Chapter 226 My Heavenly Temple Don’t Virgin Mary!!

“What if it’s delisted?” What does it have to do with me? ”

Hearing Yao Dan’s words, a sneering smile appeared on Yao Chen’s face.

In his opinion, Yaodan’s behavior was simply ridiculous, when he was expelled from the Yaoclan, who thought that there would be today, and now that the Yaoren had an accident and wanted to come to him for help.

Where in the world is there such a good thing.

“Medicine dust, you can’t do this, I beg you, please help the medicine people!” Now only you can be the Medicine Clan, otherwise the Medicine Clan will inevitably perish, can’t you bear to watch the Medicine Clan being destroyed by the Soul Clan? ”

“Patriarch Yaodan, since the Yaoshi are already facing such a situation now, you should go back early, maybe the Yaoclan can hold out a little longer.”

Medicine Dust didn’t want to talk nonsense to Medicine Dando at all, and after dropping this sentence, he just turned around and left.

Seeing his attitude, Yao Dan felt a panic in his heart.

So he knelt all the way and tried to keep up, but the pace of the medicine dust was very fast, and Gen ~ Ben did not give him the slightest chance.

Soon it disappeared directly into the sight of the medicine dan.

Looking at the direction in which the medicinal dust disappeared, Yaodan’s eyes were red, he knew that at this moment, he had to make a choice, if he continued like this, I was afraid that the medicinal family would really be finished.

Kneeling in place, Yao Dansheng took a breath before gradually standing up from the ground and turning away from the Heavenly Hall.

Qin Yu saw all this in his eyes.

For the attitude of the medicine dust, Qin Yu also nodded slightly. Be ruthless when you have to be ruthless.

If anything happens to the Divine Heart, then he will definitely kick the other party out of the Heavenly Temple at the first time.

The last thing the heavenly temples need is the.

If the medicine dust really rushed to help the medicine family, he would not feel that the medicine dust was compassionate at all, but felt that he had a brain disease.

At that time, we really had to seriously consider purging him out of the Heavenly Temple. However, it was obvious that the attitude of the medicine dust was extremely in line with Qin Yu’s requirements.

He didn’t know all this medicine dust, and if he really knew, I’m afraid he would be very happy.

Douqi Continent, the medicinal world.

After leaving the Heavenly Hall, Yao Dan returned to the Medicine Clan for the first time, and at this time, the Soul Clan had already hit the barrier of the Medicine Realm.

Behind the Soul Heavenly Emperor were the few remnants of the Soul Clan, all of whom were the remaining high-end combat forces in the Soul Clan.

Don’t look at the Soul Heavenly Emperor, although his heart is fierce, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

But he was not a fool, he knew very well that if the Soul Clan was left with only himself, then the Soul Clan would not be the Soul Clan.

Therefore, when he sacrificed the Soul Clan, he deliberately left some more powerful Soul Clan people.

At this time, the four demon saints and four elders of the Soul Clan were all there.

Together with the Soul Heavenly Emperor, these people stood quietly outside the Medicine Clan barrier. Let the violent turbulence of space rush on them, but they are indifferent.

Such a space turbulence, let alone against the Dou Emperor, even if it was a strong person of the Dou Saint level like them, would not have any impact.

At this time, each of them exuded a powerful aura.

The qi machine passed through the medicine family barrier and directly passed to the medicine family, making everyone in the medicine family feel trembling.

And the most terrifying of them was the Doudi aura emanating from the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s body. The breath of terror made the demon beasts in the medicine world tremble with trepidation.

The medicinal family has a deep heritage, and they still know more or less about the Dou Emperor’s breath.

Especially when the three Doudi Qi swept through the entire Dou Qi Continent some time ago, they already had a relatively clear understanding of the Dou Di level strong.

But today they finally realized how ridiculous their previous understanding was.

The Dou Di level strong man was really terrifying, and the breath that came out of it, even if there was a barrier to block it, made them feel that it was difficult to breathe.

What terrifies them even more is that in this breath, their barrier seems to break down at any moment.

So much so that everyone in the medicine clan was extremely frightened in their hearts.

“Yaodan, I repeat, open your barrier, completely submit to my soul clan, and sacrifice all the resources and ancestral remains, otherwise don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Standing outside the barrier, the Soul Heavenly Emperor put his hands behind his back and transmitted the sound to the inside of the barrier.

If it were another race among the Ancient Eight Clans, the Soul Heavenly Emperor would have done it a long time ago, but unlike the Medicine Clan, the Medicine Clan made a living from alchemy, and everyone in the entire clan was an alchemist who was proficient in alchemy.

The existence of these people undoubtedly had great benefits for cultivators, and it was precisely because the Soul Heavenly Emperor saw such benefits that he gave the Medicine Clan a chance to completely surrender.

However, after his voice passed in, there was no response from the medicine Dan and these people.

Several medicinal people were quietly waiting in the main hall, and when Yaodan returned, Yaowanhuo immediately stood up and asked Yaodan.

“Patriarch, how’s it going?” Did the medicine dust agree? ”

As soon as he said these words, everyone looked at Yang Yaodan, hoping to get a good news from the mouth of Yaodan.

“Alas, the medicine dust refused to help.”

Yaodan shook his head, looking a little desperate.

At the same time, there was a strange gleam in his eyes, as if he was making a decision.

When everyone heard the words of the medicine man, their hearts sank.

Everyone knew that it was very difficult to get the medicine dust to help, but when they got the news, it was still a little difficult to accept.

“How is that possible? Isn’t he a member of the medicine clan? Why refuse? ”

Yao Wanhuo felt a little incredulous about such news, in his opinion, Medicine Dust was a person of the Medicine Clan, and it was a matter of course that Medicine Dust helped the Medicine Clan through the difficulties.

But I didn’t expect that the medicine dust actually chose to refuse to help.

“He’s still suspicious of what he was doing and it’s almost impossible to get him to help.”

Speaking of this, Yaodan sighed.

In fact, he didn’t care much about the things at that time, but it was a very marginal branch small person in the clan, which was not enough to make him the medicine clan patriarch pay attention.

But now, he has to find a way to solve it.

Especially in the current environment, he had to make a choice for the survival of the entire medicine family.

After a pause, Yao Dan continued.

“There is only one way to do it now.”

Originally thinking that they had fallen into a desperate situation, the people who were full of despair heard Yaodan’s words, their faces changed suddenly, and they looked at Yaodan in unison.

“Is there anything the patriarch can do?”

“Go, get the medicine.”

As soon as the voice of the medicine dan fell, someone immediately rushed out of the hall.

“Patriarch, is there anything wrong with bringing medicine to you?”

Yao Wanhuo was puzzled.

However, Yaodan shook his head at this time and chose to avoid speaking. For this attitude of his, everyone is unclear.

And at this moment, the voice of the Soul Heavenly Emperor came from outside the Medicine Clan barrier again.

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