Chapter 241 I am out of thirty million!!

After a long time, someone finally couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and it was only at this time that everyone finally reacted.


The originally silent auction hall quickly became full of people, and everyone couldn’t help but get excited.

“This calamity is so strong that he is able to face so many group masters with ease.”

“That’s a trillion god clans, so many god clans, in the face of the disaster heavenly king, actually have no power to resist at all.”

“I can’t imagine that people’s strength can be so strong that even a world is shattered.”

“It really makes people feel incredible, so many people just stand there and let me kill, I guess I can’t kill them all.”

“You found that no, the strength of those god clans is also very strong.”

Some people are amazed, and some people are as good as they are.

After all, if such a scene makes no one find out, it is really strange.

Especially those few Dou Emperors finally came back to their senses after watching this scene.

Such a discovery made them can’t help but tingle their scalps.

Although they had never fought against those gods, and had never even heard of them before, they could see it from this image.

The strength of these god clans is very strong.

Even the worst of these Divine Clans was equivalent to the Douzong level. And that’s just the worst.

There are countless stronger people than the Dou Sect.

The Dou Di level strong people they saw alone were in trillions of dollars.

Such a terrible amount, just thinking about it makes them feel numb in their scalps and cold sweat all over their bodies.

That is a trillion Dou Emperor, these people get together and spit on each of them to drown them.

Even the number of strong people whose strength is far above the Dou Emperor is innumerable.

However, this kind of strong person was not vulnerable at all in the face of the Heavenly Emperor of Disaster. Countless powerful people died like grass and mustard.

Only then did they finally realize that their Dou Di level strength was placed in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

The three Great Fighting Emperors all had such thoughts in their hearts, not to mention these people in the Kyushu Continent.

These people were shocked and speechless after seeing the battle images of the Disaster Heavenly Army.

If the Dou Emperor was already strong enough to make them very desperate, then the power of the Disaster Heavenly Emperor had already made them completely lose their desire to resist.

Such a strong person is really too strong, if you face this kind of strong person, it is estimated that you are not even qualified to take a look.

Powerful and unbeatable.

This is everyone’s impression of the Heavenly Emperor of Disaster. At this moment, the concubine on the stage suddenly opened her mouth.

“I believe that everyone has a very clear understanding of the Disaster Heavenly King and the Great Cataclysm Technique.”

“In addition, I need to tell you that the level of this cataclysmic technique is level seven. That is to say, the Great Cataclysm Technique is a seventh-level spell, and as for the power, everyone has just seen it, so I will not repeat it here. ”

“Now the fifth Heavenly Auction, the second item officially began to auction the cataclysm. The reserve price is 10 million value points. Each parent must not be less than one million value points. ”

As Yafei’s voice fell, everyone present was thrilled that ten million worth points was really not expensive for a seventh-level magic.

Not only that, compared to Dan Yao, this seventh-level magic was obviously more useful.

Because of this, everyone enthusiastically offered after Yafei’s voice fell.

“I’m out of eleven million points.”

“I’m out of twelve million points…”

“Fifteen million points of value…”

In the face of the Great Disruption, everyone couldn’t help but start to make crazy offers.

But everyone has a scale in their hearts, so everyone is very cautious when quoting.

Of course, this kind of thing is also related to their own financial resources, compared to those big forces, many people’s hands of heaven and earth treasures are simply not enough to support them in the auction of the heavens.

“I’m out of sixteen million points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor quoted his price at this time.

Obviously, he was also cautious at this time, and did not directly raise the price of the Great Cataclysm Technique too high in one breath.

For his behavior no one felt anything strange.

Therefore, after hearing the offer of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Gu Yuan and Huang Tian and others did not say anything, but followed the quotation closely.

“I’m out of seventeen million points.”

“I’m out of eighteen million points.”

“I’m out of nineteen million points.”

Just when everyone was rushing to make an offer, a strange and familiar voice appeared in the middle of the venue.

Those who came from the Douqi Continent were stunned after hearing this voice, and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

“Candle Kun.”

Huang Tian recognized the person at a glance, and a trace of terrifying killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The enmity between the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan and the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan was too deep. Almost to the point where either you have died or I have lived.

Otherwise, Huang Tian wouldn’t have been able to hunt down and kill the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan all the time. However, since Huang Tian had become the Dou Emperor, the Tai Xuan Ancient Dragon Clan seemed to have disappeared from the Douqi Continent, and it was very annoying that she could no longer find it.

I thought that the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan would never appear again, but I didn’t expect that Candle Kun, the last Dragon Emperor of the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan, would actually appear in the Heavens Auction.

This made Huang Tian’s heart rise up with a feeling that there was no place to step on the iron shoes, and it was completely effortless.

“Huang Tian, I didn’t think you were here too.”

Candle Kun looked up and looked at Huang Tian with a smile.

“Well done… It’s so good that I didn’t think you would dare to appear in front of me. ”

After hearing Huang Tian’s words, the smile on Candle Kun’s face was even brighter.

“What’s not to dare?”

When Huang Tian noticed the smile on Candle Kun’s face, the whole person was immediately stunned, she did not expect that Candle Kun actually dared to smile at herself at this time.

Is this guy so afraid of death?

She didn’t know that Candle Kun had already sent her daughter to Qin Yu’s side ten days ago.

The other party is the lord of the heavenly temples, and if his daughter goes to the side of the heavenly temple lord to do things, doesn’t that mean that his daughter is now a person of the heavenly temples?

Moreover, the lords of the Heavenly Halls had already agreed, as long as something happened to the Ancient Dragon Clan, they could come directly to the Heavenly Halls to find him.

It was precisely because of this that Candle Kun did not pay attention to Huang Tian at all.

Even if the Phoenix Heaven was more powerful, could he be stronger than the Heavenly Hall Lords?

There are people behind it, and they are not flustered, and this is the current state of Candle Kun.

Huang Tian also obviously noticed that Candle Kun now had a fearless look, which made her wonder in her heart, not understanding what was going on with Candle Kun?

“Is it possible that the Tai Fei Ancient Dragon Clan has now turned to the Ancient Clan or the Soul Clan?”

Look at the appearance of this candle kun, the phoenix sky is unknown.

It’s just that the confrontation between the two is sure not to attract the attention of others. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the Cataclysm.

When the candlestick quote passed, someone else quickly stepped forward.

“Thirty million is worth five points.”

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