Chapter 236 The First Lot Item!!

During the conversation, Yafei took out the auction item that Qin Yu had handed him earlier. This is a jade brocade box.

When Yafei took out this golden box, everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but look over.

“The first auction item at the Auction of the Heavens is…”

Yafei did not say the name directly, but deliberately lengthened her voice, and finally said it after everyone’s appetite was satisfied.

“The name of the first auction item is the Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Medicine.”

“As the name suggests, this elixir has a powerful power that can make people immortal.”

“Once you take the medicine, you can really reach the point of immortality.”

When Yafei told everyone about the characteristics of the Nine Turns of the Immortal Medicine, there was a sudden exclamation from the scene.

“What? How could there be such an elixir, it was simply incredible. ”

“Oh my God, how can you have this elixir, wouldn’t that be equivalent to an endless lifespan?”

“I can’t imagine that there is even such a elixir in the Heavenly Temple, which is really eye-opening.”

In fact, it wasn’t just these people who were Qin Yu and told Yafei that the effect of this elixir was also shocked in her heart.

The elixirs she had auctioned off before, although they were also extremely precious.

But compared to this Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Medicine, it was simply worse, I don’t know how many times.

The gap between the two simply cannot be calculated in terms of reason.

I’m afraid that even if all the items in her entire career are added up, they are not as precious as this elixir.

You can imagine how precious this elixir really is.

“Immortal medicine?” I couldn’t imagine that there would be an immortal medicine in the Heavenly Temple, and it was the first auction item. ”

What is the Immortal Medicine?

If someone had asked Ye Fan this before, he would definitely not have been able to answer, but now that Ye Fan had been living in the cultivation world for a while, he had more or less heard of the legend of the Immortal Medicine.

That was a kind of magic medicine that could make the emperor live one more life. I couldn’t imagine that I was directly put up for auction here.

I don’t know what those emperors in the Heavenly World will think after they know about this matter?

Not only Ye Fan, but even a ruthless emperor like Ye Qincheng was shocked after hearing the name of the Nine Turns of Immortal Medicine.

Compared with others, as the Fierce Emperor, she could better appreciate the powerful power contained in this elixir.

Because when this elixir was taken out by Yafei, she used her powerful divine consciousness to see the characteristics of this elixir clearly.

It is no exaggeration to say that this elixir will never have any conflict with the Immortal Pill and the Nine Turns Golden Dan.

That is to say, after taking the Nine Turns Golden Dan and the Immortal Medicine, taking the Nine Turns Immortal Pill again can also have an effect.

Whoever could get these three divine medicines, any emperor would be able to easily live three lifetimes.

It’s just amazing.

Even the Cruel Emperor couldn’t help but be a little frightened.

“This auction of the heavens is really not small, even such a elixir can be easily taken out, I can’t imagine what will happen in the next auction?”

Just when everyone was amazed.

The concubine on the stage spoke again.

“Maybe there are still many people here who don’t understand what the Immortal Pill is, so I’ll give you a detailed introduction here.”

“As the name suggests, this medicine can make people immortal after eating. Thus achieving true heaven and earth longevity. ”

“I think that just these four words of Heavenly Harmony Shou can show the value of this elixir.”

After saying this, Yafei looked down at the stage.

If there were people who had not realized the value of this elixir after hearing the name of the Nine Turns of Immortal Medicine.

Then, after Yafei’s explanation, she finally realized that something remarkable had appeared in the auction of the heavens.

Seeing the reaction on everyone’s faces, Yafei then smiled and said, “This Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Pill only needs one to allow anyone to achieve true immortality.” ”

“As long as you don’t get killed or commit suicide by others, people who take medicine can achieve true longevity with heaven.” I think everyone here would love to get this elixir. ”

As she spoke, Princess Yafei involuntarily looked at the faces of the people.

She said over and over again about the Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Medicine, just to strengthen the effect of this elixir in the minds of everyone again and again.

Thus impressing the crowd.

But obviously, the faces of the people now are enough to show that everyone has aroused great interest in this elixir.

In fact, even if she didn’t say it, everyone present had an incomparably strong desire to buy this elixir.

Among these people, especially Qin Shi Huang, his face turned red with excitement after hearing the description of this elixir.

Immortal immortality, immortality!

These eight words continued to echo in Qin Shi Huang’s mind.

For the matter of immortality, Qin Shi Huang had a strong obsession from the day he ascended the throne.

If it is said that cultivating into an immortal gave him the opportunity to live forever.

Then, the appearance of this Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Medicine directly placed the opportunity of immortality in front of him.

“This elixir must be in hand.”

The idea in Qin Shi Huang’s heart had just fallen.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice sounded in the middle of the field.

“Since the Nine Turns Immortal Pill is so magical, I don’t know if this elixir has an effect in the world where the Dao Dao is deficient?”

For this question, originally Ye Qiancheng was only casually asked.

After all, she actually knew something about the characteristics of this elixir in her heart.

Yafei said that it didn’t mean much.

Only after hearing Ye Qiancheng’s words, Yafei was immediately stunned.

Because even she didn’t know whether this elixir was useful in the world where the Dao Dao was flawed.

Her expression was also seen by everyone in the audience for the first time. This immediately aroused the interest of everyone.

Even this beautiful auctioneer could not answer, and it seemed that the question was very tricky.

At the same time, everyone was also a little curious about the world that Ye Qiancheng, the female population said that the avenue was deficient.

I don’t understand what kind of world this is.

Even the word “avenue” is quite unfamiliar.

In particular, the people of the Fighting Qi Continent were full of doubts. Don’t understand what the avenue is.

However, Zhang Xiaofan, who had come from the Immortal World, had some understanding of this. Because of this, after hearing Ye Qincheng’s words, Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but look over.

“How sad is it to be born in a world where avenues are deficient?”

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy for Ye Qingcheng.

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