Chapter 217 Big Brother, Will You Protect Us?!!

“There was no reply, and it is estimated that the Lord of the Hall did not see it at all.”

Kou Zhong said with a somewhat gray face.

This made the hearts of several of them sink again.

The only hope they had was dashed again, and it seemed that the four of them could only wait to die now, or simply abandon the mission.

But, if you just give up, won’t your previous efforts be in vain?

“Highly toxic infusion…”

At this time, the killer skill of the venomous vampire demon beast had been brewed.

He roared angrily and vented all the energy he had gathered towards Kou Zhong.

The furious energy frenzy rushed towards the four of Kou Zhong.

Everywhere we went, everything turned to dust.

The horror was like the end of the world.

“It’s over.”

Seeing this move, they directly closed their eyes.

Such an attack was far beyond their range to bear, and even if the four people fused their power, they could not stop it at all.

On the other side, the digital beasts of the Eight Gods Taiyi, the Eight Gods Jia’er and Mei Mei had long been beaten back to their infancy, and all of them were languishing.

At this moment, seeing their last hope Kou Zhong’s four people were also defeated, and their faces were all full of despair.

Just when everyone was full of despair, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of Kou Zhong’s four people.

The seemingly violent stream of poison had just come to this person, and it disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

Kou Zhong opened his eyes, and his face was instantly filled with surprise.

“It’s Lord of the Temple!” See Lord of the Temple! ”

Kou Zhong struggled and fell to his knees.

Yang Guo and the three of them also hurriedly got up and knelt down.

“See Lord of the Temple.”

Seeing that Kou Zhong, who was almost invincible in the flesh, bowed down to Qin Yu, Taiyi and the others were all stunned.

“What? Temple… Lord of the Temple? ”

The Eight Gods Taiyi was full of confusion.

“So strong! This poisonous infusion was actually dissipated by him directly into invisibility, how did it work! ”

Ah He’s face was also full of shock.

“Wow, big brother is so handsome.”

Meimei looked at Qin Yu, her eyes full of small stars.

Qin Yu’s face did not change at all, and he turned to look at Kou Zhong’s several people and said in a somewhat indifferent tone.

“A strong person is not a good quality, but if you can’t beat it, think of more ways, even if you give up this task, you can’t do this fearless nature.”

For Kou Zhong’s people, he was also very speechless, this poisonous vampire demon beast is awesome, you can’t beat it, you can run.

Stay in the green mountains without worrying about firewood, good guys, one by one, put this and wait for death.

If the employees of the Heavenly Halls were like this, how could he find them free and how to train them to grow up and make the Heavenly Halls more powerful.

With a look of shame on his face, Kou Zhongsi bowed his head to Qin Yu and said in a worried tone, “Disciple knows that he is wrong, thank you Lord Hall for your teachings.” ”

The four men were full of shame.

They thought the task would be very simple, but they didn’t expect that the intensity of the task was far beyond their expectations.

If it weren’t for Qin Yu’s sudden appearance, I’m afraid they would have been killed by the venomous vampire demon beast at this time.

“Roar! Human beings, how dare to do bad things to me! ”

Qin Yu suddenly appeared, not only saving everyone, but also turning his back on himself.

This made the venomous vampire demon feel very angry, and directly let out a roar!


Qin Yu simply said two words.

Then he waved his backhand at the venomous vampire demon.

Immediately after that, this fierce, unusually powerful, venomous vampire demon beast turned into dust in the shocked eyes of everyone.

Such a means made Broken Wave and others stunned instantly.

What ghost, the venomous vampire demon that beat them almost to death is gone?

This is a strong person equivalent to the Land Immortal Realm, so it was destroyed by Qin Yu’s swinging hand?

What kind of strength is this!

Suddenly, their gaze at Qin Yu became even more reverent.

And Jia Ermei and the few children were all excited after seeing Qin Yu kill the invincible poisonous vampire demon beast with his bare hands.

Mei Mei even ran up to Qin Yu and said sweetly to Qin Yu.

“Big brother, you are so powerful, can you stay and protect us all the time?”

With that, Meimei’s eyes looking at Qin Yu were full of anticipation.

“You are also very powerful, you can go from the very beginning to the present, but the big brother has other things to do, or let Kou Zhong continue to protect you, Qin Yu smiled, touched Meimei’s head and said.”

As the lord of the Heavenly Palaces, Qin Yu had no interest in playing the game of upgrading and fighting monsters with his children, so this matter was still left to the Broken Waves…. Immediately, Qin Yu said to the Broken Wave again.

“You haven’t finished your mission yet, but looking at the current situation, I’m given two choices.”

“The first is to abandon this mission and return directly to the Heavenly Temple.”

“Second, just keep going, but you should think clearly, the road ahead will be more difficult, and even if you encounter digital beasts that are more powerful than the venomous vampire monsters, you are likely to die in this world.”

“Think about it, which one do you choose?”

As soon as Qin Yu’s words came out, the faces of Kou Zhong’s people couldn’t help but change.

Immediately, the eyes of the four people all became very firm, and they said in one voice: “We choose to continue, and we will never give up!” ”

Hearing the answers of the four people, Qin Yu was also more pleased, but his face did not change at all, and he nodded and said.

“Since that’s the case, then I won’t say more, and I wish you good luck.”

After speaking, Qin Yu was ready to leave.

“Big brother don’t go.”

However, at this moment, the little girl Meimei suddenly pulled the corner of his clothes.


Meimei’s behavior made Qin Yu a little confused, but her face still did not change, and she looked at Meimei and said.

“Your name is Meimei, big brother still has his own things to do, now you have to go, or let go.”

“Oh well.”

Mei Mei’s face showed a look of loss.

Immediately, she raised her head again and looked at Qin Yu and asked.

“Big brother, can our world still be restored to its original state?”

Qin Xiyu smiled.

“If you want to restore the world to the way it was, all of this requires your own efforts and trust in your own strength, and you will be able to do it.”

Hearing this, Kou Zhongyang’s faces couldn’t help but have some more confidence, and then Yang Guo asked.

“Lord of the Palace, I don’t know what we should do to successfully complete the task?”

The digital beasts in this world are really too terrifying, just a resentful vampire demon beast will hang them, and there are said to be more powerful demon beasts behind them, which makes them how to do it.

Although they still chose to continue the task, they still had no idea whether they could complete the task.

Qin Yu naturally knew what they were thinking, pointing directly at Taiyi and Jia’er

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