would inevitably usher in a large explosive period.

It may not be long before the Fire Qilin grows again.

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