Chapter 218 Overbearing First Emperor, Online Urging!!

“See these children?”

“They are chosen children with a very powerful force in them, just stimulate the power in their bodies.”

After saying these words, Qin Yu no longer gave the others a chance to speak, and instantly disappeared into the same place.

“The trumpeters who were chosen?”

Kou Zhong looked at each other, then at the children in front of him, and finally sighed.

“It seems that if we want to complete this task, we still have to rely on Taiyi and them.”

Kou Zhong seemed rather helpless.

But without saying much, the four members of the Heavenly Temples then embarked on the road to eliminating the four great kings of darkness with the eight gods Taiyi and a few of their children.

Xu Ziling, a few of their big men and the Eight Gods Taiyi, and their few children teamed up to do things Qin Yu didn’t know at all.

After returning to the Heavenly Hall, Qin Yu began the retreat.

At this time, the smoke on the Kyushu continent was about to dissipate, and the Qin state had already attacked the Yuan capital.

The Mongyuan nobles were struggling to the death, frantically fleeing towards the grassland.

The two continent gods and immortals of the Demon Sect Meng Chixing and the Guoshi Eight Shiba remained in the Yuan capital.

And stopped before the pursuing troops of the Qin state.

“Meng Chixing, Eighth Division, you still surrender, you can consider giving you a decent face, Meng Yuanqi has run out, and it is useless to struggle any more.”

Outside the Yuan capital, Win Zheng and Bai Qi stood on the dragon breaking the wave flying boat, looking down at the two people below, and said with a domineering face.

Qin Shi Huang’s words made the faces of Meng Chixing and the Eighth Master Ba very ugly.

Especially after Meng Chixing heard Qin Shi Huang’s words, a black light burst out from his eyes, which was extremely strange.

“Win Zheng, you are a little too crazy to say this, do you really think that you can eat us in this way?”

Meng Chixing stood motionless, tall like a black mountain.

The robes were in the wind, and the hunting sounded.

The Eighth Master who was standing next to him did not speak, but just watched Qin Shi Huang with his hands folded and raise the Buddha’s trumpet.

“Amitabha, I’m afraid I can only do it with Your Majesty now.”

“You old bald donkey can see the situation clearly.”

After saying this, Qin Shi Huang waved his right hand.

The Five Elements Flying Sword instantly appeared in his hand.

In an instant, a fierce sword qi filled the surroundings.

At about the same time, a three-finger-wide combat knife appeared in Bai Qi’s hand.

Compared with the use of swords, this battlefield killing god is more comfortable with the use of swords.


The battle in Hand White jumped up, jumped off the Tianlong Town Prison Boat, and then directly killed Meng Chixing.

“Well, it’s worth it to be white, and I’ll meet you today.”

Seeing that Bai Qi actually killed himself, Meng Chixing did not panic at all, but shouted loudly.

Before the words could be heard, he rushed towards Bai Qi.

The reaction speed of the Eighth Division next to him was also extremely fast, and as soon as the two of them made a move, he quickly rushed towards Qin Shi Huang.

“Guoshi will let you take a good look at your strength today.”

Qin Shi Huang didn’t say much nonsense, and the Five Elements Immortal Sword in his hand quickly turned into five as soon as he threw it.

Then he flew towards the Eighth Division with great speed.

The five immortal swords secretly combine the five powers of the five elements.

It’s like five streams of light.


The strength of the Eighth Division Ba is very strong.

In the face of these five immortal swords, he did not dodge, but directly waved his hands and shook these five immortal swords with great palm strength.

This kind of power was very strong, and even Qin Shi Huang could faintly feel that there was an extremely powerful force impacting his mind.

“Well, it is worthy of being a Mongolian Yuan Guoshi, and its strength is indeed extraordinary.”

Qin Shi Huang praised it, and the Immortal Sword rose again and killed the Eighth Master.

It could be clearly seen that this time the sword qi was more fierce than before, just like a gust of wind.

Where it has been said, the grass and trees are powdered.

Even the stones turned to dust in such a sword qi.

The boundless smoke and dust were stirred by the sword qi and rushed to the sky.

Suddenly, the sky was shrouded in darkness.

“Your Majesty’s strength is also surprising, but if His Majesty only has this kind of means, if he wants to kill Lao Gu, it will be worse.”

The Eighth Master appeared unhurried.

His hands kept waving as he faintly saw Buddhist runes appear in his hands.

This was the practice he had purchased from the Heavenly Shop.

Possess extraordinary power.

Although this was the first time he had used it, Bashiba had extraordinary confidence in this set of exercises.

Before Qin Shi Huang’s flying geese could get closer, they saw a powerful shield quickly appear on the surface of Eight Shiba’s body.

The golden shield was three feet above the surface of his body, and the surface of the shield was constantly flickering with Buddhist runes.

From a distance, it looks as if a golden Buddha has enveloped the Eight Masters.


The two of them fought one more move between the electric flint.

But it didn’t work in the slightest, and the shield on the surface of the Eighth Division’s body was somewhat incredibly strong.

The five immortal swords carried, and five different forces hit the surface of the shield, but they did not produce the slightest effect.

Only the boundless smoke and dust around it told the fierce collision just now.

Not far away, Bai Qiye and Meng Chixing also exchanged seven or eight moves in an instant.

The strength of the two is extraordinary, simply strong and eye-catching.

In particular, Meng Chixing is worthy of the name of the Demon Sect.

Although he was only bare-handed, Meng Chixing still relied on his extraordinary strength to fight with Bai Qi back and forth.

What was even more surprising was that this person’s white and slender hands, which looked like women, actually shone like jade.

Weird! Unknown! Despair!

Countless negative breaths continued to spread out from his hands, affecting the phenomenon of Bai Qi’s mind.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, I’m afraid few people will believe it.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that I would have been distracted in the face of such an attack.

But such a disturbance did not matter to Bai Qiqi at all, as a cruel man who could kill hundreds of thousands of people in one fell swoop, Meng Chixing’s behavior was simply not worth mentioning to him.

The sharp long knife slashed through a brilliant light in mid-air, carrying countless tragic breaths and rapidly spreading around.

His sword was so terrifying, it was two inches long, it was simply more fierce than the sun, and the sword qi that spread out alone was enough to be deadly.

What is even more frightening is that Bai Qi is this person, because he is born in the army, and his martial arts and sword skills are all sharpened from life and death on the battlefield.

Therefore, Bai Qi’s every move emitted a terrifying and tragic atmosphere.

Every time Meng Chixing contrasted with Bai Qi, he could clearly feel that Bai Qi’s sword posture seemed to be mixed with endless evil spirits.


In the face of such an attack, Meng Chixing did not dare to be slow at all.

The hands are constantly changing in place, like an illusion.

In an instant, Bai Qi suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis spread out from Meng Chixing’s body.

Faced with this situation, the power of the move in his hand once again soared by three points.

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