Chapter 231: Purple Yan at Maturity and Purple Yan at Infancy!!

Qin Yu saw at a glance the identity of this man, this person was Candle Kun, and the girl next to him should be Zi Yan if she guessed correctly.

“Lord of the Temple.”

Candle Kun brought Zi Yan to Qin Yu without hesitation, and directly knelt down for Qin Yu.

Zi Yan, who was standing next to him, although she had never seen Qin Yu, saw that her father was so respectful to Qin Yu, she did not dare to be sloppy, and immediately knelt down with him.

“I’ve seen Lord of the Temple.”

“Candle Kun, you didn’t bring the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan to resist Huang Tian, what are you doing here?”

Looking at the candle Kun kneeling in front of him, Qin Yu was a little strange.

“Lord of the Palace, the Ancient Dragon Clan of the Great Void is now in danger, and I hope that the Lord of the Hall can help you.”

After a pause, Candle Kun continued.

“The little man saw that there was no maid around the lord of the temple who brought tea and poured water, and the little girl was just right, and he also hoped that the lord of the temple would smile and accept.”

Hearing Candle Kun’s words, Qin Yu couldn’t help but be stunned.

I couldn’t imagine that this old dragon king would actually make such a choice. He would send his daughter straight out.

Huang Rong, who was standing nearby, was also stunned.

She had never imagined that this person would actually make such a choice. In order to protect the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan, he would actually give his daughter directly to the Lord of the Palace.

The purpose is simply to seek help from adults.


Candle Kun’s words surprised Qin Yu for a moment, and then looked at Zi Yan next to him.

This girl looked eleven or twelve years old, although she looked delicate and cute, but she wanted nothing.

Although the clear-eyed people know that this girl is a beautiful billet.

But Qin Yu obviously had no interest in this kind of woman who wanted nothing.

“Candle Kun, did you see that I have many women here, so you just casually stuff a woman to come to me?”

“Yes, I like women a lot, but I have no interest in children, so you should go back.”

Qin Yu waved his hand and signaled Candle Kun to hurry up.


Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Candle Kun was silent for a while.

He could see that if it was to send a beautiful woman, Qin Yu might accept it, but his daughter’s appearance looked like she was eleven or twelve years old.

Even if it is a beautiful billet, it is still far from those really mature women.

At this moment, Zi Yan suddenly opened her mouth.

“Oh, people are not children.”

Immediately after that, he quickly stood up in the midst of Qin Yu’s surprised gaze. Then I saw a flash of golden light on the surface of Zi Yan’s body.

Immediately after that, I saw a woman with a bumpy body, a charming temperament, and long hair like a waterfall appear in front of her.

I have to say that after growing up, Zi Yan’s figure is so good, it is simply a fight with Yafei.

In some respects it is even more so.

Especially the overbearing upper circumference is really stunning.

Seeing Zi Yan’s appearance, Qin Yu couldn’t help but squint his eyes, remembering Zi Yan’s surprise after she transformed into a mature body in the fight.

Immediately Qin Yu thought that in the Hongmeng Great World, but the ocean accounted for the majority, and now that the Yanhuang Continent he had opened up was surrounded by the sea, if he could subdue the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan, it would be quite appropriate.

Well, Qin Yu swore that he was definitely not because of Zi Yan’s mature body, it was all for the development of the world.

Looking at Zi Yan, Qin Yu finally nodded.

“Okay, then you stay.”

Then Qin Yu said to Candle Kun again.

“I have accepted your daughter, you go back, there is something, then you will come directly to the Heavenly Temple to find me.”

“Thank you Lord of the Palace, thank you Lord of the Hall.”

Seeing that Qin Yu had finally accepted his daughter, Candle Kun suddenly and thankfully kowtowed to Qin Yu.

Then he exited the room with a happy face.

Huang Rong stood motionless next to him, looking at Qin Yu with some resentment. Then I looked at it again, and it was still an adult-like Ziyan.

Sure enough, the lord of his house liked women, and he also liked women who were in very good shape.

Huang Rong’s gaze made Qin Yu feel uncomfortable, but soon, he ignored Huang Rong’s gloomy gaze and looked at Zi Yan.

“Haven’t you grown up?” How did you still look like a little girl before? ”

“People can’t last too long now.”

Zi Yan had just finished saying these words, and then she saw that her body was shining with golden light again.

The whole person is like a deflated ball, from a big beautiful woman with bumps to a little girl who looks thin and weak.

The difference between before and after was too great, so Qin Yu couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He could see now that the reason why Zi Yan was like this should be because of the lack of strength realm.

Although after meeting her old father, her own strength had been raised from the Douwang Realm to the Douzong Realm.

But for the Tai Void Gu Long, his current strength was still far from reaching the point of adulthood.

Qin Yu estimated that if she wanted to keep Zi Yan’s figure completely in the adult stage, her strength must at least reach the Dou Zun Realm.

And she was only a Dou Sect now, and she was still too far away.

“From today onwards, you are a miscellaneous disciple in my Heavenly Halls, but your current strength is really too poor, and this place is not suitable for your cultivation, so just like that, I will send you to a world.”

Speaking of this, Qin Yu directly waved his hand and sent Zi Yan to the Hongmeng Great World.

Zi Yan was about to say something when she noticed that the surrounding environment had suddenly changed. Then a burst of Qin Yu’s voice came from his ear.

“This world is very strong, and some people’s strength far exceeds the level of the Dou Emperor, so don’t be reckless and send yourself to the door to find death.”

Immediately after that, Qin Yu’s figure disappeared again, making Zi Yan want to say that there was no chance.

Qin Yu proved with facts that he really didn’t accept Zi Yan because of the body of a hungry person, but really just for the future development of the Heavenly Palace.

Just after solving the matter here, before Qin Yu could talk to Huang Rong, Xuan Kongzi appeared in the Heavenly Hall with the Danta people.

Finding this situation, Qin Yu smiled slightly and walked out of the room.

“Lord of the Temple.”

When Xuan Kongzi saw Qin Yu coming, he quickly took the people with him and knelt down on the ground.

Danta’s influence is not small, and the natural number of people is large.

When they all knelt down, it looked like a large piece from a distance.

“Yes, I thought you would be here after a while.”

Looking at these people, Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

It seemed that the pressure that Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor had brought to these forces on the Douqi Continent was too great.

Let these forces have to respond early.

Xuan Kongzi was just about to speak when he saw another group of people suddenly appear in the Heavenly Temple.

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