Chapter 229: Soul Heavenly Emperor, do you have any opinions?!!

People on the medicine side kept falling.

Seeing that countless Dou Sect Dou Zun and even Dou Saint Strongmen of the Medicine Clan had fallen, the people of the Medicine Clan were desperate.


When everyone was feeling desperate, the medicine finally appeared.

Hearing his words, everyone moved in unison, and then looked at them one after another.

The fierce battle just now quickly turned into a confrontation.

“Yaodan you finally appeared, I thought you were going to be a shrunken-headed turtle.”

Looking at the medicinal elixir that appeared, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face was full of sneers from beginning to end.

“How’s it going? Think clearly? I’m not afraid to tell you the truth, now the entire Medicine Clan land is blocked by me. ”

“Now give you another chance to lead the entire drug to surrender, and I can guarantee your life!” Otherwise, today next year will be the death day of your medicine family. ”

“Surrender, such a thing is no longer in my control, and the medicine clan is not up to me now.”

Hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Yao Dan smiled slightly.

Everyone couldn’t help but wonder, what does it mean, the medicine clan is not the patriarch medicine Dan now decided?

The Soul Heavenly Emperor Yang Tian sneered.

“Medicine Dan you when I was a three-year-old child?”

“Whoever in the whole world doesn’t know that you are the medicine patriarch, and your words are useless, then whose words are useful.”

Everyone in the medicine world also nodded their heads.

Who doesn’t know that Yao Dan is the patriarch of the entire Medicine Clan, and holds the decisive power of life and death among the Medicine Clan.

It can even be said unceremoniously that any one of his decisions will bring immeasurable changes to the entire medicine family.

And now he said that the medicine family was not up to him. This really feels a bit inexplicable.

However, Yao Wanhuo seemed to remember something, and he was a little surprised to see it, looking at the medicine Dan. Yaodan said with a smile.

“If I was the Medicine Clan Patriarch a moment ago, then at this moment, I am no longer the Medicine Clan Chief, and the Patriarch of my Medicine Clan has someone else.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but look at the medicine Dan with a look of disdain.

“Oh? Yaodan, are you afraid of being the patriarch to attract fire and scold? Even such a thing can be said? You are not the patriarch, who is the patriarch?”



The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s words had just fallen, and the medicine dust came out of the crowd. When the medicine dust appeared, everyone was surprised.

Many of the younger generation of the medicine family have heard the name of medicine dust, but they have never seen this person of medicine dust.

The older generation is extremely familiar with the person of medicine dust.

It is even no exaggeration to say that the medicine dust is the most talented and outstanding one in the entire medicine family for thousands of years.

There was even a chance to step into the level of the Nine Pin Alchemists.

If it wasn’t for an accident that year, I’m afraid the medicine dust wouldn’t have left the medicine family.

I thought that the medicine dust would not return to the medicine family again in this life, but I did not expect that the medicine family in the carving would actually come back again.

For the appearance of the drug dust, some people are surprised and some people feel incredible.

Especially when the Soul Heavenly Emperor saw the medicinal dust appear, he couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingle.

He knew very well that the medicinal dust was now a person of the Heavenly Temples.

The appearance of medicinal dust here at this time undoubtedly represented the attitude of these heavenly halls. Think of the strong strength of the Heavenly Temple Lords.

Even if he had now reached the Doudi level, he simply could not understand what level the strength of the Heavenly Hall Lords had reached.

Therefore, when he saw the medicinal dust appear, the Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but start to retreat.

It wasn’t that he was timid, but that the strength of the Heavenly Lords was terrifying. Even today.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was also not sure that he would directly reach out and squeeze a five- or six-star-level Dou Saint to death.

In the hands of the Lord of the Heavenly Temples, such a strong person was simply like an ant. The gap is simply too great.

Just as the Soul Heavenly Emperor was preparing to leave, the Soul Yan next to him suddenly opened his mouth.

“Hmm, who is my Tao, it turns out to be you, the dog that lost your family!” How? Do you want to be buried here with the entire medicine family? ”

“I don’t know what to call it.”

The medicine dust saw him with a look of disdain in his eyes.

And the Soul Heavenly Emperor standing next to Soul Yan was almost angry to death.

This waste is really not enough to make things up, and when is there more than enough to do, it can still say such things.

Don’t you know who is behind the medicine dust?

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt that the space around them had undergone a strange change and began to shake violently.

Immediately after that, I saw that there were suddenly many more dense cracks in the sky.

Before anyone could react, a huge opening suddenly opened in the sky.

Everyone saw that in the middle of this huge crack, a black figure was standing silently.

Almost as soon as this person appeared, he felt an overwhelming aura of terror that covered the entire medicinal world.

There is no ferocity in this breath, and there is no killing domineering. But it made the air around it visibly freeze for a few minutes.

Straight-up feeling of difficulty breathing.

In an instant, everyone’s heart was shaken.

When everyone gradually adapted to this breath, they looked up and saw a man standing quietly in the cracks of boundless space.

People who didn’t know Qin Yu felt that Qin Yu was extremely strong and a master without compromise.

The people who knew Qin Yu had a feeling of worship for Qin Yu at this time.

Especially when the Soul Heavenly Emperor saw Qin Yu, he only felt that his scalp was tingling.

“Temple….. Lord of the Temple…”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor watched Qin Yu shake at him, but the trembling tone could tell that he was extremely shocked and panicked in his heart at this moment.

Many people were shocked by the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s posture at this moment, but only those who knew Qin Yu knew why the Soul Heavenly Emperor would react in this way.

“I heard you were going to bury the people of my heavenly temples?”

Qin Yu did not care about the Soul Heavenly Emperor, but looked at Soul Yan.

Only to see that at this moment, Soul Yan raised his head and looked at Qin Yu without retreating.

“Yes and how?”

As soon as his words fell, he saw a sharp sword light from the heavy sword in Qin Yu’s hand.

This sword light was too terrifying.

It was as if the entire medicinal world was to be split in an instant. The terrible force made everyone present shudder.

What was even more frightening was that this sword light was amazingly fast.

Soul Yan bore the brunt of it, and even more did not react, and when he reacted, the sword light had already come to him.

Then I saw this sword light pass through Soul Yan’s body.

Then his whole body fell directly to the ground in the shocked eyes of everyone.

As the soul leader of the Soul Clan, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was extremely accomplished in the soul lineage.

As soon as this sword light passed through Soul Yan’s body, he instantly felt that Soul Yan’s soul was directly crushed by this sword light, and he could not die anymore.

This made the flesh on the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face tremble continuously.

Killing Soul Yan at will, Qin Yu was as if he had done a trivial thing.

Turning to the Soul Heavenly Emperor, he said.

“I helped you slaughter a guy who didn’t speak badly, wouldn’t you have an opinion?”

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