Chapter 230 Moving the Medicine Realm!!


The Soul Heavenly Emperor wanted to have a seizure, and he could think of Qin Yu’s bottomless strength, and he could only pull out an ugly smile on his face.

“How come? The Lord of the Hall can help me clean up a disobedient person who has crossed the line, and I can’t ask for it. ”

“If that’s the case, it’s best.”

Speaking of this, Qin Yu waved his hand again and said to the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“There’s nothing for you to do here, let’s go.”

“Yes yes yes… This goes, this goes. ”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was amnestied.

With his own men, he quickly withdrew from the medicine world, and the whole process was extremely fast, without the slightest dragging mud and water.

Many of the medicine people didn’t even react.

In the crowd of medicinal people, there was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl who was quietly looking at Qin Yu, with unparalleled amazement and admiration in her eyes.

“Medicine Spirit, what are you doing watching people do like this, didn’t you move the Spring Heart?”

A girlfriend next to her rubbed her elbow.

This directly startled the medicinal spirit.

“Huh? What are you talking about? ”

“Hee-hee, look at you like that, and say no.”

“Do you want to take care of it?”

The medicine spirit glanced at her angrily, and then continued to look up at the sky.

At this moment, it seemed that Qin Yu was the only one in her heart. Qin Yu naturally didn’t know about this kind of thing.

After the Soul Heavenly Emperor left, Qin Yu landed from mid-air, and the medicine dan and the medicine dust quickly led the medicine clan people to kneel down in front of Qin Yu.

“The Medicine Clan thanks the Lord of the Hall for coming to the rescue.”

“The Medicine Clan thanks the Lord of the Hall for his help.”

Everyone knew that the reason why the Medicine Clan was able to turn the crisis into safety today was because of Qin Yu.

So when thanking, everyone’s face is full of gratitude, and the tone is extremely sincere.


For these people’s prostrations, Qin Yu did not unexpectedly accept them calmly.

“Things here are basically over, since you have already surrendered to my Heavenly Temple, then from today onwards, the Douqi Continent will no longer be a place where you live, and I have a more suitable place for the survival of your medicinal clan.”

“But at the command of the Lord of the Temple.”

Medicine Dust knelt on the ground and said so.

“Well, then, I’ll take you to a place.”

After Qin Yu said these words, the whole person quickly came to the outside of the medicine world. Everyone looked up at him, not understanding why Qin Yu was like this? But then I felt as if the entire pharmaceutical world had shifted in some way. This change came very drastically and suddenly.

As soon as everyone discovered this strange transfer, they suddenly felt an unusually abundant aura roaring from outside the medicinal world.

In the face of this powerful aura, everyone was shocked.

“This… This aura is so powerful. ”

This change came too suddenly, and everyone in the medicine family felt incredible.

Even the two of them, Medicinal Dust and Yaodan, felt a little dreamy.

“Well, the current pharmaceutical industry is in a sixth-order Hongmeng world. From today onwards, you will live in this great world of Hongmeng, and by the way, you should build the Yanhuang Continent in this great world well. ”

“Hongmeng Great World?”

Everyone present heard the name for the first time.

“Don’t be surprised, this is a more advanced world than the Fighting Qi Continent.”


No one expected that Qin Yu would actually separate the medicinal world from the Douqi Continent in an instant.

Such a tactic is simply too amazing.

“This new world is obviously different from the Douqi Continent, so you should feel it here.”

In fact, there was no need for Qin Yu to say anything more, many people of the Medicine Clan had already begun to feel the powerful aura coming in from the outside world at this time.

Compared to the Douqi Continent, the aura contained in the Sixth Order World of the Yanhuang Great World was too strong, and it was also more advanced.

It didn’t take long for the bottlenecks in many people to begin to loosen.

I believe that it will not be long before the strength of these people will go a step further.

Almost everyone can feel that their power has increased to a greater or lesser extent, which makes everyone ecstatic.

In this way, everyone couldn’t help but kneel down to Qin Yu again and thank him loudly.

“Thank you Lord of the Palace!”

“From now on you will listen to the medicine dust.” You can familiarize yourself with it first. ”

The medicine family thing is basically over, although there are still some things that need to be resolved.

But it was no longer Qin Yu’s business, these things could be solved by the medicine dust on its own.

After dropping these words, Qin Yu turned around and left the Hongmeng Great World. As soon as Qin Yu left, Yao Dan began to hand over the matter of the medicine family with the medicine dust. In fact, there are not many things.

In addition, the strength of the two is not insignificant, so the whole process is very fast at the time of handover.

Under the witness of everyone, Yao Chen successfully became the new patriarch of the Medicine Clan. As soon as he took office, Medicine Dust did not do anything, but let everyone live according to the order.

That’s exactly what everyone meant.

The people of the Medicine Clan are alchemy in addition to cultivation.

At this time, in the sixth-order world, it is the best choice to improve the strength as soon as possible.

Because of this, when everyone received the order of the medicine dust, they all returned to their own courtyards to start cultivating.

Either hit the bottleneck or start refining the elixir.

The whole medicine clan was in full swing, and there was no mustard caused by the sudden rise of the medicine dust.

For such a thing, Medicine Dust was also very happy in his heart.

At this time, Qin Yu, who had just returned to the Heavenly Palace, received Huang Rong’s report at the first time.

“Lord of the temple asks to see you.”

“Candle Kun, the former patriarch of the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan?”

Qin Yu thought of a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Thinking about it for a moment, Qin Yu quickly guessed the intention of Candle Kun.

If I didn’t guess wrongly, Candle Kun’s coming to see him this time should be for the sake of the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan.

After all, the current Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan was being hunted down and killed by Huang Tian.

Although Candle Kun had already found a safe place for the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan, it was not impossible for a Dou Di strong person to find a group of people hiding on the Douqi Continent.

The longer it dragged on, the more dangerous it would be for the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and once it was found by a powerful Doudi like Huang Tian, then what greeted the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan would be a complete annihilation.

In this case, it is not a strange thing that Candle Kun came to see him.

“Let him come and see me.”


Huang Rong answered, and then after exiting Qin Yu’s room for half a second, he led a tall man to the door of Qin Yu’s room.

At the man’s side was an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl.

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