Chapter 234 Fighting Emperor Battle!!

“Who is my Dao, it turns out to be the Soul Patriarch.”

Gu Yuan’s tone was yin and yang and strange.

“I couldn’t imagine that the Soul Patriarch had come so early.”

“Each other, I just sat down, I didn’t expect me to sit on the front foot, and your back foot came.”

The tone of the two was very ordinary, and they could not hear any special emotions in it, but everyone present could hear that when the two were talking, the tone was more or less tinged with gunpowder.

“I also think it’s strange, originally I thought I would be the first to come here, but I didn’t expect to be pulled out by you, it seems that the strength of the Soul Patriarch is extraordinary!” I just don’t know what benefits you have gained in the Tuoshe Gudi Cave House?! ”

“If you have a chance, you can try it.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor smiled and said without smiling.

“That’s exactly what I meant.”

Gu Yuan looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor sitting in his position and couldn’t help but nod his head.

The two actually had a long-term intention and wanted to compete with each other.

It’s just that I haven’t had a chance all the time, and I actually met it today, so naturally I will have to fight.

“Yo? Both of you are here? ”

The voices of the two men had just fallen, and another figure appeared again at the door. The man was dressed in a red robe.

The body is filled with a powerful atmosphere that cannot be ignored. It was the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, Huang Tian.

As soon as this person appeared, he quickly attracted the attention of the Soul Heavenly Emperor and Gu Yuan.

All along, in the eyes of Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor, there was only each other, because in their hearts, only the other party was worthy of being their opponents, and the Phoenix Heaven that suddenly rose at this time made them involuntarily look at each other a few times.

The other party relied on Feng Dan and successfully promoted to the Dou Emperor.

Although the foundation is not as deep as theirs, after all, it is also a Dou Emperor, and it is a complete Dou Emperor.

This makes them have to raise their vigilance.

“Huang Tian, I didn’t expect you to have today, it’s really surprising.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at Huang Tian’s eyes with a glimmer of killing intent.

In the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s heart, there was only one Dou Emperor of his own on the Douqi Continent. Both Huang Tian and Gu Yuan must die.

The other two people’s thoughts were basically similar to those of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

There was only one Dou Emperor on the Douqi Continent, which was undoubtedly the most in their interests, and the other two were better off never existing.

Because of this, the atmosphere between the three of them instantly became tense.

Obviously, if this was not the auction venue of the heavens, they would probably take a shot at each other at the first time.

However, just when the atmosphere between the three of them was tense, Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng suddenly appeared.

The solemn atmosphere quickly attracted the attention of Ye Fan and Ye Qincheng. Especially in such an atmosphere, Ye Fan’s face quickly turned pale. The atmosphere of the scene was too strong for him to resist at all.

However, what was surprising was that Ye Qincheng ignored all this, as if he hadn’t seen it, and dragged Ye Fan to the auction hall.

Such a situation immediately caused a wave of doubt to arise in Huang Tian’s hearts. The breath emanating from this woman’s body was very ordinary.

It’s just an ant, and they can kill them with a wave of their hands.

However, it is this kind of person who can freely walk through the breath between them, and even carry a man.

It’s hard not to get their attention in this situation.

“It’s a master.”

The three were the first to realize the situation.

Especially Huang Tian, when he was aware of this kind of thing, concentrated all his energy on looking at Ye Qingcheng in his eyes.

He wanted to see how far Ye Qiancheng’s strength had reached. Sensing Huang Tian’s gaze, Ye Qincheng instantly turned his head to look at the other party.

Originally, Huang Tian thought that the other party was just an ordinary woman, although he had some strength, he didn’t need to pay attention to it at all.

What really made him care was the reason why the other party was able to travel through this agitated breath.

That was when Ye Qiancheng turned his head to look at him.

Huang Tian instantly felt that a magnificent goddess appeared in front of him.

If that’s all there is to it, then it doesn’t matter, and more importantly, the goddess’s eyes.

It’s so cold.

That cold and merciless gaze made him feel only cold and hairy.

It was as if at this moment one’s soul would be frozen, and one’s life would be harvested.

This terrible feeling made him instantly pale. Thump……

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Huang Tian suddenly knelt down to Ye Qincheng.

“The seniors spare their lives, the predecessors spare their lives, I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare anymore, please spare me.”

Huang Tian begged for forgiveness while constantly kowtowing to Ye Qincheng.

Such a scene made some people in the venue stunned, and no one expected that Huang Tian would suddenly make such a move.

Especially Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor were even more surprised after seeing Huang Tian’s move.

Everyone knew that Huang Tian was a strong person of the Doudi level, and how strong the Doudi Emperor was, they themselves knew very well.

But now such a strong man actually kowtows to a nameless pawn and begs for forgiveness.

This really made them feel inexplicable, and at the same time, they were curious about Ye Qingcheng.

Is there really any difference between this unusually beautiful woman?

Thinking of this situation, both Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at Ye Qiancheng in unison.

At the same time, the soul power of the imperial level also covered the past at the first time.

However, their soul power did not react in the slightest when it touched Ye Qiancheng’s body.

That is to say, with their current strength, they simply could not find the difference in Ye Qiancheng’s body.

Naturally, the two of them also divided Ye Qiancheng into the ranks of ordinary people at the first time.

A waste that had just stepped into cultivation actually scared Huang Tian, a powerful Dou Emperor, to his knees and begged for forgiveness?

It was simply incredible, it really disgraced the face of the Dou Di Strong.

“Hmm, what a waste, it’s a shame to be the same as you as the Emperor of Dou.”

Regarding Huang Tian’s behavior, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was very dismissive.

Only to see Huang Tiandi wave his hand, he brushed his face aside. It seemed that he really didn’t want to look at Huang Tian anymore.

Not to mention that it was such a tyrant as the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and even Gu Yuan was very contemptuous of Huang Tian.

I really don’t understand, how did a person like Huang Tian become the Emperor of Dou?

The things behind him naturally also attracted Ye Fan’s attention, and after the two sat down, Ye Fan asked Ye Qiancheng.

“What happened to that guy just now?” How did you suddenly kneel down to you?! ”

Ye Qincheng smiled slightly.

“I don’t know, I guess it’s a madness.”

“Is it?”

For this point of solution, Ye Fan naturally would not believe it, but since Ye Qincheng was unwilling to say more, then Ye Fan would not ask more.

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