Chapter 222 Slaughter Dong Ying!!

These soldiers have long since lost their morale.

In the face of such an attack, there was almost no resistance, and he was quickly killed and discarded in armor.

Seeing this situation, the Kangxi Emperor was also desperate in his heart.

Previously, he had fantasized that his soldiers would be able to turn the tide.

But now it seems that this kind of thing is simply a luxury.

“Zhu Houzhao, what do you really want me to do?” Are you willing to retire? ”

The surrounding soldiers kept falling, and the Kangxi Emperor became more and more desperate.


Hearing his words, Zhu Houzhao was not moved at all, and did not even want to say it, but just sneered twice.

Seeing his attitude, Kangxi seemed to understand something and knelt directly on the head of the city.

Everyone was stunned to see his actions, and no one expected Kangxi to do such an act.

Even Zhu Houzhao looked at the other party in surprise.

He never expected that Kangxi was such a person who could bend and stretch out in front of so many people, saying that he would kneel down when he knelt down.

Such boldness is not something that anyone can do, after all, the other party is an emperor.

So that when Zhu Houzhao saw the other party’s behavior, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

A person who commits such an act is still an emperor.

Either weak and incompetent, or the city is extremely deep.

According to Zhu Houzhao’s previous understanding of Kangxi, Ren Ren was by no means a weak and incompetent person, otherwise it would have been impossible to kill the two powerful ministers of Aobai and Dolgun.

Then there is only one possibility.

This man is extremely deep and far-sighted.

Thinking of this possibility, Zhu Houzhao, who originally wanted to spare Kangxi’s life, instantly killed a great victory in his heart.

In any case, this person must not stay, otherwise the future will inevitably become a serious problem for the heart.

As soon as this thought fell, the Yuanchen Starlight Technique in Zhu Houzhao’s body quickly began to operate.

In an instant, the sky is full of stars, and even in such a daytime, the endless starlight is still dazzling.

Such starlight was too strong, and quickly formed a hazy glow on the surface of Zhu Houzhao’s body.

In an instant, Zhu Houzhao’s body surface was covered with a layer of fluorescence.

This is the Starlight Treasure Body recorded in the Yuanchen Starlight Recipe.

Once cast, it not only has a strong defensive power, but even the attack power will be multiplied.

When Kangxi saw this, he was immediately frightened and frightened.

“Zhu Houzhao what are you going to do?”

As soon as Kangxi’s voice fell, he saw Zhu Houzhao suddenly take off into the air.

Facing the walls of Shengjing City, a fierce punch was thrown.


Accompanied by a thunderous explosion.

The strong walls of the city were blasted straight out of a huge gap.

Kangxi, who was kneeling at the head of the city, could not react at all and directly swept away from the gap.

Before Kangxi could react, he felt the sky spinning in front of him, and then he was directly pinched in his hand by Zhu Houzhao.

“I wanted to spare your life before, but I thought about it.” Today I will send you to meet the ancestors of your beloved Shin Kyora family. ”

“Zhu Houzhao… Nope…”

Before Kangxi could finish speaking, he felt a terrifying force suddenly burst out from Zhu Houzhao’s hands.

His body simply could not withstand the impact of this force, and the whole person exploded into pieces in an instant.

No one expected Kangxi to die so quickly.

The only fighting spirit of the Qing soldiers was instantly dissipated during the Kangxi Dynasty.

They laid down their weapons and gave up their resistance.

This also marked the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Almost at the same time, another piece of news came from Dongying’s side.

Emperor Shitian led his Bactrian Dynasty to sweep across the country of Dongying, and many people in Dongying, who were almost killed at sight, hid in the deep mountains and old forests.

Not only the Bactrian Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, the combined forces also raged in the Eastern Ying.

The lethality of these armies was too strong, and the few remaining troops in Dongying were not their opponents at all.

In addition, under the leadership of the Great Boss and the Great Demon God, Dong Ying had taken a large number of young men to go on an expedition to the Kyushu Continent before the year, but the entire army that was killed was destroyed.

This incident directly ruined a whole generation of young people in Dongying.

At this time, their little army left behind was not worth mentioning at all.

Almost all the men in Dongying were killed, leaving only the women to escape the disaster.

These women were distributed to the soldiers under Emperor Shi Tian, Yang Guang, and several others who took care of them.

And the resources of the entire Toei blame them all packed.

It was put into their respective warehouses, and only a small part was taken out by them for rewards.

Because of this, ship after ship of people and resources are constantly transported from Toei to the Kyushu mainland…. The huge amount of resources looks at everyone’s eyes, but no one dares to fight the idea of these resources.

After obtaining these resources, Emperor Shi Tian rushed to the Heavenly Hall without stopping to see Qin Yu.

“The lord of the palace has already destroyed Dongying.”

When he spoke, Emperor Shitian’s face was full of excitement.

It wasn’t him, he was excited because he had wiped out Dongying, after all, Dongying was that place, saying that big was not big or small, was really not attractive to a master like him.

What really made him care was the benefits of destroying Dong Ying.

Qin Yu had already expected this kind of thing.

If Emperor Shi Tian’s strength was not enough to destroy Dong Ying, then it would be really hell.

Looking at the Emperor Shi Tian in front of him, it was as if he were a child waiting for an elder reward.

This made Qin Yu can’t help but feel a little funny.

“Since this is the case, then well, from today onwards, the Bactrian Dynasty will be a subordinate dynasty of my Heavenly Palaces.”

“Thank you Lord of the Temple, thank you Lord of the Temple. In the future, if the lord of the temple has any command, Emperor Shi Tian will definitely be devastated. ”

After hearing Qin Yu’s words, Emperor Shitian could no longer contain his excitement and hurriedly knelt down and prostrated his head three times at Qin Yu.

This matter was too important for Emperor Shi Tian, who had always hoped to be able to board the great ship of the Heavenly Palace, and now this wish had finally come true.

It’s hard for him to think without getting excited.

At about the same time, the news was also displayed on the big screen in the Heavenly Shop.

When this news appeared, everyone was surprised, especially those who bought various items in the Celestial Shop, and almost stared at the eyeballs.

The news was first disseminated by these people in various ways.

The entire Kyushu Continent shook violently because of this incident, and no one expected that Emperor Shi Tian would actually have such boldness, and actually directly made the entire Bactrian Dynasty a subordinate dynasty of the Heavenly Palaces.

Such boldness is not something that everyone has.

Especially when Qin Shi Huang, Yang Guang, Zhu Houzhao and the three of them received this news, they couldn’t help but be surprised.

Their goal was to unify the entire Kyushu and thus establish a unified dynasty on the Kyushu continent.

But they didn’t expect that at this time, the Great Xia Dynasty had actually directly become a subordinate dynasty of the Heavenly Palaces, so how could they fight?

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