Chapter 228 Qin Yu’s Conditions!!

“You guys…”

Originally, when he saw the medicine Dan, the medicine dust was still ready to turn around and leave. But he didn’t expect to actually follow the medicine list around the medicine dan.

This is his mentor.

Although the medicine dust is very undesirable to the medicine dan, it still has great respect for the medicine man.

So the first time he saw the medicine Dan, he did not leave.


The medicine dust greeted the two of them, and then bowed to the medicine man.

“Very good, very good.”

Looking at the medicine dust in front of him, the medicine man nodded with satisfaction.

When the medicine dust left the medicine family, it was still very young, but I didn’t expect that so many years had passed in a flash, and now the medicine dust already had such amazing strength.

As his teacher, Yaolan was very happy.

“Medicine dust, I know that you still have a grudge against the entire medicine clan, but I hope you can intervene to save the medicine clan.”

“These are the sincerity that will make you shoot.”

To do this, Yao Dan directly put all the more than a hundred heads of the medicine Wangui to their vein on the ground.

More than a hundred heads were quietly placed in this way, which made Yao Chen feel very shocked in his heart.

He hadn’t thought that in order to let him take action, Yao Dan was actually willing to kill Yao Wangui Yimai.

That’s more than a hundred people.

Moreover, many of them were outstanding alchemists who actually said that killing would kill. It can be seen from this that Yaodan has shown enough sincerity in this matter. Just at this moment, the medicine dust heard the medicine list again.

“Medicine dust, the events of that year have passed, and the family did have unfair places for you at that time.”

“Now that the evil leader has fallen to the law, I hope that you can help the medicine clan tide over the difficulties regardless of the previous suspicions, count me this old bone, please!”

During the conversation, the medicine was about to give the medicine dust to kneel.

Seeing that his mentor actually made such a reaction, the medicine dust was very shocked and panicked.

I didn’t dare to let the medicine man really kneel down. Hurry up and hold his hands.

“Teacher, you don’t have to do this, if I am still alone, I can agree, but now that I am already a member of the Heavenly Temple, so whether I can save the Medicine Clan or not depends on the meaning of the Lord of the Palace.”

Medicine Dust was still very interesting in his heart, at this moment, he was a member of the Heavenly Temple, and without the permission of the Lord of the Temple, he naturally could not arbitrarily agree to the requests of others and intervene in the struggle of the Douqi Continent.

When the two of them heard the words of the medicine dust, they all showed excited smiles on their faces.

“That’s the way it should be, that’s the way it should be.”

Medicine Dust nodded, and then said, “But before that, I hope you agree to a condition, that is, if the Lord of the Hall decides to save the Medicine Clan, the entire Medicine Clan will be attached to my Heavenly Hall, as a subsidiary force of my Heavenly Hall, I don’t know what the Medicine Dan Patriarch wants.” ”

Yao Dan’s face changed, but he quickly reacted and nodded without the slightest hesitation.

“No problem, I promised you.”

“Well, you wait here, I’ll ask the lord of the temple for help.”

The medicine dust said a word to the two of them, and then turned around and left here.

Qin Yu, who was in the room at this time, saw all this clearly. When the medicine dust came here, before he could reach out and knock on the door, the door opened automatically.

“Are you here?”

“Meet the Lord of the Temple.”

“I already know what you’re coming from.”

Looking at the medicine dust in front of him, Qin Yu couldn’t see the joy and anger on his face. And the more Qin Yu was like this, the more panicked Medicine Dust felt in his heart. Immediately after that, he listened to Qin Yu speak.

“Have you thought about this clearly?”

“Returning to the words of the lord of the temple, the subordinates have already figured it out.”

“Since this is the case, I hope you will not regret today’s decision in the future.”

In fact, for this matter, Qin Yu was still more in favor of it.

Since the medicine dan has already done things to this extent, it is enough to show the sincerity of the medicine dan.

Coupled with the particularity of its own medicinal family.

If the Heavenly Halls were to incorporate the entire Medicine Clan, it would undoubtedly be of great benefit to him.

“Let’s go, come with me to meet the two of them.”

Qin Yu’s voice had just fallen, and the medicine dust felt that the scene in front of him had suddenly changed, and then it appeared in front of the two people of Yao Dan and Yao Lan.

At this time, neither of them had reacted. Yao Dan was about to strike when he suddenly saw the person coming. When he did not dare to be sloppy, he bowed to Qin Yu.

“Medicine Clan Patriarch Medicine Dan has seen the Lord of the Temple!”

The medicine man standing next to him had never entered Qin Yu. Naturally, he didn’t know Qin Yu, and he didn’t know Qin Yu’s identity.

But when he saw the action of the medicine dan, he was also stunned, and then he also worshipped.

“The old man has seen the Lord of the Temple.”

Looking at the attitude of the two men, Qin Yu nodded.

“I already know your intentions, and my heavenly temples can intervene, but in this matter, I can’t help you in vain.”

“Lord of the Palace, but it doesn’t matter, as long as my medicine clan can get its hands on it, it will certainly not resign.”

“Rest assured, in fact, it is not a big deal, my condition is that from today onwards, you will pass on the position of the patriarch of the Medicine Clan to the Medicine Dust.”

Qin Yu had just uttered these words, and several people in the medicine dan were all stunned. Yaodan stood quietly in place, without consent or refusal.

Obviously, Qin Yu’s request was of great significance to the entire Medicine Clan.

And if he agrees, then he will lose control of the entire medicine family from today onwards.

However, if he refused, then the opportunity to let the medicine dust please move Qin Yu would be lost in vain.

And today’s medicine family has reached a critical juncture of life and death. Suddenly, Yaodan’s face was constantly changing.

But, it didn’t take long, and Yao Dan gritted his teeth and nodded.

“Well, just do as the lord of the palace says, as long as the lord of the hall is willing to help, then from today onwards, Yaodan will step down from the position of patriarch and hand over the position of patriarch to Yaochen.”

“Since that’s the case, then go back, and I’ve done this favor to my heavenly temples.”

“Thank you Lord of the Palace, thank you Lord of the Hall!”

Yaodan prostrated his head in excitement, and then he hurriedly returned to the Yaoclan with the medicinal list and the medicinal dust.

Now the medicine family was in danger, and they really didn’t dare to delay for a moment. Fighting Qi Continent, within the medicinal world.

At this time, the barrier of the Medicine Realm had been broken by the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and all the people of the Soul Clan had been killed.

The medicine people were all desperately resisting.

It’s just a pity that the people of the Soul Clan are all peak masters now, and their strength is extremely strong. The lowest are all Fighting Saints.

Although the people of the Medicine Clan resisted desperately, they were still difficult to resist, and they were defeated from the beginning.

On the contrary, the Soul Heavenly Emperor did not strike from beginning to end.

If he did it again, he wouldn’t even need anyone else to do it, and the entire medicine clan would be destroyed.

But even so, the strength of the Soul Clan was so strong that people felt desperate.

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