Chapter 221 Slaughter the Wild Boar Skin!!

“Your Majesty Win Zheng, you spared me, you spared me, and I will never set foot in the South again.”

Looking at Qin Shi Huang in front of him, Emperor Yuan directly gave up the dignity of the emperor and actually knelt in front of Qin Shi Huang like this.

This made Qin Shi Huang can’t help but frown, such a Ranbao was actually the Mengyuan Emperor.

This makes him very unhappy.

“To be an emperor and do what you do is really a shame to the emperor’s face.” People like you are not worthy of being emperors at all. ”

“Yes yes yes, I don’t deserve it, I don’t deserve it.”

“Please forgive me, spare me.”

Emperor Yuan kept begging for forgiveness and constantly prostrating his head.

He couldn’t take care of anything now, now he just wanted to live.

But the more Emperor Yuan did this, the more disgusted Qin Shi Huang became.

“Okay, I spared you.”

Looking at the Yuan Emperor at his feet, Qin Shi Huang nodded.

His words directly made Emperor Yuan overjoyed, and he was about to look up and thank him.

But suddenly found himself flying, and then flew out of the dragon breaking the wave flying boat.

Then I heard Qin Shi Huang’s voice coming: “You kind of waste, staying on my dragon breaking the wave flying boat is simply dirty my ground.” You still go down. ”

The Dragon Breaking Wave Flying Boat was twenty feet high from the ground.

Such a height is not to mention an ordinary person, even a first-class master, will be thrown to death.

Yes…… Yes…… In mid-air, Emperor Yuan had obviously anticipated this result, and endless despair and fear struck his heart like a tidal wave.

He let out a desperate scream in mid-air, but it could not reverse his fate in the slightest.


Just listen to a muffled noise coming from the ground.

Bai Qi glanced down and found that this unfortunate Yuan Emperor had actually crashed directly into a large stone.

The whole person was rubbed into an inhuman form, and even the brain plasma flew out.

With the death of Emperor Yuan, the entire Mongol Yuan Empire was suddenly leaderless, and everyone looked at all this in horror, and then shouted and scattered.

Everyone knows that the Mongol Empire is over.

The gods and immortals of the two continents fell, the Yuan Emperor was killed, and the Mongol Yuan Empire did not have the power to advance southWhen this matter gradually spread, on the territory of the Qing Kingdom, the Ming Kingdom had already broken through the Qing Imperial City.

The old and the young here were almost slaughtered by Zhu Houzhao’s order.

Not because Zhu Houzhao was cruel, but because the Qing Dynasty’s methods were even more cruel than this.

When the Qing Dynasty went south that year, it captured many Han people’s land.

In those years, they practiced keeping their heads without hair on the land of the Han people, and keeping hair without leaving their heads. ‘

Countless Han Chinese rose up to resist, and in the face of this situation, the Qing rulers at that time personally promoted one tragic massacre after another.

The aim is to pursue their policies.

In some places, they even killed the room nine, and even the children were not spared.

Because of this, several surrounding countries were very shameful to the Qing Dynasty.

But when they wanted to use their power, the Qing state had already formed de facto rule in those places, and strengthened its defenses, plus there was a powerful Mengyuan cover.

After thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea of attacking the Qing Dynasty.

Several countries that have always been Han Chinese regimes have not looked at the Qing state in the eyes as long as they have the opportunity to find an opportunity to target the Qing state.

Zhu Houzhao also knew about this matter, naturally he did not have a good face for Qingguo, and it was good to say when he had no chance before, it was a big deal to hold this emotion in his heart.

At this time, with such an opportunity, Zhu Houzhao naturally would not give up.

The wild boar skins in the entire imperial city were almost exterminated.

The moat of the imperial city was densely packed with corpses, and even the water in the moat was stained red.

The Kangxi Emperor, who had fled to Shengjing City, knew about this incident and directly spat out a mouthful of old blood.

“Zhu Houzhao and I are inseparable from you.”

Kangxi roared angrily at the heavens, and hated him madly.

“Your Majesty, it’s not good, the Ming army is thirty miles outside the Shengjing City.”

The eunuch Xiao Dezi ran over and shouted at Kangxi.

“What? How can it be so fast? ”

The Kangxi Emperor never expected that he had received the news that the imperial city had been slaughtered with the first foot, and that the army of the Ming Dynasty had actually killed him with the last foot.

This speed is truly appalling.

He hurriedly dropped the little dezi and ran towards the city wall.

When he came to the city wall, he had already seen a continuous army, which surrounded the entire Shengjing City.

Seeing this situation, the Kangxi Emperor couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingle, he knew that if he didn’t think of a way today, I’m afraid the entire Shengjing City would not be able to keep it.

“Zhu Houzhao, I want to see you when you come out.”

Kangxi was an emperor after all, so he could call Zhu Houzhao by his name like this.

After his voice fell, Zhu Houzhao stepped out of the army on a black horse.

“Kangxi, what else do you have to say?” If you have any last words, you should say them as soon as possible, otherwise you will not have a chance. ”

“Retreat from this, and I promise not to go out of the capital city for half a step.”

“Are you kidding me?”

The whole Qing Dynasty was about to be completely finished, how could Zhu Houzhao give up such an opportunity?

It is said that raising tigers is a problem, and Zhu Houzhao is not a fool, how could he possibly do such a thing.

“What are you going to do for me?”

“You cut yourself, for the sake of the emperor, I can leave you a whole corpse.”

“You. It’s just too deceitful. ”

Zhu Houzhao’s words made Kangxi angry.

“How could it not?” If you don’t want to, I don’t mind giving you a ride with my own hands. ”

Zhu Houzhao had just finished his words when Wei Xiaobao stepped out from behind the war horse’s butt.

“I said, Your Majesty, you should hurry up and surrender, anyway, you have reached this point, and if you abandon the city and surrender, you may still have a way to live.”

“It’s you…”

Seeing Wei Xiaobao appear, Kangxi immediately gritted his teeth in hatred.

If he hadn’t withdrawn the border troops, how could the Qing Dynasty’s gate have been defenseless, and how could it have been directly breached by the Ming Dynasty?

Without him, how could Ming Guo directly lead the army commander straight in.

This is the hatred of the destruction of the country and the death of the family.

The Kangxi Emperor looked at Wei Xiaobao and was eager to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

“Isn’t that me?”

In the face of the hateful Kangxi, Wei Xiaobao’s face was flat, and he obviously did not take the attitude of the Kangxi Emperor in his eyes.

“How’s it going? Have you thought about it? ”

“You delusional!”

The Kangxi Emperor’s attitude was very resolute.

“If that’s the case, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

After saying these words, Zhu Houzhao waved his right hand, and the army behind him rushed directly towards Shengjing City.

Although the walls of Shengjing City are tall, they are only relative.

For these soldiers who can fight a good war, such a wall will not hinder them at all.

As the ladder was elevated, one soldier after another quickly rushed to the city wall of Shengjing City and engaged in a fierce battle with the Qing soldiers.

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