Chapter 235 The Auction Begins!!

Soon, the originally empty Heavens Auction Hall was full of people. One of the most eye-catching is that among the many people who came, there was actually a milk doll that was several years old.

This little doll looks not very old, holding a cup of animal milk in her hand, and there is even a little milk stain on the corner of her mouth.

Everyone can see that this little guy is afraid that he has not been weaned.

But his body and blood are extremely fierce, making people feel numb at a glance.

“The qi and blood on Lao Tzu’s body are not as strong as the qi and blood on a milk doll?”

When everyone noticed the child, the hearts of almost everyone present collapsed.

Although their strength is very strong, it is far less than the perfect world in terms of the polishing of the body.

Don’t look at the small stone now, it is only two or three years old, but his current strength has reached the terrifying level of forty or fifty thousand pounds.

Such a terrible power, several times everyone, few people can achieve. Even Ye Fan, who was the Ancient Sacred Body, was far inferior.

“Where the hell did this kid come from?” How could the qi and blood under the body be so thick? ”

Looking at the child sitting in the position not far away who was constantly drinking milk, Ye Fan felt depressed in his heart.

I thought that after cultivating for so many days, my strength was already many times stronger than before.

But compared to small stones, it is still a lot worse.

“It should be some kind of special refining technique.”

Looking at the small stone not far away, Ye Qiancheng said so.

Not only that, Ye Qiancheng also felt a trace of unusual breath on the small stone.

There is a little familiarity in this breath, but there is a little difference. It made her wonder.

“What kind of practice technique is this, actually can reach this level, this boy looks like two or three years old, two or three years old to this extent, then grow up?”

Hearing Ye Fan about to say, Ye Qincheng didn’t say anything more, but just smiled.

Then the two did not continue to talk, but just sat in the same place and waited.

Watching all kinds of strangers walk into the auction hall from outside, Ye Fan didn’t have too many ideas.

On the contrary, after seeing these people, Ye Qiancheng couldn’t help but show some shock in his heart.

With her current strength, she could naturally detect that the breath on these people was completely different.

That is to say, almost every person and horse belongs to a different world.

“So, the auction of the heavens, people from different worlds participating in an auction at the same time, is that what you mean?”

Thinking of this, Ye Qincheng was also looking forward to this auction more and more in his heart.

She had always wanted to resurrect her brother, but in the world of Heaven, she had exhausted all means to achieve this wish.

But if you rely on the power and resources of other worlds, then it is not impossible to achieve this wish.

“Interesting, the Heavens Auction, it’s really getting more and more exciting.”

With more and more people from all walks of life, the entire Heavens Auction Hall has also become full of people.

Qin Yu stood backstage with Yafei and quietly watched all this.

After a moment, he looked at the woman next to him.

Then he pointed to the people in the auction hall and said.

“These people are all from different worlds, how’s that?” Are you nervous now? ”


Yafei wanted to say that she was not nervous, but at this time, her heart told her that she was actually very nervous.

Suddenly facing so many people from different worlds, it is impossible to say that you are not nervous.

Fortunately, Yafei has outstanding auction literacy.

After a moment of nervousness, Yafei took a deep breath. Shake your head.

“I’m much better now.”

“If that’s the case, then come with me, the auction is about to start.”

After saying this, Qin Yu took Concubine Yafei to the stage.

As soon as Qin Yu appeared, the audience quickly became quiet.

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but look at Qin Yu, but the graceful, beautiful concubine beside him was directly ignored by them.

After all, they are people who come to buy things, but they are not here to see beautiful women.

Beauty is available all the time, but the good things that appear in the auctions of the heavens do not appear all the time.

“First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the Celestial Auction again.”

“But it will not be me who will preside over the auction today, but the auctioneer Yafei next to me.”

“From now on, she will preside over all the auctions of the Heavens.”

Qin Yu’s words caused everyone in the audience to exclaim.

Many people thought that Yafei was just an assistant brought by Qin Yu, but they didn’t expect that she would actually be the auctioneer of the Heavens Auction.

And the auctioneer is so beautiful.

For a moment, everyone was talking about it, especially the people who came from the Fighting Qi Continent, and their eyes widened even more when they saw Yafei.

Because of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, they could feel that this concubine in front of them had a thin fighting qi in her body.

Obviously, Yafei was from the Douqi Continent.

Compared to the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Xiao Yan in the audience was even more shocked.

Who Yafei was, he knew very well in his heart. This woman is known as the first beautiful woman in Utan City.

But I didn’t expect that she actually came to the Heavenly Temple, and she also became the auctioneer of the Heavenly Auction, which was simply unbelievable.

If it was at some other time, Xiao Yan might have gone over to climb the relationship at this time.

But in this heavenly auction, it was obviously not possible, which made him a little choked.

“I’m not going to participate in the next thing, the auction starts!”

Qin Yu said this, and then turned around and walked off the high platform.

Leaving Yafei alone to face it.

If other people were suddenly faced with so many people from different worlds, I am afraid that they would have been nervous and unable to speak, but this was not a problem for Yafei at all.

Although Yafei, who had already seen the world, was nervous when she first saw this kind of auction, she quickly recovered.

Only to see Yafei standing on the stage taking a deep breath, the tall twin peaks, rising and falling violently with her breathing.

If it had been in the previous Mitre auction venue, her action would have caused the men in the audience to whistle loudly.

But this is the auction of the heavens, and the vast majority of the men present have unparalleled insights.

For these men, what kind of woman has not seen, naturally will not be much interest in her behavior.

Those men who were very interested in Yafei’s figure did not dare to be brazen here.

So the whole auction hall is very quiet and orderly.

For all this, Yafei also experienced this for the first time, which made her feel a little surprised in her heart.

The Heavens Auction was truly extraordinary.

The people who can come here to participate in the auction are not idle.

“Hello everyone, my name is Yafei, from today onwards, I will preside over the auction of the Heavens Auction, if there is anything wrong, please give me more advice.”

Yafei spoke alone on the stage, and the audience looked at her quietly, no one applauded, no one cheered, and no one made a dirty sound.

The whole auction hall was eerily quiet.

For all this, although Yafei was surprised in her heart, she did not care too much.

“Next, the fifth auction of the heavens, now officially begins.”

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