Chapter 227: The Moment of Life and Death, the Decision of the Medicine Dan!!

“Yaodan, give you a moment of incense, if you don’t lead the entire medicine clan to surrender, I’m not welcome.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor still did not move, but still chose to use psychological tactics.

If it was at other times, his words would not have had any impact on the people of the Medicine Clan, but at this moment, the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor were like a knife, inserted into the hearts of everyone.

Especially when he thought about it, it wouldn’t be long before the Soul Heavenly Emperor would rush into the Medicine Clan and slaughter everyone.

It makes people shiver. Soon, the medicine man returned.

When he came to the main hall, he still had a look of surprise on his face

“Does the patriarch have a way?”


Yao Dan nodded, and then looked at Yao Wangui and said.

“There is a way, but do you need your help?”

“What’s the rush? The patriarch said though. ”

Yao Wangui didn’t realize what was going to happen next.

As soon as he said these words, he saw a cold flash in front of his eyes. Everyone did not expect that the medicine dan would suddenly strike at this time.

“Quite simply, it’s to borrow your head.”

In Yaodan’s view, if you want to let Yaochen help, you must unravel the mustard in Yaochen’s heart.

And the best way to unravel the mustard in the heart of the medicine dust is to use the medicine to return to the head of the item.


When a fierce wind struck in front of him, the medicine instinctively wanted to resist. But the speed of the medicine was too fast, and the two sides were so close.

Under the condition of having a mind and no intention, although Yao Wangui wanted to block it, he could not do anything at all.

Just listening to the exclamation of the medicine Wangui, I immediately felt that the sky was spinning in front of me.

When he reacted, his head had already landed on the ground.

It all happened so fast that no one in the room reacted. Especially the Medicine Wanhuo, when he reacted, the head of the Medicine Wangui was already rolling on the ground.

“Patriarch, you are…”

Yao Wanhuo looked at Yao Dan in shock.

“Now that the medicine family has reached the critical point of life and death, it is necessary to make the right choice at this time.”

Yaodan’s face was cold, and it was obvious that he had now made up his mind.

“Pass on the order to go down and kill all the medicine that belongs to them.”

It was definitely a very cruel decision.

But for the sake of the survival of the entire medicine family, the medicine Dan could no longer take care of so much.

When the crowd received the order from the medicine man, everyone was stunned.

Obviously, they didn’t expect Yao Dan to actually make such a decision, but then they quickly realized that if this method could get the help of medicine dust, then killing the medicine to their lineage was undoubtedly very cost-effective for the entire medicine family.

“Immediately, everyone rushed out of the hall at the first time.”

They must kill this vein of medicine in a short period of time.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor stood quietly outside the Medicine Clan barrier, and suddenly found that there was actually a situation of cannibalism among the Medicine Clan, and immediately laughed.

“It seems that this medicine family is not a monolith.”

Thinking of this, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was even more determined in his heart.

In the eyes of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, there was infighting among the Medicine Clan, and that was simply a godsend for him.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the Medicine Clan will surrender.

The current situation in the medicine family is undoubtedly cleaning up those diehards.

Not only the Soul Heavenly Emperor, but even the other people in the Soul Clan couldn’t help but smile a little when they saw this situation again.

It seems that in their eyes, the medicine family is already in the bag.

It’s just that the Soul Heavenly Emperor didn’t know that the reason why such a situation occurred among the Medicine Clan was entirely because the Medicine Dan was purging, and the Medicine Ten Thousand Returns to their vein.

Soon, this vein of medicine was completely killed. There were more than one hundred and thirty people, and none of them were spared.

The heads of these people were neatly stacked in front of the medicine pills. Look at these terrified human heads.

Yao Dan couldn’t see any superfluous expression on his face, and after half a moment, he suddenly waved his hand to put away these heads.

Just as he was about to leave, Yao Wanhuo suddenly opened his mouth at this time.

“These things are probably enough, but if you want to be more secure, I think you should add a chip.”

“What’s the matter? You said. ”


Yao Wangui only said two words.

Yaodan reacted quickly, and then walked towards the back mountain.

At this time, in the back mountain, a white-haired old man was sorting out herbs. From time to time he looked up at the sky.

Obviously, outside the barrier, the breath emitted by the Soul Heavenly Emperor made him already feel it, but there was really nothing he could do about all this….

When the medicine Dan appeared, the old man was stunned.

“How did the patriarch have the heart to come to me today?”

The medicine was so old that it seemed to have half a foot into the soil.

When he saw the old man, Yaodan offered his hand to him.

No wonder he would have such a move, the old man’s generation in front of him was undoubtedly very high among the medicine family, and even the medicine Dan had to respect it.

Not only that, but the old man in front of him has another identity. He was the early master of medicine dust.

“Elder Yaolan, I came here today to find you to meet someone.”

“See someone? Who? ”

There are some doubts about the list of medicines.

“Medicine dust.”

Yao Dan said solemnly.


The medicine man’s face changed suddenly.

“Medicine dust? Isn’t he already dead? ”

Yao Dan shook his head and said, “He did not die, and moreover, he was fortunate enough to enter the Heavenly Temple.” ”

“Nowadays, the medicine clan has reached a critical juncture of life and death, and the only person who can help the medicine clan get rid of the danger of extinction at this time is medicine dust.”

“But the medicine dust has a grudge against the medicine clan because of the events of that year, although I have already killed all the medicine to the same vein, but in order to be able to stir up the medicine dust, I also asked the medicine elder to follow me.”

Hearing Yao Dan say this, Yao Lan was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed and said.

“I don’t have much to say about the events of that year, but since the medicine clan is in danger now, and the only person who can lift the medicine family crisis is medicine dust, then I will go with you, but as for whether it can work, I can’t guarantee it.”

The medicine list was not unclear, so he agreed to it immediately after hearing the words of the medicine man.

Immediately afterward, under the leadership of Yaodan, Yaolan quickly came to the main store of the Heavenly Shop outside the Hall of Heavens.

Immediately, Yao Dan saw Huang Rong for the first time and asked her to help pass the medicine dust.

At this time, the medicinal dust was refining in his room.

When he heard Huang Rong’s briefing, he also walked out of his room and came to the Heavenly Shop.

At this time, the two people were already waiting.

When they saw the medicine dust coming, the two quickly greeted them.

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