Chapter 233 The Cruel Emperor has been spoiled!!

At the beginning, the Cruel Emperor was still a little strange, Ye Fan was actually not cultivating, what was he doing hoarding resources here.

But soon, Ye Qiancheng understood what was going on.

Although from beginning to end, Ye Fan had never said anything about the Heavens Auction, but with Ye Qingcheng’s wisdom.

He quickly remembered what Qin Yu had said before.

“Is this to attend the Auction of the Heavens?”

Looking at Ye Fan, who was taking care of various resources not far away, Ye Qiancheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Finally, Ye Fan had collected almost all the resources and was about to leave.

“Ye Fan, where are you going?”

Ye Qiancheng suddenly opened his mouth.

Ye Fan did not expect that Ye Qincheng would suddenly stop himself at this time, and his face changed.

But turning his head, he still said very calmly.

“Nothing, just want to go somewhere and buy something.”

“Are you going down the hill?” I was also going, just because I was a little bored during this time in the Spirit Void Cave Heaven. ”

Watching Ye Fan say this, Ye Qincheng did not directly point out, but instead showed a harmless expression of people and animals.

Just as soon as he heard Ye Qiancheng’s words, Ye Fan’s face became a little ugly. He didn’t know if the Celestial Auction could let anyone else know.

If you just take Ye Qiancheng with you, in case something happens, it will be trouble.

“Bring her over, it’s no big deal.”

Just when Ye Fan was hesitating, a message suddenly came out of the Heavenly Orders.

It turned out that at this moment, Qin Yu had already turned his eyes to this place, and just happened to hear the conversation between the two.

For the arrival of the Cruel Emperor, Qin Yu naturally raised his hands in approval.

Hearing Qin Yu’s voice like this, Ye Fan’s face finally looked better, and he nodded at Ye Qiancheng.

“Well, then, let’s go together.”


Ye Qiancheng nodded, and then quickly walked over to Ye Fan’s side. At this time, Ye Fan took out the Heavenly Order.

When this Heavenly Order appeared, Ye Qiancheng unconsciously glanced at it. She had seen this token many times, but she couldn’t see any hint of it on the surface.

“Let’s go.”

Ye Fan, who took out the token, passed a message to the Heavenly Order. Then the two quickly disappeared into place.

Although the time of each world to the Heavenly Temple is similar, the time for each force to come to the Heavenly Temple is after all in order.

The first force to come to the Heavenly Hall was naturally the person brought by Qin Shi Huang.

When they came to the Heavenly Temple, there was no one in the auction hall.

Just as I was about to go to my box, I saw a group of people in black robes coming in through the door.

Each of these people exuded an uncomfortable atmosphere, which made Qin Shi Huang feel uncomfortable after they saw it.

“Is it them?”

Qin Shi Huang recognized the person at a glance.

If I remember correctly, these people were from the Douqi Continent.


After the Soul Heavenly Emperor entered the auction hall, he also saw Qin Shi Huang for the first time.

This made the Soul Heavenly Emperor very disdainful, in his opinion, Qin Shi Huang and his group of people were simply like ants, this kind of waste was actually willing to participate in the auction of the heavens, it was simply unclear.

Although compared to the Soul Heavenly Emperor, the strength of Qin Shi Huang was still much worse.

But the Soul Heavenly Emperor did not shy away from it in the slightest when he spoke. Therefore, his words were clearly heard by Qin Shi Huang.

“Bold, dare to speak out against His Majesty the Emperor in this way.”

Li Si stood up and angrily rebuked the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“Your Majesty the Emperor?” It’s ridiculous. ”

Of course, the Soul Heavenly Emperor knew what His Majesty the Emperor represented, which was the title of the supreme ruler of a secular kingdom.

It’s just a pity that this kind of title is of no use at all to a master like the Soul Heavenly Emperor.


Only to hear the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s roar, a powerful breath erupted from his body. This is the breath that belongs to the Doudi Strong.

It is more powerful and more domineering than the Fighting Saints.

The terrible breath, the mountain roars and tsunamis generally spread around.

It made Qin Shi Huang difficult for them to breathe, especially Li Si, who bore the brunt of it, and his face was even more pale in this situation.

He didn’t expect the strength of the other party to be so terrible, just the breath that flowed from his body made him stiff and unable to move.

I can’t imagine what the consequences would be if the other party shot at him.

I’m afraid I won’t even know how I died.

Don’t say it’s him, even the others feel a shortness of breath at this time. Such an aura was too strong, far beyond their imagination.

Even land immortals like Qin Shi Huang and Bai Qi felt tense in the face of the breath of the Dou Emperor level strongman.

It was as if he had seen a predator in an instant.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s gaze swept over Qin Shi Huang.

Although the majesty of Qin Shi Huang’s body made him can’t help but take one more look, it was only that.

His strength is too poor.

It was completely unnoticed by the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Don’t say that it was Qin Shi Huang, even if the people he brought together were not taken to heart by the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

This is the self-confidence of the Doudi Strong. Push everything sideways, overbearing.

In the face of such a gaze, Qin Shi Huang wanted to shoot several times, but he stopped living.

He knew now was not the time to fight.

If you want to fight against a world like the Douqi Continent, you must also raise the level of the Kyushu world.

If you rush to do it now, it is likely to bring ruin to the Kyushu mainland.

Qin Shi Huang’s every move was not taken into the eyes of the Soul Heavenly Emperor. He led the people straight to the previous box.

As soon as I sat down, a familiar figure appeared at the door. Ancient Patriarch, Ancient Yuan.

At this time, Gu Yuan was wearing a golden robe with the other elders of the Gu Clan behind him, while beside him stood Gu Xuan’er.

Because Gu Yuan had become the Emperor of Dou, Gu Xin’er was also in this period of time, because of the bloodline, her strength had grown by leaps and bounds.

In just a month’s time, Gu Xuan’er’s strength had already reached the astonishing level of Dou Zun.

Moreover, her potential has not been exhausted, if she is given time, Gu Fu’er’s strength will definitely be able to break through again.

Reaching the peak of the Nine Star Dou Saint was a sure thing.

Not only her, but also the rest of the Gu Clan had more or less improved their strength because of Gu Yuan.

Because of this, the strength of these people from the ancient tribe this time has changed significantly.

As soon as Gu Yuan appeared, he saw the Soul Heavenly Emperor sitting in the box, and the eyes of the two collided fiercely in mid-air.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire auction hall became extremely solemn.

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